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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think 6-2 is unrealistic and I think 2-6 is overly pessimistic. We could still finish with nine or ten wins and, assuming two of those wins are the jets and the patriots, we could still win the division. We have to play a WHOLE lot better than we did against Dallas.
  2. very legit analysis, but I think that with the injuries we have Gailey will react by using the tight ends and two tight end sets regularly to provide blocking as well as to open up the middle more. More screens and turn Jackson loose on a regular basis. It isn't the end of the world, you just make the adjustments you have to make.
  3. Well..I've been saying for years it begins and ends with the offensive line, and that the offensive line needs backups as well as starters. We have whiffed and whiffed on opportunities to draft solid offensive linemen and p-d away first round picks on reach defensive ends Maybin and not Oher, poor qb's Losman, poor corners, McKelvin versus Ryan Clady unnecessary and possibly bust running baack Spiller versus Anthony Davis. We just didn't have fixing the offensive line as a high priority. Wood and Levitre were good picks and I think Gailey is appreciating the need to have 7 or 8 very dood O-linemen.
  4. For me its nine wins or out for Chan and Buddy. I'm inclined even now to think we'll get the nine wins. If not..I say give it to Fewell. He's going to be a head coach soon and it might as well be here.
  5. I thought Fewell should have been given a shot as head coach, but I think Gailey has proven to be a very effective coach and I suspect is a better game day coach than Perry. I think it will be interesting to see how Gailey pulls the team together after the Dallas game. Nine wins.
  6. I agree. Dallas was vulnerable against the run. I think the first series, which was a nightmare, should have involved the running game. Time and time again we were one dimensional. The defense was unbelievably bad. We go nowhere unless we change our game plan in both areas. Good coaches do that, and I am hopeful Gailey and his staff are ready for the Dolphins. As I said before the season started, nine games is the measuring point for this coaching and front office staff, and they had better deal with this blip on the screen. Two wins in the next two weeks and we'll have forgotten this game.
  7. Are ytou nuts? Look at the first series of plays and you'll see how much time Fitz had to pass. The offensive line looked better early in the season, and I think they will look better as the season progresses, but the fact is we don't have a good enough offensive line or a good enough defensive line (including linebackers) to get deep into the playoffs. I said it early and I'll say it again. We should expect nine wins from this team and I believe we are on track to get them. Did we SUCK against the cowboys? Yup...but that kind of thing happens. Character is getting back on track the next week.
  8. I'm going against the grain and hoping the Pats (gasp..choke...)win. I think this will be a three way race down to the wire and the jets are the bigger danger, having won a game against us. They looked good against us and I think they are the bigger challenge. We have to beat the patsies in the last game in any event by my figuring, and we certainly have to beat the jets. Those are going to be two very tough tough games, but nobody said getting to the playoffs in the AFC East was going to be easy
  9. whitner is dead on as it relates to bringing in TO and losing an effective offensive line. I can't disagree with him at all. However, that being said and after the first part of this season I've got to say we don't miss him at safety. I don't have any problem with what he said.
  10. I am not at all intimidate by the cowboys, but respect them as a pretty darn good match up. They have weaknesses in stopping the run and I'm not at all impressed with their defense. Romo tens to throw bad passes and we tend to intercept bad passes. We have serious injuries but Dareus for Williams is pretty good backup plan for the rest of the season. Lindell being gone is a problem, but let's see what the guy we got this week can do. I'm going with the Bills, 28-21. Prediction...the Bills will get a pick six in this game.
  11. There are four games that decide the bills season. New York Jets at the jets, the two Dolphin games and the season finale at New England. Fart around all you want with the rest of the schedule, if we win those game we are nine and seven. Win one or more of the other games and we're in like Flynn. Are the Jets and Patsies a huge hurdle? Yup..but if we are playoff caliber that's what we do and we walk in through the front door. I said it when no one thought it was possible. Nine wins is what we should demand and expect from this team this year under Gailey and Nix. They are well on the way to delivering it. If we get beyond that, and I'm impressed enough with this team to think we might be beyond that, we get 10 or more wins and a playoff berth. I'm pleased with the season so far and don't see anything to make me displeased yet.
