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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I did not expect here to be found guilty. The standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt" and there just wasn't enough evidence as to how the child died, and the da's case painted her not only as rotten human being but was so over the top as to lead one to reasonably conclude she had some psychotic break after the child died, and there was no proof showing how she died or that the mother did it. That doesn't mean she didn't do it, just that there wasn't proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she did.
  2. Worked with some crazy crazy aussies in Vietnam. Rough mothers, and quite the drinkers by the way.
  3. Winning is a good thing and I contarily to some around here, think we should expect it now rather than three or four years down the road ("Let's play to get the first pick in the first round" crowd). That being said I don't think winning or losing will have any effect on whether the Bills will be sold or move.
  4. It's been said that World War II was won with British technology, American material, and Russian blood. There's a very considerable truth to that statement. That kind of says it all in a nutshell. However I also think we were the major player on our side in the Pacific war.
  5. When I worked with the Buffalo PD we had one of the best homicide divisions in the country, led by a detective named Donovan I believe. I understand he was later actually the commissioner as well. When I was there I and two other guys had long hair and mustaches and would get called up for most lineups ("Get the f-ing hippies" was what they usually would say.). Taught me not to trust lineups as I was picked for a number of serious crimes.
  6. We should be careful to avoid giving the impression that we were the ones who carried the load. The war started in 1939 and we didn't even get into it until December of 1942. The invasion of Normandy took place in June of 1944 and the European war was over in April of 1945, less than a year later. We really should appreciate the load that England and Russia carried, although I think it was our industrial strength and leadership as well as our support that made it possible to withstand the nazis.
  7. To be fair..it was called "The Killing" and in the first episode there WAS a killing. There was never anything in the title saying..."and we're going to catch the perp". Technically it is an epoch like in all great literature. Homer had the Trojan war, but kind of had a story about all sorts of crap that happened before and after, while someone was going home. Moby Dick goes through hundreds of pages before we see the white whale. Hell even Harry Potter kind of wanders. Go with the flow...besides, I don'thave an awful lot of confidence in those two detectives.
  8. I was in Kiev for the 60th anniversary of the "Great Patriotic War" as they called it. Ukrainians fought with the Russians, fought with the Nazis and fought as partisans. When the Nazis crossed the Dnipro the jews ran to greet them figuring they would be treated better than when Stalin persecuted them. The slaughter at Babi Yar was one of the first episodes of the Holocaust. Their war and our war in WWII were two very different things, thank God.
  9. We get respect when we make the playoffs. It is as simple as that. The Jim Kelly Bills got respect. The OJ/Ferguson Bills got respect. The Kemp/Gilchrist Bills got respect. What part of WINNING don't you understand?
  10. Failure to move on free agency, failure to accomplish trades, failure to keep quality players, failure to address areas of critical need (OT in particular)make me inclined to give at least some credibility to the possibility that the Lynch trade was mishandled. Not the first time and not the last that a gm failed to maximize his leverage, but do that too often and you are no longer a gm. 9 wins.
  11. he'll perform or he won't. QB is not a position where anyone other than bottom teams are going to give you many years to show what you've got. I've been known to suggest that we might even set some expectations for coaches and general managers (9 wins).
  12. yeah...and usually they didn't get to play much in games once that became apparent.
  13. I remember that it was Joe Auer who was a very good halfback taken from the Bills who ran the opening Miami kickoff back for a touchdown. Neat play.
  14. Gailey had a lot of chances to see Edwards on film, including the 4-0 start. He saw him in camp and saw him, most important in the regular season. He delayed in pulling the trigger, resulting, because of that and other decisions, in a disaster of a season.
  15. WOW That is a lot of talent. Someone creative could probably put together a superbowl caliber team from that list!
  16. Frankly Gailey and Nix took to long to unload Edwards. It cost us a few games, and we ended up with one of our worse seasons ever. Gailey and Nix have a long way to go to show that they deserve to hold their jobs, but there were signs in the second half of last season, and it looks like they may have a good draft. The failure to address offensive tackle is extremely puzzling, but if they get nine wins this season they should stay.
  17. Fitz is a good qb. Could we have gotten a better one in the draft? I doubt it and even if we had picked a qb at 3 it would have been another "Spiller" pick, meaning getting a player you didn't absolutely need when you had positions (defensive line, offensive tackle, perhaps cornerback) where you had ABSOLUTE needs. Fitz will play ok, and could play better if we had an effective pair of tackles.
  18. Grew up with him in South Buffalo and he worked in city hall with my mom one summer. He was a nice guy from a very nice family. I remember my dad commenting on what a class family they were, and this was long before he even graduated college.
  19. Defense should improve considerably this year with Dareus, Williams, Carrington or Troup, Merriman, Poz, Moats and Kelsay as what might be a very good front 7. We will just have to see what the D-backs will do but I have a lot of faith in the existing group. I think keeping the Bills offense on the field and the Pats offense on the sidelines is the key. That means a time consuming run game and an aggressive turnover seeking defense. I think we can do it this year with just some breaks (Merriman recovering, Poz staying and a few other breaks.)
  20. how do you beat the pats? Keep Brady off the field by running the ball and eating the clock, aggressive special team play and getting everything you can get out of the talent we have. Look at what Parcells did to us in our first superbowl and use that as the model. For that kind of strategy it would have been nice to have kept Lynch, but if we are going to beat the pats this year we had better do it with the runners (and run blockers) we have now.
  21. move it in whatever direction you like, but winning football games is a pretty hard factor to downplay in evaluating coaches. I haven't followed Gailey through the years, but frankly what I've seen at Buffalo isn't all that good. I assume the 3-4 idea was his. I assume keeping TE at qb as long as he did was his idea. I would guess his failure to campaign for a stronger offensive tackle situation is at least partly his. He had involvement with the Spiller decision, which hasn't paid off (it still might, though). I'm not the one who originally rated him 29, but I don't really have any reason to say the ranking was too low. Enlighten me about how good he is... I'm open to the idea.
  22. I do emphasize Gailey's record as a Bills head coach, but his record career wise isn't all that good. Over his career Gailey is 22-26. the two he is being compared with not only won superbowls but had winning career records..569 for Parcells and .700 for Gibbs. Where does he stand right now against the coaches in the league right now? He took a mediocre team and failed to fill the obvious holes, move in free agency, changed to a 3-4 without the personnel, made some strange trades, and ended up with a bad team. Maybe this is a part of a bigger strategy and I hope it is. But going on what we have I think 29 is kind of generous.
  23. The answer is that both Gibbs and Parcells have superbowl rings and are exceptional coaches. Gailey is not in either one of their leagues over his career as a head coach. I don't see how you can compare either of them to him.
  24. hey..I'm in East Tennessee...last player from down the road to play in the NFL was Jason Whitten. And we do lay claim to Davy Crockett, and Daniel Boone spent time here. Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston practiced law right down the street. We could always use a qb like UT's Peyton Manning, or a DL like Reggie White...We got some nice mountains and lakes and no income tax....God's country. Now I'm sure Jasper will be a Hall of Fame player.
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