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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I agree. As I have said all along, he gives us nine wins or goes at the end of the season. He seems to be making a lot of progress toward a negative decision at the end of the season. Would we keep him because "no one else wants to come here?" If so...then it would be wise to move the team. I don't believe that no one else wants to come here as some of the whiners and groaners (we suck but its okay because maybe five years from now we'll be good) crowd maintain. I think Nix either pulls his head out of his butt and gets moving on improving the team or we get someone else after the season to get serious about the job.
  2. I don't remember people wanting to throw jim kelly off the team. Hmmm..now perhaps that was because ....listen to this....he had winning record here? Wait a minute..we did dump Flutie with a winning record. Hmm...okay now throwing Fitzy out? I could see us clamoring for this if we should reach 0-10 or something like that. Only because..get this...HE WILL DESERVE IT. Another alternative is that he might actually win a few games, not throw game losing interceptions in the waning moments in which case we will not be calling for his head. Chan, Buddy, Fitz...try winning a few games..it will make life a little easier.
  3. oh..some guy with a number 75 jersey and Bulaga's name on his back was playing against buffalo. see http://www.twincities.com/sports/ci_16128723?nclick_check=1 But then..Spiller isn't starting either.
  4. Panic because there was a need for a scapegoat for the bills miserable performance in the first two weeks and the quarterback (who was awful) was a good one. He couldn't fire the offensive line he ignored, the undermanned 3-4 he put in place, the failure to keep or find suitable replacements for the players he let leave...so dump the qb and pretend that fixes the problem. A panic move since there was no need to dump him. He should have gotten a sense of what he had at quarterback and what options he had over the last five or six months and taken appropriate action. He didn't...and now he's panicing.
  5. When you have Cornell Green you aren't in much of a position to complain about OT's. Bulaga seems to be doing quite nicely at Green Bay. Oher seems to be doing considerably better than Maybin. Don't worry. We aren't going to start worrying about getting better til next year.
  6. I agree with Lombardi. How could they not know what they had even before the beginning of the season? Looks like an overdue move but one made based on panic more than reasoned analysis.
  7. What I respect is winning football games. Show me you know how to actually do that Buddy and Chan and I'll have some respect for you. Right now I'm seeing two guys who took a mediocre football team and made it into the worst team in football.
  8. The guy is right on point. If there is a "long term plan" one would think that Nix could actually verbalize it. Failing to plan...planning to fail.
  9. The only stat that matters is the final score. and that stat says Loser.
  10. Wood could have moved to center (apparently some say this is part of the "long-term" plan) and Incognito could have played gaurd. As Levitre has already suffered injury there would be more than a little justification for a "safety net" at this position as well. Maybe you are right and Nix's philosophy "less is more" AND "build something out of nothing" philosophy might work. I'm just not a big believer in peeing away a year and half before you get to work.
  11. First year GM. I build from the trenches back. My first order of business is to assess talent. The need for two quality tackles jumps out. If I am going to go to a 3-4 I also assess talent. I try to find leaders who will create a positive attitude on offense and defense. Perhaps I sign Flozell Adams (winner) to play for a year or two instead of Cornell Green (loser). I might want to try and keep a nasty bruising lineman on my team (Incardona). I might gp after a linebacker free agent like Karlos Dansby. Dansby would be tghe basis of the defensive rebuild. Expensive but you want to build a program. I would have drafted Bualaga to anchor the offensive line. I would hve relied on Lynch and Jackson as starting running backs (actually Lynch and Jackson ARE the starting running backs.) I would have let TO go (I spent too much in getting Dansby to even think I'm going to sign him) and hope Parrish and Stevie step up. If I'm going 3-4 I draft linebackers and cut Maybin and Kelsay. I try to get a legitimate nose tackle. These things were doable...they didn't get done. You don't sit on your ass and waste a year. If you are going to rebuild, do it from day one.