  12. i see it this way. Run the ball until they stop you. Diversify the passing game by going to screens and tight end passes with a few more "bombs" thrown in. They won't have Reavis and Cromartie gaurding our receivers. And Romo is not one who never throws interceptable balls. I see us getting a few from him and maybe with a little luck a pick six. I'm not all THAT impressed with Dallas and I've got to pick us to win this one if we play smart. Oh...and don't play any more games where we are waving white flags from the outset. Not good form.
  13. Deal with Dallas? They have a lousy run defense. http://espn.go.com/dallas/nfl/story/_/id/7200489/dallas-cowboys-run-defense-suddenly-concern Seattle got 162 rushing yards last week. Get the running game going and you can have your own nine minute drives and keep Romo and company off the field. Rob Ryan will have to make adjustments to stop the run, and then you go to the passing game.
  14. The Jets can mock all they want. They won the game. We have to go down to the Jets home turf and beat them. That's the way football works. Assuming we are going to be a contender we have to knock off the big boys. We had a chance to knock them off at home, and it didn't work out. Now we have to go down and do it the hard way. I don't see any reason we can't.
  15. Don Shula or Tom Landry. I figure go to the guys who have superbowl rings from coaching.
  16. its not youth football, its high school football. Profanity is inappropriate, but don't tell me this guy started using it this year in this game. After twenty years I would think they would suspend the guy for the season, give him a reprimand and let him coach again. No way his other job should be in jeopardy. I can't think of any of my high school coaches at two high schools ever used profanity before, during or after a game. I was involved in coaching and administering youth hockey and we would not have tolerated profanity from coaches. Now I've been somewhat involved in college coaching at a number of universities on the legal and fan side, and I've occassionally run across college coaches who use profanity quite effectively, in my opinion. The great majority of college coaches, including a few with nationally recognized programs do not use profanity, but can blister you up and down without using it.
  17. nine wins...been saying we should expect that since the end of last season. I'm a little bit more optimistic than Clayton in that I think with continued good play and the good game day coaching that has been Gailey's trademark, and a little bit of stumble by the pats we might just make the playoffs.
  18. I'm the first (and may have been the first and most vocal) to criticize Buddy's drafts at the first round levels. From Anthony Davis, Maurice Pouncey, Mike Iupati to Brian Baluga in the offense to Tyson Alualu, Bradnon Graham and Jason Pierre Paul on the defense there were obvious choices which would have helped the team immensely immediately, while the one area where we actually were two deep was running back with Freddy and Marshawn. That being said the proof is in the pudding. I said at the end of year and through this moment that nine wins is what it should take for Buddy and Chan to keep their job and they are well on their way toward that goal. They have the normal rash of injuries at this point in the season so we'll see what they are really made of over the next few games.
  19. hey..if it was the guy who made that fantastic catch on the touchdown drive...he should have probably dropped to his knees and given him oral. Seriously...looks like a hug and kiss on the cheek. I imagine folks were quite happy about winning and all that.
  20. okay okay...good thing the circle jerk was done in private.
  21. Let's assume Williams needs surgery and won't be back until next year. I imagine that is the worst case scenario at this point. No need to trade him, and robably we would not get value if there is a question mark. He's been a very good defensive lineman and probably will be good next year. The immediate problem is replacing him this year when we might be in a playoff run. I guess we have to dance with the girls we brought to the dance and see what they can do.
  22. Don't mess with the Zohan gets my vote as the worst film of all time. In fact it is a wonder anyone still even makes movies after that monstrosity was let loose in public.
  23. MacArthur Park by Richard Harris. What the f... is that thing about someone leaving a cake out in the rain?
  24. jeff Nixon, JD Hill, Sestak, Dunaway, Mcdole and Day as a combined defensive line, (awesome) John Fina (many will argue about him I'm sure) Ernie Warlick. Wray Carlton has been mentioned, but I'd include him as well.
  25. I think we saw the sleeping giant awake with Burress getting into the game and the defense coming alive. We are going to have to put on our "A" game and come out guns blazing against the Jets. That's fine...if we are going anywhere we have two bullies to beat up..the patsies and the jets.
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