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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. My problem with the media on this particular sunday? Note that Cincinnatti has one of the better defenses in the league, note that Cefric Benson and the running backs we have faced (Charles, McFadden) are some of the premier running backs of the league, and but for two questionable calls we would have won the game. I don't see it as a "crash" by any means. Not a particularly good performance, but we're still and appropriately leading the division. I don't mind the media criticizing (I have been known to criticize a time or two), but I just don't see the "sky is falling" mentality the media seems to be showing on tbd as justified by the performance of this team in the first four weeks of the season. Let's say we lose the next two, I'd be concerned. I think we would be favored over the eagles and not favored over the giants, but we will have to play better than last week to beat either of them...and we showed in the first three weeks that we can play a lot better than we did last week.
  2. the .500 isn't an unrealistic prediction. preseason I posited that we might be 303 at the break and based on that might get to the nine game win (actually that's only one game above .500) Is it too early to talk playoffs? Probably, but so far our division which looked like an impossible dream at the beginning of the season is showing some real chinks in their armor. The pats are not yet playing like the pats of old, and the jets look less stellar than we do by a long shot. Miami is pretty much throwing in the towel. I could see us even winning the division with nine wins. If they are the RIGHT wins (patsies, jets and dolphins) the playoffs are a real possibility. This could be a very good season for us...not to panic.
  3. It is a rather selectively enforced rule. Referring to Bush as Bush is enough. Bush doesn't need to be compared to Hitler.
  4. To paraphrase Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: You might have a constitutional right to free speech, but you don't have a constitutional right to sing your crappy song on Monday Night Football,
  5. the news over on tbd seems bent on bursting the bubble based on the Cincinnatti game. Of course they raise some valid points regarding defense in general, our lack of a pass rush, etc. However, we have put up a lot of points, we are close to the lead in interceptions and we are, in the final analysis, 3_1 and have defeated New England. I've watched Dallas, the Jets, and the Eagles and nobody is jumping from their ships, even with horrid records and horrid football play. I said it before the season and I'll say it again with confidence. If we got to the bye week 3-3 we would be in line to get a nine win season which is what we should have demanded at the outset. We have 3 wins with two games to go before the bye week. Nine wins is still what we should demand and so far this crew is delivering it. Are we going suck again this season? Probably...most teams do at some point. The good and great teams get up and play better the next week. Much as I hate the Patsies, they have a habit of never losing two games in a row. We might take that concept from their playbook.
  6. The spot at the time was clearly short, and I didnt see anything in the replay footage that would have changed my mind. That being said, bad calls are the breaks of the game and for everyone they get it seems sooner or later we will be on the good side of "bad" calls. You gotta win in spite of them. It is some consolation that but for two critical bad calls we probably would have won.
  7. PPP will probably spend a lot of time wondering why Hitler gets such a bad rap.
  8. Probably not a good idea to plan based on such assumptions. I was surprised that Brad Smith wasn't used and that we did not seem to emphasizing the tight ends very much. I think our pass rush is a little suspect, but we'll have to work on that. Fine tuning. We'll be okay.
  9. We could have played better. That happens. The key is to put on our big boy pants and get ready for an Eagles team very very hungry for a win. Our season is based on winning our home games, beating a few of our Eastern Division opponents, and not getting too wrapped up in inevitable losses. Dalton looks like a steal, and will probably make Cinci forget all about Carson Palmer. Solution: Put this baby behind us and move on to go into the break 4-2 or even 5-1.
  10. Report from game. I wore my UB blue sweatshirt in a sea of orange. People were really nice, though, pointing out how nice it was of me to come down from Buffalo for the game, and they hoped I liked East Tennessee, etc. I pointed out I was from not all that far away. After a while I said to someone how nice it was that the fans treated us like guests. The guy said..."Well its not like you are Florida or Georgia!" Greaqt touchdown run by the UBquarterback, great "parade" with the Pride of the south marching band coming to the stadium, great half time show. Except for the magnificent run by the qb, it was kind of a slaughter. All in all a good time, hoping to get down wearing orange sometime this season to make up for rooting against UT.