  12. 1. Where did Winfield and Clements go? Detroit and San Fran? It ain't all that hard. Believe it or not some of these guys are really in it for the money. 2. We could have offered what Miami offered to Incardona. How about NOT OFFERING Green nine million and three years and using it to sign Incardona? I suspect that that deal would be better than Miami's. 3. Bulaga (and everyone else in this planet) will never be more than they are. He's the starting left tackle for a winning team. Green isn't. 4. I watched Vick yesterday. Yes he is.
  13. A three year nine million dollar contract for a "safety net"? That makes buddy even more stupid than I thought. Incognito wanted out of Buffalo mainly because they weren't offering anything significant for him to stay. When you say the Buffalo Bills "can't get deals done" you are really saying "the guy who makes deals can't get good deals done". The guy who makes deals is Buddy Nix. And he hasn't shown anything yet.
  14. he threw two bad picks that lost the game. He threw some good throws and moved around well. He's better than Trent Edwards. That's like saying that someone drinks and drugs less than Lindsay Lohan.
  15. "2. With a few additions in the off-season (QB, LB's, OT's) this team can turn things right around in 2011. I have confidence in Gailey and Nix." We could have made those additions in 2010. Great Linebackers were available in free agency. Vick might have been available had we made an appropriate offer. Bulaga would be starting at left tackle. Adams might have been at right tackle. We would have had Incardona. Its not the invasion of freaking Normandy...the guy should have improved the team in his first season. What makes you think he'll do any better if we give him a second?
  16. he should be on borrowed time right now. Every time we lose Ralph W. should lean into his ear and go "tick...tick....tick." Nix made crucially bad moves (Cornell Green, letting TO and Incardona and Schobel get away, getting Spiller instead of a good tackle or qb) and nightmare non-moves (free agency, trade, waiver wire). Nine wins buddy...or time to go out to pasture.
  17. I agree Bill, whatever the pick we get we will be looking at a quarterback or a left tackle. We can argue over which way to go, but those are the critical areas of need. I'm starting to think a case might be made for a true blue chip linebacker as well.
  18. hmmm..it seems that the problem with the defensive line centers on the fact that the line can't rush or tackle, the linebackers are second rate defensive ends playing out of positions and the secondary isn't very good at covering receivers. Fix that and we're in contention!
  19. I actually thought he was cool to. Disclosure interests require me to point out that I am fat and out of shape as well, and probably couldn't do that stuff either. He seemed a sincere and decent guy. That said, I think putting Ralph on the offensive line wasn't a great idea. Maybe drafting Bryan Bulaga, who seems to be doing a good job for the packers might have been a better one.
  20. I think we do have to get a new quarterback, but it is up to Fitz in the next 10 games or so to establish that we don't. I'd keep an open mind but I'd certainly be looking at lots of college quarterback film in the meantime.
  21. I was watching TV last night and watched the show "undercover boss" where a fat and out of shape CEO of a hotel system worked as a maintenance person and in housekeeping and kind of showed how awful he was at basic jobs. At the same time after seeing Cornell Green kill yet another drive by holding (how can a guy get so many holding penalties when he never actually stops or slows down defensive linemen?) penalty, it hit me what is really going on. Cornell Green is the "UNDERCOVER BOSS" of the Buffalo Bills. He is really Ralph Wilson whooping it up with the players and it will make for a really need Undercover Boss episode later in the season. Ok...you should have enough film by now. Put an actual offensive lineman in before someone gets killed.
  22. You're happy with our tackles? Put down your doobie and look at the last three games and get a hold of the real world. Oh...and ask the old lady what she put in the brownies she gave you before the game.
  23. I agree. We still have a long way to go, but Fitz is a heck of a lot better than Edwards. Gotta get better on the tackle positions though...and Green is a drive killer.
  24. "passable"...you're happy with passable? Cornell Greens drive killing penalty? You think the line was "passable". I beg to differ. Somewhat better than the last two games? Perhaps. But why aren't getting out of the cellar with this group. We need two offensive tackles.
  25. Its Flutie...no way around it. We should hire some kind of curse lifter to figure out a way out of this.
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