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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. yeah...probably on Saturday night. Tell him to go home get some sleep and actually play some football on Sunday.
  2. It would have been wise to review the waiver wire for quality backups or final cut tackles who might be an improvement over the pathetic losers we have STARTING here. God knows what OUR backups have to offer. I don't know why we didn't go out on a limb and get
  3. Good point..I curse the Buffalo front quite a bit these days. But the Flutie curse kind of takes the pressure off the poor bystards.
  4. I'd be happy if they would start by getting embarrassed.
  5. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/22649113/ Maybe is has nothing to do with Gailey/Nix...Edwards...the offensive line...the 3-4. We are getting our comeuppance? Remedy... Rename the team...Flutie Flakes Rename the stadium....Doug's dugout
  6. First...I didn't say they cut him. Just that they didn't try to re-sign him. How you can make a statement that a perennial all pro and possible hall of fame player would not have made a difference when replaced by players who couldn't possibly make the starting lineup of any other team is just beyond. me. The point is Gailey/Nix had a glaring problem with a lack of starting receivers and didn't do enough to solve that problem. This is not the worst of their problems on offense (the line and quarterback were probably worse problems...neither of which they addressed either).
  7. The way we played I'm surprised he didn't pull down his pants, teabag him and then sodomize the offensive line while he called them bytches. Remedy....play better football.
  8. Peyton and Eli Manning made it clear that they were only interested in teams that would not jeopardize them physically. If Luck sees the same offensive line we're putting on the field to protect TE/Fitz/Brohm, I think he will be reluctant to come. Which is okay as I believe we should address the O tackle situation first and foremost and it looks like there will be some real quality tackles worthy of a high first round pick next year. Come to think of it there might be some quality tackles in round 2 and we could do worse than picking OT's in both rounds.
  9. I think it is pretty well accepted that if we had wanted to keep TO or Incardona we almost certainly could have worked out a deal. I for one believe that going to 3-4 was what pushed Schobel into retirement. While not a Josh Reed fan, I find it hard to believe we got rid of him without a viable replacement or at least didn't deal with it in the draft. Just a mess, and it IS definitely a mess grossly exacerbated by Nix and Gailey
  10. not so much panic mode as it is a clear case of stupid mode. What did he see in the first two weeks that he shouldn't have seen on film the week after he was hired? He set his universe on a quarterback set of three "never was" quartebacks-Edwards, Fitz and Brohm. He should have seen that this was not a quarterback pool to win with. More important he should have seen that he had even bigger problems on the offensive line and addressed those. Panic? Nope...Just reality setting in.
  11. Eventually some on this board will catch on that "the problem" isn't TE or the offensive line or our paucity of receivers or moving recklessly to a 3-4 defense, but rather CHIX failing to recognize areas of weakness and making moves to rectify the situation.
  12. We have worse than average players at almost all positions. You would expect that a number of players would be starting. Spiller isn't starting because he was ineffective and the two guys we already had are pretty darn good...something Nix and Gailey knew when they drafted Spiller. The o-line and qb positions sucked...something Nix and Gailey knew...we needed good receivers, linebackers, defensive end, tight end and any number of positions for starters. The more I read these posts the more convinced I am that rebuilding should start by showing Nix and Gailey the door.
  13. One offseason with a draft, free agency, a need to re-sign players, the possibility of trades to fix obvious weaknesses, and two game that make Dick Jauron look exciting. If you would let one of your employees sit around for 9 months and do nothing, I fear for your business. Or maybe you work for the government.
  14. DeMarcus Love OT Arkansas. I don't know why I bother. We'll probably draft another safety or running back.
  15. We are already playing with scrubs. Are you sure the bills are decertifying the union or did the union ask the bills to leave as they are so embarrassing?
  16. hmmm..his best move is something that he didn't do. Says a lot for the guy. It appears he did shop him though. His best move would be resigning.
  17. probably that running back from alabama. We need another year to assess fitz and brohm. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.
  18. Bingo...going 3-4 was a puzzling move and the thought "if it ain't broke don't fix it applies." We could have upgraded the defensive line a bit in free agency and been fine on D. the offensive was on life support at the tackle and depth positions on the o-line, at qb and we needed receivers.... Failure to address this is on Nix and Gailey.
  19. Where are you going to find a virgin in Buffalo? "Curse of the Bambino" The Gods impose justice for not starting Flutie. Hope this doesn't go as long as the Red Sox curse.
  20. one of the ways to stop them from laughing is to stop being so pathetically funny. Something like getting a couple of offensive tackles, not losing your best defensive lineman, drafting for actual need. That kind of thing might possibly help. Or better than all that...actually beat the New England Patriots. Last time I looked the game is going to start 0-0 and it is up to the Bills to decide what the final score is going to be.
  21. With all due respect, I don't think Trent is anyone's hot commodity right now.
  22. Well, you can freak out after two games thinking that this is the end product. That is your prerogative. I'll reserve judgment until the sample size is larger. And if you are expecting to somehow reincarnate the greatest coach of all time to fix the multitude of woes the Bills have, you go ahead. Have fun freaking out. Actually Todd, I'm not freaking out, just being realistic and looking at how you improve a team. I would think one might consider emulating good coaches (Lombardi) as opposed to bad coaches (Jauron), but maybe you and Gailey are right and emulating Jauron is the way to go. I'm just pointing out the objective fact that the existing duo of Nix and Gailey have done nothing to improve the team.
  23. you are quite right and we shouldn't lose sight of this. The 3-4 defense is showing signs of improvment pretty consistently. I think we have to focus on getting the other team OFF the field and there is plenty of room for improvement, but everything you say is true and frankly quite heartening.
  24. Boy I'll bet they are watching this year's bills in anticipation. It will be like that Dolphins perfect season only the opposite. At the end of the season we can bring the 71 bills back to celebrate being let off as the worst bills team in history.
  25. no no...that is not how it works. You determine where the weaknesses are, get rid of the players who can't cut it, and bring in players who can improve your team. As a result you get better, and do not get worse. Can you understand that? Vince Lombardi in 1958 took a team that had lost all but two of twelve games. That's one win and one tie had lost all but two of its 12 games (a win & a tie), worst in Packers history. The 1959 Packers were an immediate improvement, finishing at 7–5. Rookie head coach Lombardi was named Coach of the Year. Seems reasonable to expect some significant improvement. We have gone from middle of the pack with a lot of injuries and coaching issues at the end of last season to the worst team in football today. That doesn't speak well for rebuilding.
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