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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. It was meant as a compliment. I'm not all that impressed with either of them but when they do something right, as they appear to be doing by not "telegraphing" their pick, I'm ready to give them credit. Hell..If they get nine wins next year I'll rethink whether I'm a fan or not.
  2. I'll take the jets as a second team if no one else steps up.
  3. I could live with a trade as described, but with the understanding we would dump Kolb for a second. I think I like Fitz better than Kolb. While all of this would be nice it calls for a lot of things happening.
  4. I don't understand. At 3 there are a million options and we have brought X number of possible options to on site discussions, Gailey and Nix have gone to particular pro days, and it shouldn't be hard to guess within about 4 or 5 players where we would go on draft day. Defensive lineman or maybe Von Miller. I don't see terrific interest in the cornerback position, nor do I detect a lot of quarterback interest. The "black hole" if there were one might be the discussions (or lack of discussions) regarding a trade down. I'm not a fan of either Gailey or Nix, but I don't see that they are obligated to lay their cards on the table for the media.
  5. Trading down for an extra second and third pick at least...that would be the ticket to a HUGE improvement of this team.
  6. Barksdale...LSU has a penchant for recruiting good linemen...
  7. ARE YOU NUTS???? A draft this heavy with defensive linemen and linebackers and we consider taking yet ANOTHER running back...I guess this is proof positive that some consider Spiller a major bust. I'm not ready to give up on him yet. We may have one of the two best offensive tackles make it to our second round pick and almost certainly will have one of the two best tight ends. I can't believe there won't be an outstanding linebacker available. Running Back???? RUNNING BACK???? Why don't we draft a punter to back up Moorman!!!
  8. Bulaga Oher Meachem (Tennessee) Ngata no first round pick ok with Lee Evans but pulled for Jason Witten (Tennessee) in round 2 Bryant McKinney over Mike Williams was ok with Nate Clements I think if we would have drafted these guys we would definitely have had a MUCH better team. I think they were the obvious picks for us at the time (allowing for my Tennessee bias)
  9. Good running backs are good enough to get out of a crowded backfield and work their way onto the field. Spiller had better do that this year.
  10. Stating the obvious. Our drafting has been a nightmare under Donohoe and under Gailey. It started with picking Mike Williams over the far better (and everyone with ANY knowledge knew it) Bryant McKinney. And then it was a mishmash of picking without any consideration of need and a very limited consideration of talent. I have not been impressed with the present administration's drafting (or trading or free agency) to date.
  11. In my ideal world we would have traded back, gotten a very good defensive end or tackle in round one, a goo offensive tackle and outside linebacker (or tight end luke stocker of tennessee with our second round two) and a defensive end or tackle in round three.
  12. Peterson is a franchise player, and although I think we have to address a pathetic defensive line and stop the run first and foremost, I could live with a Peterson decision, although I think it would be the end of Chan and Buddy. I think its time that even Ralph wants some progress on the win/loss aspect of things, and I think the big bang for the win/loss movement and for overall rebuilding is the defensive and offensive lines. If we are stopping the run and sacking the qb, the defensive backfield we have will do for now.
  13. I had an old cat who suddenly began doing that. After the fourth time he went to the loving arms of cat Jesus. Your dog sounds awfully young. I think you might want to take him to a vet to get an idea what the problem might be.
  14. I said it at the time and I'll say it now. Brian Bulaga. I think he would have helped us a LOT more than Spiller. Did then. Do now.
  15. Spiller needs a quality run blocking offensive line.He will certainly live up to his potential. My suspicion is that while he might live up to whatever potential he has, if he indeed is not a good runner between the tackles, he doesn't have all that much potential to live up to. If that is the case, and I hope it isn't, he will definitely be a major bust.
  16. him and millions of others. Many without the resources and family support he has. But hey, that's American health care.
  17. KRV might just remind us of Cookie Gilchrist and Billy Shaw,Tom Keating and others from one of the Bills all time great teams. Actually Gilchrist had a good running mate in Wray Carlton. Cookie could eat defensive up and spit them out with the best of them.
  18. nine guys you like. Dareus, Quinn, Newton, Peterson, Von Miller, Fairly, AJ Green, Gabbert, Costanzo, and there would be a few others. I'd trade to nine easy to get another second and third, or a second and a first next year.
  19. Dareus, Quinn, Peterson. I am not in love with picking another cornerback given our needs in the front seven and offensive line,but I am hearing this guy is really special. I'm stil leaning toward one of the two or three truly outstanding defensive linemen, but I'd live with it if we picked Peterson instead.
  20. parcells did lots of things well...drafting qb's was certainly not one of them.
  21. We are certainly in a position to make a huge transition on defense with this draft. The first three rounds are full of outstanding defensive line and linebacker candidates. New defensive co-ordinator, changing system, and three or four good rookies to start and I think we will be cooking with gas. Offensively we should look to trade or free agency to shore up the O-line and get a quality tight end. I really like Luke Stocker of Tennessee but I see him going late first or early second right now, and we have heavy duty defensive needs that have to be addressed in rounds one and two. If he lasts til three...who knows?
  22. I gotta lean toward shoring up the defense. Coming away with a good solid Defensive End, a Defensive Tackle and a good Linebacker would help immensely and improve our record immediately. We got Waanstedt as a defensive co-ordinator and I think we are kind of obligated to give him something to work with. This means the offensive line should get strengthened in free agency.
  23. business opportunity on the internet...one word....Pornography!
  24. Ahhhh...the French connection...Martin Perreault and Rene Robert. They don't make lines like that very often.
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