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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Two problems from the Colts defense...The quoted portion of the contract talks of her "committing acts" of notoriety, not "having committed". The contract language quoted refers to future acts or acts committed during the term of the contract. If the Colts wanted warranties of past behavior they should have asked for that. Given that many of these women are attractive and have had modeling experience it would arguably have been their responsibility to have done due diligence before they hired her or to have had a provision for termination on past behavior in the contract. The second issue is the allegation that "According to the suit, cheerleaders who are white have posed in similar photographs and haven’t been fired." if proven, the Colts have an issue. The third issue is who decides what "notorious" means? This wasn't an appearance in a porn movie or obvious problemmatic behaviors. The Colts will probably quietly settle this baby for a lot of money and get a confidentiality agreement.
  2. Unless we improve our pass blocking offensive line the four of them will run their routes, turn around, and see Fitz on his ass.
  3. Hard to see ANY dispute about Dareus, as he is clearly an effective end in the 3/4 and playing inside in the 4/3. As one poster pointed out, Wannstadt (and even last year's bills) were not averse to a mix and match system where the situation and personnel warranted it. And Dareus is a star player at either position. I would go so far as to say he was the best player picked in a position of need and most likely to make a major impact in the first round. I don't think the bills have been in contention for that "award" in many years. The rest of the draft will get a lot of playing time and real chances to start right off the bat. Jasper was a fascinating last pick, and I'm hoping the middle picks will pan out as well. I'm getting kind of excited about this team.
  4. "So, you must think Marv was a loser, since he, unlike you, could distinguish the difference between a meaningless win and the bigger picture." Marv wasn't a spectator. As long as the participants, staff and scouts are committed to winning, it doesn't matter much waht we spectators think. Until of course the day when we are so disgusted we stop buying tickets.
  5. A "meaningless" win is theoretically one where it will make no difference. I have to admit I can see resting players after you have made the playoffs and have home field advantage to some extent. Throwing games to "win" a last place finish is not something that a Marv Levy would have ever done. When you don't have a win no game is meaningless. You don't become a winning team by drafting last. You become a winning team by learning how to win games. And you do that on the field and off the field with good solid drafting, wise use of free agency, keeping your better players, and judicious trading.
  6. Boy..I think with QB's especially you want that senior year body of work to look at before you even speculate on making a first round or even second round selection. Newton/Ponder/Locker/Gabbert and others kind of moved significantly based on their senior year and tournament and bowl play as well as the combine. I'd keep my eye on them, but I would be more interested in offensive and defensive linemen and tight ends for this team. I agree with a previous poster that you can never have enough linemen, and you get to look at any number of them who might have a bad senior year, or miss their senior year.
  7. If we are 3-16 we will be looking at a new coach and general manager. I would expect a minimum of nine wins this year. Sooner or later you have to show us the baby.
  8. I hold it true what'er befall, I feel it when I sorrow most Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. But then I have to qualify My position on this, pardner I don't mind loving, don't mind losing But PLEASE...not to the gardner!
  9. I would not want to be an offensive lineman trying to knock a "HUNGRY" Jasper out of the way.
  10. CJ will need a better offensive line, will need to improve his pass blocking (at least a little) and will need to master the weight room. If we improve at the tackle positions, I think this should be his breakout year, assuming he is going to have a breakout year.
  11. IF Merriman is okay and if Moats turns out well, and if Kelsay adjusts well (yeah yeah...a lot of ifs, but certainly not out of the question.) AND if Dareus, Jasper (big big IF)and Kyle perform...Our front seven problems might be over. It would make sense in such a case to have drafted the DB's we did. Hope we re-sign Whitner. This would be a big rebuild with a lot of people stepping up and stepping in, but it would have considerable. potential. Now to see if we can fix the o-line in free agency.
  12. Go ahead and say what you will. We won't say anything til we are ready to prove it on the field. Hopefully this year!
  13. I agree with you Joe, that it isn't cut and dried, but it just seems that we have problems keeping our better players. Lee Evans is an exception. I would not be surpised to see Poz leave or Byrd when the time comes. I think we have to put as much effort into keeping people (like Jabari Greer, a favorite of mine or Jim Leonhard). I'm not at all sure how...if I knew I suspect I'd be a highly paid bills exec!
  14. every year we seem to miss keeping better players, be it Winfield, Clements, Peters, Jennings, McGahee, Schobel etc and on and on. Somewhere along this line we had better expect to not only draft good players,but have a strategy for keeping them. It isn't good enough that at the end we think they "don't want to" stay with the Bills. This is a real problem.
  15. I think there are a ton of opportunities for the new guys, not to mention any free agents swe might pick up. I think this will be Gailey's defense doing what he thinks needs to be done.
  16. Bocce? boy it must be good as it was the best pizza around in the freaking 1960's That place should get some prize for longevity!
  17. and the identity of the courier and actionable information came from a telephone intercept. Just saying. Actually I could care less about waterboarding by the way.
  18. Waterboarding my ass. Elint, hard intel work and the commitment to follow up on information and act decisively. We waterboarded for ten years and the guy was still living high on the hog in Pakistan. We needed a guy with guts enough to decide to go and get him.
  19. I was a big fan of trading down, but Dareus looks to be one heck of a ball player,and I could see Nix turning down the offer to get him. Could have easily lived with either the decision to get Dareus or the trade.
  20. most of my facebook friends really didn't comment on the guy's death. I am happy he's dead and hope any number of his compatriots join him real soon. My problem with the celebration is that it is too early to celebrate. We should have twenty or thirty more of the leaders of Al Qaeda with their heads shot off real soon. They are criminal thugs who should have always been the targets of our energy. Funny how simple it turned out to be to get the big cheese once we actually committed our resources to that as the primary goal.
  21. This guy might be a real steal. I have a feeling that this will be one of our better drafts in quite some time. Kind of interesting if this guy, Dareus and Williams become our front 3. That's a lot of beef on the hoof.
  22. Well overall it is a good thing to have the guy gone, but there are people lined up to take his place and we ought to put effort into getting them as soon as possible. This is the thing we should be doing, going after the criminals and rooting them out no matter where they are. I can live with the dancing in the streets as long as we get down to business and keep after the terrorists.
  23. Geez...the guy was signed with Ole Miss, but transferred to UT Martin...Played BOTH offensive gaurd, tackle and defensive tackle, was a shot putter and has a huge vertical leap. I think he's a steal as a seventh round pick....When in doubt, go for the Tennessee player.
  24. hey..I'm rooting for the guy no matter where he plays. He is one big fella that can jump and move. It will be interesting to see what transpires
  25. hmmm..some of our "third eyes" are best left covered.
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