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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. is it possible that he is milking no-talent players in hope of finding one little spark of talent in the mess we presently have on the offensive line instead of actually drafting, signing, keeping or taking off waiver wires linemen who might actually have some talent and might be able to play a little football? Where are the people who told me that CJ Spiller would be so good that the offensive line problems wouldn't matgter? Where are the 3-4 crowd that maintained the change would turn a tepid 4-3 defense into an effective defense?
  2. yup..I'm so sorry for doubting that you could go from a weak 4-3 to a strong 3-4 using the same players while getting rid of your best defensive lineman and one of your better (at least in comparison to what else you have on the field) linebackers. I;m so sorry for my injudicious comments when we brought Cornell Green from the Oakland Raiders where he was an ineffective penalty machine to become the stalwart of our already ineffective offensive line. I'm sorry I doubted the Spiller pick and favored getting an offensive lineman who could actually help us this year. I'm sorry I disagreed with the tree hugging dog lovers who dissed the prospect of signing Michael Vick. I'm sorry I doubted the wisdom of appointing Gailey and Nix who were not (apparently for good reason) on anyone's radar as outstanding possibilities. I'm sorry I doubted the wisdom of losing every frigging game to get a number one overall pick when we have been so ineffective in picking in the draft in any event. Nine wins, Buddy and Chan..you better get cracking.
  3. That's the ticket...trade away your number one picks for a fourth round pick. Maybe we can get a third round pick for Spiller?
  4. But why? If he wants to sell the team, why doesn't he just sell it? There must be some value added to selling a viable franchise rather than a notoriously inept team that needs a complete rebuild. It would be kind of comforting to find a valid reason for the nightmare that has become this team, but the most logical explanation is a remarkably incompetent series of front office decisions. To put it mildly we have actually gone downhill from a "high point" (????) of Donohoe and Williams to the crew we have now. I do admit that the Bills leaving town now would be considerably less than painful than it would have been if they left right after our four superbowls...but I don't think Ralph is all that concerned about how we take it.
  5. yeah..you were right about the linebackers. Come to think about it, you were right about the offensive line. Let me look at this again...oh..you were right about the defensive line...ooh...yeahhhh...right about the draft picks too.
  6. yes...we would have been better with either of these coaches. Any moron would have seen the need to create an effective offensive line. Any moron would have seen that we didn't have the personnel for a 3-4. Any moron would have seen that we did not have a starting quarterback. Any moron would have been extremely active in free agency, kept TO and Incognito, Drafted an OT or two, signed a free agent like flozell, and done a good job to creat a winning program. Frankly any moron owner would have hired either of these two over the guy we have.
  7. Just because a player may say he would like to be released is not an indication that it is impossible to sign him. Money has a way of curing those concerns. This wimpy "oh we'll never get him or keep him because he doesn't like us...or Buffalo...or the coach." is the typical loser attitude that got us into this mess. Jim Kelly didn't want to play here. OJ didn't want to play here. I don't know how Bruce felt, but I can't imagine he was overjoyed at the prospect.
  8. When they benched Wood I said, "Okay..thank goodness we kept Incognito as insurance." Then I realized...we didn't keep Incognito for insurance. Note to Chan and Buddy..the freaking lines are the worst problem on this team ...get on it.
  9. All I know is what I see. I decided to give them a chance and watched as they did nothing. Even then I supposed they knew more than I did and decided to give them a chance to show something on the field that indicated improvement. I thought nine wins would insure that they knew what they were doing and headed in the right direction. They obviously do NOT know what they are doing and have taken a mediocre to arguably good football team and turned it into the laughingstock of the league. I don't care if they were the equivalent of Bill Polian, Tuna and Vince Freakin Lombardi somewhere else. SHOW ME THE BABY.
  10. TSW has received a number of emails from actual fat girls expressing displeasure at being compared to bills lineman. Most of them are positing that if we would actually put real fat girls on the offensive and defensive line we would be playing much better.
  11. It has not been four weeks. It has been a draft, OTA's a preseason and four games. Chan should be showing us something by now. He isn't.
  12. Well...the Bills have worked very hard to earn the right to be mocked as a terrible football team.
  13. We don't have the personnel for a 4-3 anymore either.
  14. We can make it clear that Nix/Gailey is NOT the answer. They have done nothing as of this date to improve the team and it shows. We have much less talent on our roster at this moment than we have had in any team this century. The reason for this is primarily the actions and inactions of Nix and Gailey. Even with the non-talent that exists on this team Gailey has played the games we have played this year very badly. As fans? Stop going to games, stop watching the games, and make it clear that changes have to be made. If it means the Bills move, so be it. The crew that we put out on the field is embarrassing the whole city.
  15. kind of like prison..when you're a bytch you really should go out of your way to be friendly to the folks who are taking advantage of you, or it will probably be a lot more painful.
  16. Nix could resign. Gailey could try to do something with the talent he's got, which would mean som pretty exotic maneuvering to compensate for not offensive line (two tight ends, using a fullback to protect?) Emphasizing the running game (two backs.) Aggressive special teams play (on-sides kicks, fake punts) Going for it on fourth downs more often. Defense? Try to keep the defense off the field (go for it on fourth) go for a time killing run game on offense. Balls to the wall pass rush (as if we have people to actually do such a thing.) I think the number one thing for turning the ship around is to dump nix and gailey at the end of the season.
  17. Yup...it is clear now that the real problem was not the offensive line at all, but rather Trent Edwards. It is clear that going to the 3-4 without appropriate personnel and losing two of our better defensive players makes for a better team I was wrong in thinking that CJ spiller would more than make up for the lack of an offensive line. His two touches yesterday really proved that. I was Wrong in doubting Nix and Gailey's "sit on your ass" strategy for free agency and trades. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
  18. I'm still curious about Gailey as head coach and want to see him play this season out. I've pretty much given up on Nix and Wilson, but don't see much change in the Wilson front. The question is whether they are going to see that they need personnel to get even a mediocre team and that if they want to build they have to start from the trenches back. That has been obvious for years and there is NO move to address theneeds we have.
  19. just what we need...an obnoxious loser to epitomize our football team.
  20. Actually with the crop of qb's we're looking at in the draft I suspect there will be 4 or 5 good quality qb candidates in the mix. I say wherever we end up let's go with the best one available unless a stud OT or linebacker is sitting there. I'm not a "best player available" guy but we have a number of critical positions of need. I'm still thinking qb as the most important right now, with OT and LB behind, but not too far behind. We'll certainly be in a position to really help ourselves.
  21. i have some confidence and hope that this will not rank with the all time stinker teams. I think we can still pull a few wins out of this. We'll just have to see what transpires the rest of the season.
  22. Actually, given our last few drafts we have built a pile of crap through the draft...That being said the draft is just one of the processes we need to build a quality team. Also we don't build a team through "next year's" draft. We do it through "this year's" draft. This year's draft so far isn't exactly crying out as the beginning of a rebuild.
  23. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The ONLY way to rebuild a team is through the draft? No trades, no free agents? I suppose the Bills didn't trade to get Cornelius Bennet? Did we draft Steve Tasker? Pete Metzlaars? James Lofton? Name me a team since 2000 that has gone to or won the superbowl that didn't rely on trades or free agency to strengthen the team. Is the draft important..yup. Is it the ONL way to rebuild a team...hell no.
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