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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Whoooaaaa....we shouldn't be talking about CANNOT lose. I think we will win and even the oddsmakers seem to be favoring us, but the game has yet to be played. We have a lot going for us, but ain't no gaurantees in football. Go Bills.
  2. I like Abraham Verghese's novel, Cutting for Stone. I know the author and think he is one of the better writers in the country right now. I read Dr. Mukherjee's The Emperor of All Maladies, the Biography of Cancer. A non-medical book I liked was Unbroken. Favorite modern novelist is probably John Irving.
  3. Well...let's hope they take the award to heart and cause the Raiders defensive line to suffer a little heartburn.
  4. As a one who has been a major critic of the offensive line I NOTE: Buffalo received the Week 1 Madden Protectors Award, recognizing the NFL's top offensive line in terms of "providing consistent and powerful protection day in and day out." Sponsor Prilosec OTC is a heartburn remedy. You guys are making me eat my words...KEEP IT UP!
  5. He is WAY down the list of what we would consider the better bills qb's....below people like Flutie and Johnson, maybe with Tom Flores.... He can kiss my a//.
  6. WEll, if the Kansas City game is any indication we will be a fun team to watch this season. Maybe not for our opponents.
  7. WE're DOOMED, DOOMED!!! Only kidding..injuries happen and missing a practice isn't the end of the world. If he needs to sit out we've got other wide receivers who can step in. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing that is going more than a little bump in the road...
  8. Hansen was good player. I don't have any problem with him being on the wall. There is a class of players who were quite good but not Hall of Fame material that deserve recognition, such as Darryl Talley, Hansen, Mike Stratton, Tasker and Andre Reed (many think Tasker and REed actually ARE hall of fame material) and a slew of others, so its nice to take notice of them.
  9. Week 3 is a million years away. Week two is the only thing that counts.
  10. it probably will be a benefit to both teams. As good as Evans is he is no spring chicken, and I'm starting to see that Gailey is really looking to build HIS team which frankly means getting rid of a number of good players from the old regime to get players who fit into HIS system. I'm starting to see he may have the right strategy
  11. I had the opportunity to watchboth games at once at my local sports bar. I didn't see Evans dropping any catchable balls, although I may have missed one. Evans was a threat and at the end of the season we can compare Jones and Evans if you would like. You have the advantage as Boldin is on the other side and the Ravens have an excellent tight end (Chandler may very well prove to be an excellent tight end.) Kool aid drinking would be taking the first regular season game as a criteria for judging Evans. Frankly I'm getting more and more comfortable with the trade, but think the Ravens will be better for having Evans than we are better for replacing him with Jones or Easley. I would be delighted to be wrong, but that's what I think. oh the description of Jones drop was so colorful with him doing everything right from the get go getting into position and then not catching the ball that it seemed funny to describe such a perfect play resulting in a drop. I'd think it would be funny to describe the same play if it were Evans or even Stevie. Come to think of it, there was that play against Pittsburgh last year.....
  12. Powell was on a downhill swing when he came to Buffalo as was Flores. Glenn Bass was a solid performer but the main part of the trade was LaMonica (the mad bomber) who took Oakland to the SuperBowl.
  13. no point in arguing facts. The Kool Aid drinkers are going to point to no receptions and say we were lucky to get a fourth round draft choice. On the other hand, the new Buffalo receivers seem (albeit after one game) to be playing quite well, so the decision may have been to lose a long-term very promising receiver or keep a somewhat expensive guy who is only going to be great for a year or two. Evans fits Baltimore and they will be looking at this like Oakland way back in the sixties looked at the trade for LaMonica. hmmmm...he did everything right but catch the ball. I think they call them RECEIVERS for a reason.
  14. The pats...the pats...you gotta get through them to win the division and right now they are the powerhouse. Jets not far behind, but we gotta decide we aren't going to settle for third place. The pats are the team to hate. Actually they were our first hated rival as the Boston patriots. I remember Babe Parilli and Gino Cappelletti and the crew they had. Lou Saban actually coached for them before coming to Buffalo.
