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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. http://www.examiner.com/miami-dolphins-in-miami/breaking-news-dolphins-release-lb-erik-walden-sign-rookie-robert-rose Don't know if he's any good, but do know that a number of our existing linebackers are not very good and a we don't exactly have a lot of existing linebackers. Might be worth a look.
  2. hey, we came fairly close to upsetting the Pats last week. Not to say a close loss is anything to brag about, but with a break here or there the result could have been different.
  3. if he succeeds we should look elsewhere for the source of our offensive problems. The two positions we might want to examine are the offensive tackles. Those two fat guys who the defensive ends run by on their way to the qb.
  4. jacksonville media...jacksonville fan...so what? The point is that Jacksonville is not universally in love the thought of TE as the savior. That being said I wish him the best. Aha...so now that he's gone we're going to the playoffs?
  5. Levitticus also says leprosy is contagious. it isn't. I wouldn't put a lot of money on Levitticus for accuracy about disease, morals or the word of God for that matter.
  6. http://blackandteal.com/2010/09/30/trent-edwards-yet-another-bad-decision/
  7. Geez there was the season we only won 2 games!!! We had some horrendous horrendous seasons. But on the other hand we had some great seasons. The Kemp/Lamonica championship years, the Ferguson/OJ years and the Kelly/Thomas/Smith/Reed years. Some years are diamonds and some years are stones to paraphrase the old song.
  8. If I remember the season where we won only two games (1970, I think) both of them were against the Jets. Not that that should be an omen for this team. I think we have to concentrate on time of possession with a heavy duty running game, perhaps even going with two running backs most of the game. Sanchez can get rattled with a heavy pass rush (note to Chan...get a heavy pass rush in the near future.) but I don't think we have that right now from what I've seen in recent weeks. Maybe with Poz back that might improve. I do not see this as an impossible game to win. Just put it all together and fight like hell. We beat these guys and Jacksonville and we can go into the bye 2-3 which would not be bad at all.
  9. life is challenging enough without us making it more difficulty for others. God bless those poor kids who ended their life. Hopefully we can all work to end this invidious discrimination based on sexual orientation.
  10. I'm sure getting rid of TE under all the circumstances was the right thing for the Bills, regardless of how he performs for Jacksonville. Will it be somewhat painful if he is an instant success there? Sure..but if he's got what it takes and he just needed a new place to do it...good for him.
  11. I definitely think we will score more points. I'm worried about the D, especially the pass rush. Sanchez is vulnerable if there is pressure, but I didn't see much pressure last week. Still, if we go ballstothewall pass rush and the offense continues to improve we may get one in the win column and have something to build on.
  12. 1. Haven't you been reading this board? He doesn't want to come to Buffalo...no one does!!!! We can't do anything. 2. He sucks 3 He doesn't have character. I'd rather lose with what we have. 4. Chan and Buddy have a plan. They can't do anything this year.
  13. Which holes have been fixed? Not the LT or RT hole. Not the tight end hole. Certainly not the quarterback hole. The present crew created a slew of NEW holes by going to the 3-4 without the personnel needed to run it. The 2010 draft did little if anything to fill those holes. If we were going 3-4 it begins with a mammoth nose tackle...we didnt' get it. Tough 3-4 linebackers? we are going with lousy defensive ends being retooled into lousy linebackers. New holes were created at no. 2 receiver, guard (at least depth wise) and defensive end by not keeping what we had. Tell me one hole....ONE...that has been fixed in the present administration?
  14. how about replacing one through free agency (Karlos Dansby perhaps) One through the draft (round 2 or 3) One through letting four or five of the losers you mentioned go and picking up possible actual players through the waiver wire or trade? I'm not seeing any real action to get better. I guess a lot of posters on this board think we will get better by doing nothing this year and picking up 22 starters with our high draft picks next season.
  15. How many posts have there been about qb's haircuts? Says about where the team is when we worry so much about their hair styles. Says a lot about the posters as well. Jack Kemp had a crew cut, Jim Kelly was balding. I think we might do better if the effort was on how to play this week and this year and not on sartorial splendor, off-field bs, or "rebuilding" next year and two or three years into the future.
  16. Get real. We are 0-3. We are tied for worst team in the NFL. We can quibble with "we're not as bad as" the other 0-3 teams. We are less sucky than X. Fact is we are losers until we win. How do we change that? Win a couple of football games. Hey Chan...how about starting by winning on sunday against the Jets?
  17. hey...it could happen. And we could beat the jags. getting to the bye week 2-3 would be a very very good way for the season to pick up some momentum. Fitz and the offense will have the momentum, our O-line had better put on their game face (and be helped with a blocking back on most plays) but our defense is going to have to take itself out and give itself a talking to if we are going to beat the jets.
  18. "transitioning year"....transitioning from pretty bad to awful?
  19. Of course we shouldn't be second guessing. Its not like we're 0-3 and the obvious deficiencies of the team have not even begun to be addressed. Let's all be pollyannas, accept that we are writing this year off (did ticket prices go down or get waived this year?)and maybe the powers that be will show some action in the upcoming year or years.
  20. What do you MEAN that this team has no plan. The plan is to dyck around for the first year, run off the better players, then to develop a plan in the second year. We will implement the plan in the third year and execute the plan in the fourth year, after which will begin the cycle again with a new coach and gm.
  21. We need two tackles. Oher would probably play left and Bulaga would play right tackle and that would be a major improvement over what we have. Would it have made a difference? I think so, but who is to tell. The issue isn't so much Oher and Bulaga being good as it is Green and Bell being bad.
  22. I'm not buying into the "trade away" our better players philosophy. Field Goal kickers have long careers and special teams need to be built around a good punter and a good field goal kicker. I don't like the idea of trading Marshawn, frankly our best running back at the moment, unless omeone comes in with a very good offer. I have a completely novel approach to solving the bills problems. Take what's bad (TE, Green, and a host of others) and get rid of them as fast as you can. Find players who are good to great to fill weak spots Offensive Tackle for instance. Use all avenues to rebuild quickly and that includes trades, drafts and free agency. Going fire sale ballistic to get rid of quality players just doesn't make sense to me.
  23. What would be fun to speculate on is what he would have done personnel wise if appointed at the time Gailey was. He might have approached free agency and perhaps the draft differently. I wouldn't have been surprised if he drafted Spiller at 9 though. TE would have been gone early on and I suspect he would have looked for a qb like McNabb or Vick.
  24. We could do a lot worse than Mike Leach. Actually come to think of it...we HAVE done a lot worse than Mike Leach.
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