  11. I have been saying throughout that we should expect or demand a nine win season, and I said if we could be 3-3 at the break we would be in a good position to go for that. We have three wins, one against the Pats, our main competition in the division, and may very well go into the break 4-2 or possibly 5-1. I'm pretty happy where we are. Could we have done better against Cinci? Almost certainly, but there will be losses along the way, and I'd rather lose to Cinci than an AFC East opponent....assuming we have to lose a few, of course.
  12. Geez...the saying about heat and kitchens comes to mind. Maybe she ought to find another beat to write about.
  13. I have a UB sweatshirt packed. Hell...I'm going to wear it with pride and hope we pull off a major upset. This will be the first game I've attended there not rooting for UT. I saw a lot of their games with Peyton Manning (and Peerless Price, Jabari Greer and Travis Henry) including the national championship team with Tee Martin at qb, and Haynesworth and Henderson on the D-line (can you imagine THOSE two together?) As to the Auburn thing, my girlfriend's dad qb'd for Auburn many years (hell..many decades) ago and I was shocked when Chizuk got the job over Gill, but given what's happened since I guess they made a pretty good decision. Talk about hatred though...the Auburn wareagles hate Alabama in a way that rivals the red sox and the yankees. I was in Albany last week and mentioned to a red sox FAN how it must hurt to have to root for the Yankees to beat Tampa..the guy said he would NEVER root for the Yankees under ANY circumstances...he said.."If the Yankees played Al Qaida, I'd be rooting for Al Qaida!"
  14. Getrting him on the field, given the injury to Parrish is not a bad idea. The thought of the Bills receivers, the new impact of tight ends, the addition of the Brad Smith option and Spiller as a "flankerback" (does anyone use that term these days?) would certainly give the Bengals defense a lot to think about. Not to mention Jackson and the running game which has to be a major concern.
  15. I'm taking my daughter and her boyfriend to Neyland Stadium to see my alma mater (UB) play my other favorite college team (UT) tomorrow and we will probably be alone with 99,997 Orange clad Tennessee fans. It hurts to root against Tennessee, but I'm UB through and through and I gotta give the Bulls the same support I give the Bills.
  16. Well...I guess their quarterback didn't go to Harvard. What about the quote that "nobody" is talking about Green Bay? I don't see anything BUT Green Bay being talked about.
  17. Actually they were pretty bad a month ago. They have been playing outstanding since the season started. Hey..it happens.
  18. yeah yeah...the road does go through New England and New York. We have only played one of four games, but we won that one. We just are going to have go and grab the other three...simple as that.
  19. That has been Chan's strength since he's been in the league. Even his harshest critics start off by calling him an offensive genius, and from what I've seen he is one of the best game day coaches going. He doesn't throw tantrums or slap butts, but he does know how to line em up and get the most out of em.
  20. I'm not sure I'd be all that concerned. The defensive line was tipping and knocking down passes, and certainly stopped the run efficiently. I think the pass rush will develop over time.
  21. a power ranking of 14 looks okay to me. I would expect a much better rating when we beat the pats.
  22. The pats don't have the run game of KC or Oakland, and I think our safety group, Wilson, Byrd and Scott are going into pass rush mode. Given our backers, I think we can do the one thing that seems to shake Brady up, a good pass rush. We have a very balanced offense as well. Face it, we aren't getting any love until we beat the patsies..and we might as well do it now. Beat the Patriots and suddenly the world we see we are in the mix for the AFC east.
  23. The o-line has played VERY well in the first two games, and I say this as probably a major sceptic. But there ain't nobody going to give us the love we deserve until we beat the patsies..
  24. not to mince words, but a title that we "will not lose" for five reasons would sound like a gaurantee to me. Raiders have a great running game and that was our weakness (TERRIBLE WEAKNESS) last year. We showed in the KC game that we have addressed it..but that was only one game. Offensively we surprised the Chiefs (and all of us, happy to say) with a tight end and a strategy that took full advantage of him. Unless there are morons running the Raiders, they will game plan for that. I'm optimistic that we will win..but I am not going out of my way to make any promises..but a prediction? Bills 31 Raiders 21.
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