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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. hmm Vince Lombardi, Belichik, Parcells, Gibbs...what do they all do as head coaches that Chan Gailey hasn't had? Oh...yeah...superbowl wins....and a remarkable career of WINNING. Chan...so far his head coach career is one of LOSING. Hope it changes but it is what it is.
  2. it isn't about liking, it isn't about whether he has been "held back" or got screwed over other places....its about WINNING and LOSING. Right now he's a loser who didn't make the playoffs. When he makes the playoffs we can start talking about him being in the top third. When he gets to the superbowl we can rank in him in the top six, and when he actually wins a superbowl he can make a case of being a premier coach. Right now? loser...we can argue whether that makes him 32 or 29, but he's where he's supposed to be.
  3. neat and thanks for sharing...and I agree that you have a very cute little girl.
  4. I so not understand the reasoning that goes with the "should we re-sign Poz or Whitner" or "should we trade Evans?" posts. We are almost certainly going to have to play a season of some sort this year and and we need an inside linebacker, a good safety, and at least one more quality receiver for our passing game. On a team with needs such as tight end, offensive tackle, gaurd, and other places, why would we be doing anything other than keeping the few truly good players we have? Evans is a good solid number two receiver. Parrish should get a lot more play this year. I think we go with the receiving course we have and try to find a good solid free agent tight end.
  5. Kevin Boss or Mercedes Lewis are two free agents we should make a move for, assuming neither of them gets the franchise tag. Boss is a vicious run blocker and Lewis is no slouch in that area either. Both of them are scary good receivers as well. It would be a huge upgrade to the offense and to the offensive line to get either one.
  6. we had a plane shot down and crash into the jungle ripping off both wings, and the co-pilot and one crewman of a crew of seven died in the crash. It had an incredible ability to glide even if both engines shut down. I had heard a story that during world war 2 one of them had a wing replaced from a different plane altogether and carried on throughout the war. I've tried to find the story, but can't seem to place it, so it might be apocryphal.
  7. I kind of think that if the teams were in such fiscal stress more than a few of them would be up for sale. The treams have too much money and the players have too much money and they are fighting over how to split up even more too much money. Kind of hard to feel sorry for either side.
  8. Painful subject but certainly you raise a number of facts that would work toward the possibility of a sale to Toronto, and the fact that Ralph already is playing some games there adds fuel to the fire. In the end it will be about who puts the best package together and whether the league buys into the deal. A decision made very very far above our respective foodchains.
  9. If we had players to replace him....why didn't they replace him? Sign Whitner, sign Poz and move on to a winning season. Sooner or later you have to actually play the best hand you have. I remember people saying good riddance to Peters, and we haven't "replaced" him and we could probably field a better team than wehave right now with players we have let go.
  10. yes. I was pulling for us to draft Luke Stocker of Tennessee, but we passed. Kind of like another Tennessee tight end I was pulling for us to draft...Jason Whitten.
  11. When did I say he did anything "against the wishes" of Nix. He was big on Spiller, using he waterbug quote considerably before the actual draft. See, for instance, http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article43625.ece "Bills coach Chan Gailey said at the NFL owners meetings in March that he would like to have a change-of-pace back at his disposal in the Bills' new offense. The Bills' offense needs something special in the worst way."
  12. I'd have been a little more generous. Dareus would be an A plus in my book as he was the best defensive lineman and maybe even the best player available in the draft in a position of critical need for us. I think we went from an awful front seven to a mediocre front seven with ONE pick. A little luck and Merriman getting better and I think we might actually have a good front seven. Jasper is the other clear A (given the round) He has good mobility and is huge and has played offensive and defensive line and sounds like a blud collar guy. You aren't expecting much from a last round pick, but this guy could be a surprise. The other picks fill very real needs for the team. I'm very happy with this year's draft for the first time in a very long time. What could have made it better? A stud LT, but there wasn't one available.