  15. I can't understand how any team can possibly win against ANY team 41-7 in the first game of the season and not be ranked 25 16 at the lowest. Add the fact that Kansas City was the division champ last year and any ranking below 16 is out of the question. Did they watch the game? Jackson ran well, Chandler was unbelievably good, Johnson was a great receiver, Fitz is number one ranked by most every standard, defense was awesome against what all consider a great running team, special teams played like champs. Okay...okay..maybe you want to wait and see how the next two games go, but that would justify the 15 rank instead of a top 10 rank.
  16. Right..we have to change our attitude and the Bills have to change theirs. Some teams just go into games with the idea of winning not with the idea of "not losing"....I think Gailey as a game day coach is more the winning personality and some players who have come over, Merrimon, Barnett et al, and Dareus with the SEC Alabama mentality are going to go a long way toward changing the "don't lose" attitude to a winning attitude.
  17. no way fitz did not deserve the number one ranking this week. Cut it any way you want, but 4 td's in 17 attempts with anything but a veteran receiving corps is awesome. I have to give the offensive line credit for a very good game, so I'm not giving fitz the points I used to for having a poor offensive line. Nope... On another note I was driving home from work and a local sports station (concentrating mostly on SEC football) was commenting on the NFL and named the five "best" and five "worst" teams after week one. We didn't make the five best, no surprise, but we didn't even make the guys second five. And when he named the worst five...the bottom team was KC!! I called in and asked how a team that came close to going to the playoffs, could get beat 41-7 and not give credit to the team that beat them....offensively...41 points...defensively 7 points....and why wouldn't buffalo at least be in the top 10. He said he wasn't "ready" to move Buffalo up the list, and wasn't sure if it was because KC was all that bad. I told him that if the Jets had beat KC 41-7 or the Titans had done it, they would have made his top ten for sure. He was silent and then said..."I guess your right"...
  18. one game at a time. Concentrate on what's on your plate...not what we are going to have for dinner in the future.
  19. Beating the Raiders? Its all about stopping their running game. We still have the reputation (althoughly it is rapidly diminishing after the KC game) of being a team you can run against and they have the reputation of a team that can run. Keeping them off the field is important and stopping the run game early will get them into a passing mode...especially if we have the lead. This game is winnable if we can stop their running game. Ought to put to rest our reputation as a team that can be run on as well.
  20. it was pretty much the game of the week, and I suspect that many of the pundits downplayed it as they have been downplaying the bills. I heard Michael Irvin kind some kinds of kudos to the bills and I think Fitz was fourth on his top ten players of weeks one. I think the interesting thing would be to win next week and see if people see the bills as more than a "blip" on the screen and the KC win as a "fluke". For my money the win was anything but a fluke. A real statement at every level, offense, defense and special teams.
  21. I've been a fitz fan, complaining high and low about the offensive line. I'm happiest about the fact (did you ever think I would say this) that the offensive line played quite well yesterday. 41 points and a great passing day. Sorry but Fitz was accurate and knew what he was doing all day. This tight end Chandler was the surprise for me. He was awesome, and he is one big fella. This guy can be a huge contributor.
  22. not to rain on your parade, but I remember a 32-0 shellacking of New England to open a rather lackluster non-playoff season... That being said, yesterday's performance was simply awesome. I predicted a win based on my impression that our defense was grossly underrated, but our offense was spectacular. The defense was great as well. I'm holding for nine wins as proof of our being back in the hunt for the superbowl, but I'm much more optimistic about getting the nine wins.
  23. Excellent point...also watched game with daughter who is a law school grad as well! That Chandler was a shock to me, and I have to say I was impressed with the offensive line I have been badmouthing...they did the job today. The defense was awesome and Fitz is definitely the man for this team. It is only one game, but a very very very nice start.... The game ball...gotta go to Chan Gailey. Very well executed game plan, and incidentally I thought he was classy pulling fitz et al at the end of the game. I couldn't have blamed him if he had decided to rub it in, but he showed class and good sportsmanship.
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