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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Best player available at any of about five skill positions starting with qb, ot, de, dt, olb. The best player available will likely be from one of those positions. I think at the moment Luck is in luck as the best available player at a position of need, but that might change.
  2. Isn't this really who is the worse of two bad head coaches? If pressed I'll go with Gailey as he and Nix have made some incredibly stupid moves and non-moves since arriving resulting in a laughing stock win loss record and no visible plan for improvement.
  3. I strongly hoped we would have drafted Ngata as our number one pick when he came into the legue. It would be very good to get him now. He would go a LONG way to giving us a legitimate defensive line.
  4. Just say we trade down to 11, let Arizona get Luck and get a top ranked DT/De or OLB and have two second round draft choices for OT or two OT's. Still Luck is looking pretty good so far as a franchise type qb. It would be hard to pass up the opportunity to get him.
  5. Manning was a remarkably talented quarterback on a godforsaken offensive and defensive football team. Fitz is a somewhat talented quarterback on a godforsaken offensive and defensive football team.
  6. how to get there from here? First what business are you interested in? Do you have experience, skills, knowledge, education or a particular skill that lends itself to success in this business? If not...how do you go about getting it? Working in the field might be a start. Network and make real contacts (not necessarily or exclusively the folks "marketing" the product. Research the field and talk with existing franchisors about their experiences. Due diligence is critical. Financing? Family and friends might be the best way to go.
  7. I think lacking complete confidence in the offensive line in this case is because the offensive line doesn't deserve very much confidence. Having confidence in this offensive line might very well be suicidal.
  8. I predicted Fewell as a head coach when he left and wanted him. People pooh-poohed my assertion that he was a good prospect for head coach AT THE TIME. I was not happy with the Gailey pick...at the time.
  9. jackson can't run with this offensive line. Spiller can't run with this offensive line. If ANYONE were going to run with this offensive line it would be a beast running back like Lynch...oh...we traded him.
  10. Actually I am seeing a lot of that thinking on this board. I'm not in favor of losing every game THIS year. Losing is a freaking disease and we have a loser attitude. Even the fans are talking about how much "fun" it is watching us lose week after week as if the first pick is going to take us to the superbowl. The actions of the crew running the show makes it clear they are never going to make a winning team (which is probably why they haven't successfully run the show in their careers before this).
  11. I really don't think so...Evans, Owens, Johnson and Parrish at receiver, Fitz at QB (under Fewell) Wood Hamgartner and Levitre (two tackles needed) Lynch, Jackson at running back, McKelvin, McGee, Florence, Byrd, Wilson, Poz, Schobel Williams Kelsay Stroud, Lindell and Moorman...we had some real talent there. Since then we didn't get the tackles we needed, let Owens go, fooled around with Trent Edwards, avoided Free Agency (except the brilliant move to get Cornell Green, which was laughable from the moment it happened.) and drafted another freakin running back. You are right though in that Jauron probably wouldn't have taken us to the playoff..but then Gailey is only taking us to the cellar.
  12. Enuf said...Even though we haven't won a game. Sooner or later you gotta finish the game with more points on the board than the other team. That ain't happening with a team that won a significant number of games last year.
  13. only if want the team to get better next year. If we're okay with the present situation let's just keep him and draft another running back.
  14. If there is a Julius Peppers, Bruce Smith, John Elway caliber player there for goodness sakes get him. If not, then trade down to get help for our pathetic offensive and defensive lines.
  15. The curse of Doug Flutie continues.....and so it goes.
  16. I'd just plain rather watch a team actually win a few games and maybe even (gasp!) go to the playoffs. The team we had the day Jauron was fired was a player or two from going to the playoffs. Unfortunately those players were quarterback and offensive tackle, two critical players. We didn't address those issues in draft, trade or free agency and we crazily changed our defensive scheme without a significant change in personnel. Going from a middling team (with a lot of defensive injuries) to the worst team in football took a lot of poor coaching, gm and owner choices.
  17. sure I can. There wasn't one person on any of the tickets I have any confidence in handling the economy, the health care system, the stupid wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I certainly wasn't going to have a part in putting any of these morons in. When there is someone to vote for who has the interests of the people in mind, I'll vote for him or her.
  18. Didn't vote for the first time since 1968. Couldn't find anyone running for office I could vote for on the national, state or local ticket.
  19. For the first time ever I didn't vote. No candidate in either party that I wanted to see in office.
  20. We're halfway there...our offense generates a lot of turnovers...
  21. piller ain't exactly in contention as rookie of the year. On the other hand we have a pretty pathetic offensive line and if you don't have any holes to run through you aren't going to look very good. Gee...one would have though we might have noticed that over the years and built us an offensive line before we wasted a number nine pick on someone who couldn't help us this year. Spiller will probably be good someday when we have an offensive line.
  22. fewell actually won a couple of games with this team...something that Gailey hasn't done. Gailey has had since the day he took the job the authority through drafting, free agency or trade to make significant improvements..and the team is worse than it was when he got here. Fewell given a chance would almost certainly have started Fitz, and I can't imagine he wouldn't have gotten an offensive or defensive line starter with picks one and two. Big mistake not going with him as head coach.
  23. 1. Dump present coaching staff 2. Draft offensive linemen 3. Draft defensive linemen 4, wrap up quality players presently on the team 5. Hire enthusiastic and aggressive coaching staff.
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