  13. The point in the draft is that Gailey campaigned for and got Spiller instead of any of the tackles available (Davis or Bulaga) or any other offensive lineman. (Pouncey?). Couple that with getting spiller (a waterbug?) when you already have both a beastmode back (Lynch) and a very good running back (Jackson). I don't see a huge window to turning the team around. Saban, Knox, and Levy all showed a major improvement by the end of their second season. I'm not being inflexible as factors such as injury or holdouts, or other uncontrollable factors can impede getting there right away (and I'm forgiving of Gailey's first year because of his trying Trent Edwards out a lot longer than he should have.) Winning is the measure. If you don't win you might be able to offer excuses, but the standard is winning versus losoing. So far Chan is a loser. Hopefully that will change this year!
  14. Lynch could fit nicely in a Lynch/Jackson combination and there would have been no need to use our first round pick on a running back (Offensive Tackle would have been a nice choice). Lynch was the beastmode power back and Jackson is a quality standard model running back. Water under the bridge though. This is an example of an unwillingness to lead "problem" players to the point that they contribute to the team.
  15. As usual Bill's analysis is the best I've seen of our offensive line and I agree 100% based on what I've seen. I see the 12 ranking as very surprising.
  16. Mplane in viet nam in 1970 was a C-47, which was the major cargo plane of WWII and was selected as the best plane of the first half of the 20th century. Now that was one hell of a plane, and is still a working aircraft despite the fact that the last ones were manufactured in the late 1940's. Used as a gunship (Puff the Magic Dragon) and Electronic Intelligence plane in Nam...Used for darn near everything in WWII. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_C-47_Skytrain
  17. ok...we know Chan is not the number one coach in the league...not having made the playoffs. We know he probably doesn't belong in the top 15...losing record. We know he didn't have a great draft last year, at least based on last year's performance...we know he wasn't active with nix in free agency or trade...we know he let at least one good solid offensive lineman, Incognito, go. Frankly 29 sounds pretty generous based on all objective evidence of his performance as head coach of the Buffalo Bills. Will that change? I hope so. But "potential" and $.59 will get you a senior coffee at Bojangles if you're a senior citizen. I understand people WANTING Chan to be a great coach. I understand that there were some signs of life in the second half of last year. I understand that this particular draft actually looks good on paper. Even with all of that...the facts as of this moment warrant Chan's ranking.
  18. very interesting...Fitz can get some of the credit, but it does make me start to rethink how bad I thought the O-line actually was last year. Thanks for the post.
  19. I don't mean to denigrate the fact that Lynch made an outstanding play, but every lineman in that play completed his assignment and gave Lynch the opportunity to make the play. There is a reason he didn't do that here, and there is a reason that Spiller isn't doing it here. We need the offensive line to play like a professional offensive line in the run game and in the passing game. Needed it since Peters left, Incognito left and through drafts of people like Maybin and Spiller.
  20. I just don't see the guy adding anything, and in fact if I were going out of my way to get an experienced wide receiver I'd bet TO would be the better bet. That being said..I wouldn't get TO either. I like the idea of getting younger receivers as we have two good receivers in Johnson and Evans. Parrish can be a contributor as well. I'd worry more about getting an offensive tackle.
  21. hmmm...did anyone notice that he had an EFFECTIVE OFFENSIVE LINE on that play? Gee...we ought to maybe get one of those things.
  22. Of course we should sign him. He is a good solid player. We should be looking at our real areas of weakness and try to improve them. I don't understand why we wouldn't also be signing Whitner for that matter.
  23. I'm not too happy with yours, give them a blank check and wait around for years for something to happen (see..Jauron,Mularky, Williams et al.) Losers stink of losing, and your better players are going to exit (see Peters, Leonard, Greer, Spikes, Clement, Winfield et al) or they retire before their time (see Schobel, Hansen et al.) You gotta learn to win and the coach (and GM of course) have to deliver sooner or later. I'd want to see progress after the second year at least. Nine wins or out.
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