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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I said the minute the Bills started talking 3-4 that they didn't have the personnel for it and should be careful to avoid the mistake that Gregg Williams made in going to a 4-3 without the personnel (although he got them soon enough) and ended up with Hansen retiring early just like Schobel retired early. We took our licking by the transition and now is the time to get the personnel to fit the 3-4 defense. And Cam Newton isn't the personnel that is going to give us a quality 3-4 defense.
  2. I suspect we will pick a qb in round 3 or 4 and will pick up a veteran as a backup. No big deal. If Fitz goes down we don't have much behind him and probably won't have much behind him.
  3. That is one very different mock than anything I've seen. Newton has been talked about as a possible Buffalo pick for some time, so that would not be a surprise.
  4. Best analysis of Newton I've heard to date- A slow Michael Vick. If we wanted Michael Vick we should have gotten him when he was available.
  5. If Peterson falls to 3 (and he very well might) I think there is the option of taking a franchise level cb (not our greatest need) or of shopping a VERY attractive pick. It would be hard to screw this up. That being said we have some history of screwing up.
  6. I think we have to get a defensive line and offensive tackles before we worry about getting a qb. Fitz will do.
  7. We should help our team the best way we can with our draft, starting with the number 3 pick. The five "franchise" label name players seem to be Derius, Quinn, Peterson, Fairly, and AJ Green. Since there are three defensive linemen and defensive line is our major weakness, I suspect we will pick one of them. Moving down and getting a Von Miller type of player at the mid round would be great if we can couple that with an extra second and third rounder. Lots of options here.
  8. look...you don't have a clue as to what some team is going to want and how badly a team may see a need at 3 until the first two picks are made. Assume AJ Green is available at 3...some teams may want to go for him. Peterson may be the same, although we might bite and take him. Newton may be attractive to some team. You really have to be in the moment. All I'm saying is if the opportunity arises there had better have been some discussion about whether we are interested (and we should be) and what we are going to ask for (we should have addressed that contingency before the draft) and what we are going to do with the picks....basic preparation. I'm not criticizing the FO this minute, just suggesting they do their homework.
  9. trade down 1. best defensive lineman available in the middle of the first round 2. Offensive tackle early in the second round 3. Outside linebacker in middle second round 4. Tight End in early third round 5. Best QB, DB, or Offensive or Defensive lineman available in mid third round.
  10. Tho me their downfall was picking Mike Williams over Bryant McKinney, who was a pretty obviusly more talented left tackle. We went for "character" whatever the hell that is. Character and a buck will get you a cup of coffee some places, but it ain't going to get you into the playoffs.
  11. Trade picks in this years draft. Get a mid range pick (DE) and extra second (OT) (DE) and an extra third (TE) (OLB. We would have a much better team with these five guys than we would with Cam Newton, a defensive end and an offensive tackle.
  12. dareus just might make it to 3, and if so we should take him. If he doesn't make it to 3 we have a hard choice to make between some very good defensive linemen and taking a chance on Cam Newton. I'm still in favor of trading down.
  13. I would like to see Luke Stocker TE out of Tennessee in the mix, but it looks like he is moving up well into the second round and maybe late first, and I think we have such needs on defense and offensive tackle that we can't go that high for him.
  14. makes me wonder about Nix. "doesn't believe in trading down?" Even if the situation warrants it? To indicate that option doesn't exist in your calculus is is not a good sign at all. Every other general manager in the game believes that when the situation warrants it trading down is something to be considered. Sounds like an guy so set in his ways he doesn't consider the options. Result...we are going to be getting very high draft picks for years to come.
  15. Quuinn probably won't be the number one pick, unless he shows something absolutely stellar in the combine. I would see him going in the top 5 though... and Buffalo may be the team to grab him.
  16. Let's assume we draft Newton at number 3. Most of the rest of the draft will be defense oriented with the possibilty of a tackle. If we are wanting to get to the playoffs we need a first rate tight end for blocking and passing purposes and to insure that there is a real threat there to let Johnson and Evans work whatever magic they might have. Shockey makes a lot of sense, probably more than Sanders would as a free agent safety. Shockey has a little more tread on his tires, adn we have a pretty good safety in Whitner and just have to sign him. If we don't take Newton at three and go heavy duty into upgrading the front seven on defense (and getting us an offensive tackle somewhere in the second through fourth round), Shockey might not be worth spending money on as the offensive won't go through a major rebuild until next year. We might take a flyer on Luke Stocker out of Tennessee, but again we would be going away from the primary decision to rebuild the defense.
  17. geez...we get better by KEEPING our better players, getting rid of bad players drafting trading and free agency. Getting an injury prone guy at the tail end of his career (Sanders, and maybe Merriman) isn't the best way to do this. Sign Whitner and throw your money into free agent front 7 players where we have HUGE GAPING holes. Don't put band aids on little cuts when you are suffering from arterial bleeding.
  18. Igotta go Bruce Smith and OJ Simpson as the two picks that made me jump for joy. From the get go they were not only the number one overall pick in the draft by far and away the best in the draft. The "oh no" picks would be Maybin over Oher and Spiller. Spiller may still be quite good but he was not what was needed.
  19. grewat player, but he's going to continue getting injured. I think we'd better sign Whitner and concentrate on getting players in the defensive front seven.
  20. We are going to miss the playoffs until we decide not to miss the playoffs and draft, trade and play in free agency to get to the playoffs. It has been done by many many other teams and we just have to decide to do it. Drafting Maybins and Spillers and letting quality players leave, and failing to be aggressive in free agency and trades ain't going to get you there.
  21. Our offensive line was pathetic. We could have kept Incognito, signed F. Adams, traded for others, or drafted to take care of busines. We didn't. I'm not saying Incognito or Adams were pro-bowl caliber, but they would have been a valuable addition to the team and pretty much a no-brainer. We finished with a worse record than we had the year before and no remedy for our offensive line woes going into the future. The jury may be out...but deliberations are coming to a head and I'm not sure Nix and Chan are going to like the verdict.
  22. "2 or 3" years is shorthand for STFU and put up with us in thecoming season. It means we can waste a first rounder on a luxury pick It means we can ignore obvious critical weaknesses on the offensive and defensive lines through draft, Free agency and trade. It means we can fail to move aggressively to keep quality players. It means we can be capricious in changing our defensive scheme without the players to carry it out. Ah...2 or 3 years again.
  23. cutting Stroud and the linebackers makes me think they are going to go heavy defense in the draft.
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