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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Maybin, Poz and McCargo? Three first or second round picks? And we're relying on the draft to rebuild?
  2. At this stage Gailey should have a pretty good idea that Maybin isn't in the cards as a defensive end and not as a linebacker. Cutting him or benching him for a long look at some other players is the only realistic option. The organization doesn't have to "defend" the pick as it wasn't Gailey's or Nix's decision.
  3. Good point. Most players given the choice to stay and play football while the dust clears on the NFL in a lockout would probably play and engage in wait and see. Not that we are snake-bitten, but we could have the number one overall pick in the weakest draft year of all time.
  4. But Fewell, as good as he was, didn't do it with "this group of players" He had Schobel, who was an excellent defensive end, and a group of actual linebackers who knew how to play linebacker. He had a weak defensive line with the exception of Schobel and the guys who remain are playing unfamiliar positions. We've got the wrong system with the wrong players coached by the wrong person. I can't think a better recipe for an 0-16 season.
  5. But then what is the plan? I don't think we are talking a big secret here. The paucity of activity this last year is startling and can hardly be part of this "plan". It sounds as if it might include getting a quarterback in the draft this year based on general statements and comments. Fine...but what else is in the works? Wasn't it Gailey who said "show me the baby?"
  6. The system isn't "the" problem as much as the talent. We don't have much in the way of a defensive line in either system and we are darn near out of linebackers. The cupboard is all but bare when it comes to run stopping or pass rushing. What had been a pretty good well coached defense with a first rate coach but beset by injuries and a dysfunctional offense is now simply a defense without talent, without effective coaching and without a real defensive system. Not a recipe for success.
  7. And Kurt Warner was a free agent....Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana, Jack Kemp, Bart Starr, and a host of other qb's were somewhere in the lter rounds. However, your point is valid that if you were a betting man you're chances of getting a great pick are much better (for any position) in the first round.
  8. It looks like we have almost a lock on the first or second pick, and I can't imagine we won't go with a qb on that one. Doesn't help us with the pyss poor defense or o-line, and I suppose the rest of draft should go to giving the new qb the support he wil need to be successful, meaning fixing the o-line (REALLY fixing the o-line) and getting another quality receiver. I find it hard to believe we will go through another season with the same defense we have this year, but there may not be any alternative.
  9. wow....if they "find" a quarterback the same way they "fixed" the o-line, I'm not sure they won't trade to get Trent Edwards back!
  10. I love this "it takes three years" talk. Why? Is it like planting a seed and watering it or like some super gestation period where a playoff team pops out from some orifice? Time does not have much to do with it. You can pretty much analyze your talent on game film and make a lot of headway in your first draft. You can become active in free agency from the get go. You can make trades. You can be aggressive in keeping what talent you have. This isn't "time" oriented...its "action" oriented. My problem is that I've seen very little action on any significant front that would make change in two years, three years of five years very likely.
  11. I don't see anything Faustian about Vick playing football in Buffalo. He committed a crime, owned up to it, served his time, has been, as far as I know a good member of the Eagles. I come from a religious background that does in fact push redemption over eternal damnation (and in my religion God makes those decisions...I don't). Faustian is more for those of us who eat meat chicken and eggs. Read Jonathan Safran Foer's book Eating Animals and you will see that we (I eat meat chicken and eggs) actually pay money to people to engage in brutality and torture far worse than anything Michael Vick was ever accused of in the chicken, beef and pork industry. And we pay good money for the various practices to continue. Now THAT is a deal with the devil. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, but I'm not going to cry tears over criticisms of the guy by a tree hugging dog loving hypocrite....now maybe if you're a tree hugging dog loving vegan?
  12. I'm still thinking he's going to open up and admit he was "undercover boss" the first few weeks of the season...How else do you explain Cornell Green?
  13. Me crusading? I'm not saying who meets "moral" standards to play in the NFL. Would I like people to be nicer or better? sure... Crusading for the bills? yup...guilty as charged. Been a fan since they came to town in 1959-60...its a shame to see what levels they have sunk to this year.
  14. http://www.northjersey.com/sports/pro_sports/football/104397064_Giants__look_ahead__Perry_Fewell_on_hot_seat.html oh...the Giants held Houston to 10 points.... 10 points...that's about what we've been holding offenses to in any particular quarter. Some team will probably looking at this guy as a head coach.
  15. hey..I'm morally opposed to drunk driving and killing old people, to raping co-eds, to hit and run drivers, to taking steroids, to not signing autographs and to electrocuting, and drowning dogs. Just because someone doesn't fit into what I morally oppose that they shouldn't be able to make a living. yeah yeah..you love dogs. some people love trees...god bless you but it doesn't make you and nfl commissioner.
  16. hey...relax rookie. I, the NFL, most of the fans in Philadelphia, and probably most people in this country don't feel he should be banned from the NFL. Maybe you are right and we will be just fine without signing, drafting, or keeping any quality players...I'll apologize if that is the case and we make the playoffs.....
  17. I can't think of any. Spiller is the closest as he is a very good player, but not what we needed... so I agree that won't qualify. Cornell Green was a bonehead move, Letting TO and Incognito go was a bonehead move. I don't think there is any...not one good player move made all year.
  18. i respect your opinion, but I figure if he went to prison, did his time and is allowed to play he should play. In a world where children are murdered, where rape is a political weapon, where bodies are being found in deserts in Texas and Arizona I'm just not all that excited about the dog issue. Vick would be better than Fitz. I'm not looking or someone to date my sister, just for someone who can play quarterback. I agree on spiller in that there is no one else with his talent on this team. That is a pretty low bar to get over though.
  19. now as opposed to the day Nix Gailey took office? When Jauron left we had a middling good team beset by injuries and coaching woes. We needed immediate help at the tackle positions and quarterback and to sign Owens and Incognito. The 4-3 needed two new linemen, a defensive end and a good solid tackle. Most if not all of these things could have been addressed in by trade, draft or free agency. The team has deteriorated drastically since. Assuming we dump nix/gailey at the end of the season, draft wisely and bring in new players I think we could be a playoff team in three years.
  20. I still say give us nine wins or you're gone Chan. And the chances of doing that at this point are pretty well nil. I think Nix and Gailey are gone at the end of the season.
  21. yeah..we might have gotten rid of Peters, but look at the great decisions we made getting rid of Owens, Incognito and Lynch...
  22. Where on earth are we getting all this belief that Buffalo will make a good choice with its first round pick? WE DON'T PICK WELL.
  23. Buddy is negotiating to get Trent Edwards back for a second round pick.
  24. Again..I apologize for criticizing the choice of Gailey and Nix when they were appointed. The goal is to destroy this team so that with our 0-16 record we can get the first overall pick in the draft so we can find another Aaron Maybin.
  25. and vick, and bulaga, and flozell adams and incognito and Mitchell and Karlos Dansby. I suspect if we had those guys I wouldn't have to be applogizing...oh...and a different coach and gm... But maybe I'm wrong and chan and buddy will get the nine wins...there is still time...
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