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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. When the O-line is bad, you go three and out and the defense spends most of the time on the fiel. When the O-line is at least mediocre as it was in the Steeler game, a Fitzpatrick (or gibbons or grerald or william)gets a chance to throw and Johnson gets a chance to drop a winning pass. Unless the O-line is fixed we go nowhere. The next thing is to get their offense of the field. That means get a great defensive front 7. Drafting a qb to ride the bench (and keep Spiller company I guess) is not the way to build a great team.
  2. yeah..i'm sure the first round picks and their agents read this thread daily.
  3. uh...oj averaged about 25 yards on punt returns and was the primary running back with 185 or so carries. This with an appalling front line. cj ia definitely not oj..even in his rookie year.
  4. Look at every single running back drafted AFTER Spiller in the first and second rounds. All of them are performing better. The juice had a bad offensive line his first year. The Electric Company and even the receivers were selected for their ability to run block by Saban (look at JD Hill's comments on being recruited.) Rauch didn't know what to do with him.
  5. Let me get this straight...instead of improving the offensive line you want to teach Spiller how to run with a bad offensive line?
  6. The basic question is this...how do you go from bad to good? I would suggest your inventory your team and look at the weakest areas..in our case the offensive and defensive lines and perhaps the linebackers. Given the need to have a run stuffing defensive line and that there seem to be good to outstanding defensive linemen in the pool, that would seem the way to go. In rounds two and three we'd be looking at offensive linemen and possibly linebackers and if there is a real catch there in round two or three we might go for a tight end. We are okay at running back and qb. QB is just not a priority for a team with the kinds of needs we have.
  7. pro bowl would be nice, but I think somewhat ambitious for a first rounder. How about making the starting f-ing lineup? Playing more than half the time? Standing out in any facet of the game, such as ohhh...running the ball, returning kicks, catching passes? Those would be nice indicators of something other than a bust.
  8. Nope...didn't see it..but I did see the Bills/Steelers game. I think the term "should have won the game" is a nice way of saying we lost. I stand by the position that the offensive line is the weakest part of the team which is an assessment based on pre-season and all of the games played so far.
  9. They weren't all that great against Pittsburgh. We're so used to awful that mediocre looks like brilliance.
  10. Fitz is the guy. More important is that our trenches are the biggest weak spot on the team and we need quality offensive and defensive linemen and linebackers more than anything. Drafting a qb would be like drafting a running back when you have a crappy team except for two running backs....ohhhhhh.....
  11. He is remarkably undisciplined especially with the time he has had in the league. I'd keep him in for the rest of the season and take a long hard look at what he has to offer. I'm NOT thinking we should draft a corner with our number one pick though!!!
  12. first rounders should play like first rounders. He couldn't beat out Jackson. Its a wasted pick unless and until it demonstrates value.
  13. Actually, I'm kind of stupidly excited about the five meaningless games.
  14. Duh...vick is rated number 2 in the nfl...Fitzpatrick number 20. Vick's rating is around 105, Fitz around 89. Vick's team is in playoff contention, Fitz is 2 and 9. How can you even think of comparing the two? http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/player/_/stat/passing/sort/quarterbackRating/year/2010/seasontype/2
  15. a lovely young made from Anheuser Said that no man could surprise her But a QB-Fitzgibbons Untied her Blue Ribbons And now she is sadder Budweiser.
  16. I would think after the second fine there would be a multi-game suspension. These clowns will write that check and keep doing it.
  17. Matthew 27:45-46 "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Admittedly He was going through a lot more than a dropped pass in overtime, but the point is there. Job's wife was known to advise Job to "curse God and die". We have had our dark moments where we have (wrongly..but understandably imhop) blamed the Higher Power. Hopefully the Big Guy will privately intercede with SJ and straighten things out.
  18. I'm a believer in a front 7 draft for sure. I'm tending to agree that this is not the best year for offensive tackles so I suspect we'll get a real stud franchise type defensive lineman or linebacker in round one. We could do worse than to dedicate the whole draft, like you did, to the trenches.
  19. the proof is in the pudding. The Bills have improved GREATLY since the break and it sure isn't because of added personnel or trades...hence it does have to be in great part attributable to the coaching. Gailey is beginning to make a fan out of even me.
  20. I'm not all that concerned. Assuming Peterson isn't up to snuff I'm not all that impressed with their running game. And the Bills have had a lot of games to accommodate for the weakness on the running game and will make some adjustments before the Vikings show up.
  21. Memo to Steve From God. Re..Dropped pass. Hey butterfingers, I create heaven and earth, get you through high school and college, get Fitz enough time to throw the freakiing ball, have it land on your chest so that all you have to do is stick your mitts up and walk untouched into the freaking end zone....AND YOU BLAME ME WHEN YOU DROP IT??????? Get real Stevie...you're starting to tee me off, and when I get tee'd its plagues, locusts floods and all that good stuff....Come to think of it I think I turned someone into a pillar of stone years back. Would be a good idea to turn the REST of you into freaking stone to go with those useless mitts of yours. God. P.S. Better get right with me before next Sunday or you'll be riding the pine, Bozo.
  22. I was anything but a gailey fan from the outset, and have criticized most everything he did. However he has done a wonderful job with this team since the break, and I'm having to reevaluate. Maybe he is on to something here. I think we might win another game or two and I'm getting more confidence that he will draft wisely and improve. I'm not fully on board the Gailey train, but he continues to impress since the break.
  23. I think the main point was that with Jackson and Lynch, and so many needs elswhere we didn't need to draft spiller (how many yards did he rush for this week?_)...Lynch was good in short yardage situations and could have played a major role. Lynch's performance in Seattle should be taken in context. http://www.nflgridirongab.com/2010/11/24/after-six-weeks-has-marshawn-lynch-been-worth-seattles-investment/ All that being said it is over and done with..Let's move on.
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