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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Kansas City is beatable, and even more beatable without Cassell. It would be great to start the season with a win and would probably let other teams know we're in it to win it. I really think this team will be the definitive statement of what kind of team we have this season. I'm looking for discipline and aggressiveness on defense. No dumb penalties, aggressive pass coverage, and more than anything else, run-stopping AND pass rushing from the front seven. I think we can establish a very good running game with Jackson, open up the passing after we've done that, and hope for the best. One game at a time.
  2. Actually good teams come from good drafts (which we haven't done) good trades (which we haven't done) and good free agent moves (which we haven't done). I agree that we should have picked offensive tackles, and have pretty much opined that the early draft choices should have been offensive and defensive linemen where our real problems were. We have, I think, addressed the defensive line problem.
  3. We aren't in a position to be making Patriot comparisons. Their decisions are based on a SuperBowl caliber team loaded with depth and coming off drafts where they had multiple high draft round choices and trades to bring in name players as contributors. Hence they are going to cut players who aren't playoff caliber players without looking back. We on the other hand have NO depth on our offensive line (and not much in the way of starters) have had multiple losing seasons, have been inactive in trades and free agency for the most part and seem to have given up hope on even a winning season. We have to start winning and get to nine wins before we are going to be in the same league with the Patriots and Jets, and we have to beat the two of them to get to the playoffs.
  4. I would celebrate, that's for sure. I think it would be a super longshot, but longshots have come through from time to time. I think less of a longshot would be making the playoffs as a wildcard, and even less of a longshot would be to win nine games. I'd be ecstatic with any of the three.
  5. Obscure...hmmm..how about Walt Cudzick of the early bills. I loved how his belly hung over his belt and he kind of waddled to the line of scrimmage.
  6. you get what you expect. If your satisfied with a losing season and set a loosing season as your goal, you're going to get a losing season. I'm expecting nine wins. Chan and Buddy made two years of personnel decisions and I'm expecting them to go one game over .500. Doesn't sound unreasonable to me.
  7. I think we can be hopeful about linebacker, and not the least based on our strengthening the front 3...who are pretty intimidating. You build from the trenches back and if you have a dominant group at the line of scrimmage, everything behind the line of scrimmage gets better. That goes for offense too. Are you listening Chan?
  8. The Evans trade looks like a bonehead move, but if Nix/Gailey are right and there are a ton of very high quality receivers (and Easley's performance is some evidence of that)it might prove to have been a good move. Should have gotten better than a fourth, but that's water under the bridge. Luck bowl? I guess we look like we are in it until we prove different. The first six games will give us the outlook for this team.
  9. hmmm..we aren't the worst team in the NFL but I guess we might be, by present standards in the bottom five. We can remedy that by winning a few games out of the box. New defensive line and linebackers may be very impressive, and we have a good number of good defensive backs. The defense could be quite good. The offense has a good running back, an untested (except for Johnson) group of receivers, but a (so far) very bad offensive line. Fitz is good and a lot of the criticism of him can go to the pass protection. Gailey seems to build his offense around bad pass protection, when the real remedy is to get some pass protection. Bottom line...we could finish somewhere between 7 and 9 wins. I'll be more confident if we go into the bye 3-3 or better.
  10. The greatest Bust to winner would have to be Jim Plunkett, drafted by the Pats, released and then to the Oakland Raiders where he won a superbowl. I am not sure but I think Plunkett was a number one pick overall.
  11. and some of these folks were "sabre tooth" ugly. You chawed off your paw just to get away from them. These instances were quite rare as they were never asked to stay for breakfast and we didn't call the next day.
  12. Actually your momma just left my office and it looks like she might get damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress for those hideous clay dishes you brought to her from second grade....
  13. Boy that Von Miller is good and will be a pro bowler for sure. That being said Dareus is the better fit for our needs and will be a mainstay for a very good defensive line for many years to come. Given the choice again I would say go with Dareus...even over Cam Newton. I think we got the best player in the draft.
  14. okay...okay..so our ancestors got a little more mead than they should..put on their "mead glasses" and had a quickie with a neanderthal or a Han. Turns out we all benefited from it, both of them regretted it in the morning and who are we to judge?
  15. on the bright side the case was dismissed. I wonder if there were costs or sanctions for filing a frivolous suit. Shameful.
  16. We certainly should make the playoffs in two years. Look at Tampa, the Jets and others who have done it with good management and fine personnel decisions. In essence if we make it in two years it would be FOUR years into the Chan Gailey administration. We invaded NORMANDY in less time than that. we should be between 7 and 9 wins with this team, assuming we can make do with a bad offensive line. We should address the line (albeit ten years late) in the next draft and go to the playoffs next year.
  17. no no...more like a combination of Jim Brown and OJ Simpson.
  18. I'm I stand corrected...I meant rational and effective free agency, like Michael Vick, Plaxico Burress, Flozell Adams, etc.
  19. I'm one of the more negative posters on the board as to the personnel processes we have engaged in, even in the past two years, and I think as fans we are entitled to something more than a three year plan before we are respectable. HOWEVER...Our defensive line is looking very good and I can't help but think the defensive backfield is going to stop playing badly (they didn't look bad against Jacksonville) and will be a positive as opposed to the mess against the run they were last year. I believe settling on a quarterback (who seems to be quite good) is a great idea and is beginning to pay off. The effect of the loss of Evans is yet to be determined. Gsiley has always been a strong game day coach. I think we'll know what we have by the bye week, and we might reasonably hope to be 3-3 at that point.
  20. Easley looked good and Jones looks pretty good. Are they good enough to replace Evans? Bring on the regular season and we will find out. so fa I'm pretty impressed. I'm also getting more and more excited about Fitz. If we can manage to improve the offensive line I've got some hope for us doing pretty well this year.
  21. I really think he will be fine on the defensive line with a little experience. If I were going to move him I think I might try him at tackle instead of Levitre. He played offensive tackle in college (yeah yeah...Bethel)but he is a very gifted athlete for a big man and might make the transition. Overall I think we are wise keeping him where he is, though. I have hopes he will develop there.
  22. I kind of missed the "three year" plan. Where did that come in and what was it? Was the plan to go 4-12 or worse for a few years, dump our better players, and try to get by with a weak offensive line? If Nix and Gailey go it is not oa given that assistant coaches have to go. Those who are performing well should stay. I never understood why we didn't attempt to keep April or Perry Frewell from the Jauron regime. Most places keep the high producers and build on what they have. Seriously I must have missed the three plan...what exactly was it?
  23. The quarterbacks that are "THAT GOOD" that we have to worry about are Brady and Sanchez. Manning and others might be in that class, but we play them only once, if at all, and the two standing between us and the playoffs are the pats and jets. Beat them or break even and we are suddenly in the running for the playoffs. I hope the Bills are going to sleep thinking of how great it would be to beat the crap out of these two teams.
  24. nix and gailey isn't "everyone". Nix and Gailey are just the two guys who took Jauron's mediocre team and turned it into a very bad team. you think taking a 7 win team and in two years turning it into a 6 win team is a good resume. I think taking a 7 win team and in two years increasing it to a 9 win team is a reasonable expectation. Look at Tampa, the Jets and others who had new coaches and turned it around (or at least didn't do worse for three years running) were able to do it. Drafting wisely, keeping star players, using free agency...this is the way its done.
  25. nope...nine wins and chan and buddy should be fired.... I wasn't commenting on the article, I did that in an earlier post. I was commenting on the "foolish and uninformed" statement. I'm just saying let's wait until december at which point...if we have nine wins...I will gladly eat my words. You who think everything is rosie in Bills land can eat your words with a record of less than nine wins.
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