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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. okay..levitre can't play gaurd...move him to center. Apparently Jasper isn't making it on the defensive line...move him to linebacker (why don't we move him to cornerback) We have moved Kelsay from line to linebacker. Why don't we actually get some players who are capable of actually playing the positions for a change?
  2. Actually..I think I'll leave it to the win-loss record to determine who is foolish and uninformed. Let's talk in late December.
  3. Pretty much everything I hav been saying without a condition of anonymity.
  4. If we beat the Chiefs, Bengals and Raiders before week 6 I think we will be on track and probably will end up around the 8 or 9 win mark. I still would hold Nix and Gailey to an expectation of nine wins.
  5. Real games count. You have to take your chances and play your starters and whoever else can contribute. Your last preseason game you have a stellar defensive line against a bad offensive line and a bunch (A BUNCH) of folks trying anything to make the roster. A recipe for disaster. Sit your mvp's and get ready to play real football.
  6. Better to sit fitz after the first series, if even to let him play first series. A bad offensive line versus a stellar defensive line in preseason is a risk we don't need. Our offensive line can use the reps though, as it will face some very good defensive lines in the regular season.
  7. The team has real personnel problems. Two losses in preseason doesn't mean its hopeful, one win against a bad team in overtime doesn't mean we are going to the supernbowl.
  8. I heard a reporter pointing out: "look over here, the storm is worsening and the water is now coming up to the shoreline." I always thought water always came up to the shoreline. In fact I think that's how the shoreline got its name. "The storm is worsening. The waves are on top of the water!" As opposed to waves being in Poughkeepsie, I suppose.
  9. I've been saying we have a right to expect a nine win season for years now. If we don't get that we should be looking at a new front office.
  10. whoa...great pass and great catch....I don't see him showboating on the catch, just staying in bounds and getting the six. THAT is a nice omen!!
  11. We arent' the worst team in the history of football, and we did win an overtime preseason game against one of the worst teams in the league...but I don't think that in and of itself puts us in as favorites to win the AFL East. Our running game looks pedestrian even yesterday, and CJ was the fourth best runner on our lackluster running team. It was nice to win. But give me nine wins in the regular season before I jump on the bandwagon.
  12. He signed ONE of our better players while Evans, Whitner, Poz, Incognito, Greer, Leonard, and others go? Yeah...great job.
  13. This Butler and Pollian talk is pretty much water over the dam. I reluctantly have tgo admit that whatever the situation back then, its been a bizarre administrative situation since Butler left. I think the choices for front office have gotten progressively worse and probably won't change while Ralph is active in the Bills operations. Ralph has been a great owner, a great leader in the AFL and in the NFL merger and an important voice in NFL operations for nearly sixty years. He deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. But frankly, I don't see the Bills improving with him at the helm.
  14. What on earth is this number one and number two crap? There are a minimum of two, generally three and sometimes four receivers on the field at any one time. You need very good receivers at each position. Evans was the best speed, deep receiver we had and was certainly in the running as the best receiver on the field. At the beginning of the preseason we had one two very good receivers (Johnson and Evans) and a bunch of nothing-yets. We dumped one of those two very good receivers (look at what he has done in Baltimore so far, as well as what he has done here) with nothing in the nothing-yets to take his place....FOR A FOURTH ROUND DRAFT CHOICE1111..... I'm hard put to find a dumber move in the entire NFL so far this year.
  15. Let me settle the over the middle problem... http://www.chron.com/sports/article/Redskins-QB-situation-remains-unsolved-2142234.php He catches the ball in the end zone....I don't think you get points for catching the ball over the middle, but do get some for getting past that last white line where the goal posts are...and Evans was and is pretty good at that...So far this year we aren't doing a lot of that.
  16. From the Ravens report: "Flacco's night heavily involved his dynamic receiving duo – Boldin and free-agent acquisition Lee Evans."
  17. "Evans!!!!!! Damnit, I should've drafted him in my FFL. I drafted Boldin instead. :'(" let me see...should we maybe all just crawl into a hole and die? This ranks up there for those of you who remember with trading Darryl Lamonica and Glen Bass...but come to think of it we did get Tom Flores.....
  18. Its not the win/loss, its the pisspoor quality of play at every level.
  19. I rewmember posting a few weeks ago that we still needed depth at wide receiver and getting the reaction that that was an absurd statement. And that was when we HAD Evans. What possessed us to think that our present cop of receivers were good enough and deep enough to go into the season is beyond me. I don't know what the coaching and managing staff was thinking.
  20. look, Nix and Gailey are good at one thing...offering excuses. Show us some good football, and go out and win in the regular season. I for one do not know how on earth you are going to do that with the talent you presently have, but I'll be delighted to see you actually win nine games. If you don't...I'll be delighted to see a new gm and coach next year.
  21. in the final analysis its about winning, and we are doing nothing to build a winning team. We have lost a TON of talent. This week I saw Jabari Greer starting for playoff team New Orleans, Travis McGahee playing well for the Broncos, Evans and Whitner contributing for their teams, Leonhard is a starter for the Jets, Peters is starting for the Eagles and Incognito is starting for the Dolphins. We get what? Nothing or fourth round picks in return. Next, we never draft high in the positions of need such as the Offensive line, to include Tight End. The Dareus pick was a very good first round pick in an area of need but it is not what has happened (Maybin, McKelvin, Spiller). We fiddled around with qback until we settled on Fitz who may or may not be good. I think a culture of winning starts at the top, and I'm not seeing it coming from Nix or Gailey...or wilson for that matter.
  22. Except for the fact that its kind of a bittersweet memory having not won one or more of them its a fair question. Pretty basic bit of information for anyone serious about the Bills to know. I will honor your request to not post the non-serious comment....say something about OJ...something about Thurman and the helmet etc.
  23. i know how to motivatethem. Bring in some actual offensive linemen. I would think having a paycheck would be enough freaking motivation for these clowns.
  24. This is a pretty crummy situation and it would be hard to find a worst situation over time. The inability to recognize basic team weaknesses (OFFENSIVE LINE) and get good free agents (Plaxico Burress, Michael Vick, Clabo, etc. ad nauseam) and to trade effectively ( a FOURTH round draft choice for a probably number one receiver?) or to keep quality players (Whitner, Poz, Evans, Incognito et al) or to draft quality players (Maybin, Spiller) or keep players who might have played (Schobel). nine wins buddy and chan..nine wins..or you are out of here.
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