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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. good. I can go rafting on the Nolichucky again now.
  2. It ain't what you say or how you dance, its whether you win or lose. The jets won the Bills lost. Deal with it. If we wan't tough on offense we would have kept Incognito and drafted more studs like Levitre and Wood. It begins there. The jets drafted Ferguson and Mangold. Talk is cheap.
  3. !.) "Teaching isn't filling a bucket, it's lighting a fire" William Butler Yeats 2. "Our moments of transformation are never our moments of triumph." 3. "There are three kinds of people of in this world, those who make things happen, those who have things happen to them, and those who wonder what happened." I don't know, but I like it.
  4. Actually, depending on what the cost was he might very well have been a good pick for this team. A great part of our losing the games we lost was the lack of talent at OT and Gaither would have been a great improvement. Buddy was dumb not to get more and better offensive lineman (and in not keeping Incognito). That being said now that we are not going to the playoffs, now that Gaither has one year less tread life than he had last year, it would not be a good idea to bring him in. Buying milk that expired December 1 on November 20 is okay. Buying Milk that expires December 1 on November 29 is probably not a good idea.
  5. Dareus is fine. He needs help on the D-line and we'll be getting it in the draft and probably in free agency. I predict the purses will open this year for free agents as Ralph will want one more shot at the superbowl. (okay..maybe wishful thinking). We aren't that far from a run stopping pass rusing front seven (A defensive end, two linebackers. Dareus is the first key to what we need. Von Miller is on a very good defense and is in a high visibility position, tuned for success. Dareus is coming into a very bad defense and our one pro-bowl caliber player, Kyle Williams is out for the season.
  6. First and Foremost, the season isn't over. We can in theory get the nine wins I defined as a satisfactory season. The injuries and our brain farts over the last four weeks make that unlikely, but there is progress. Those games before the break were anything but a disappointment, and we saw some pro-bowl performances from Jackson, Wilson, and good solid team play. The Jets game was a well played game given the injuries and was doomed by Stevies dropping a critical pass (again). I don't see the sason so far as a major disappointment and things can get better. Wins against some of the better teams we will be seeing could make the season.
  7. I don't think so. If we were in playoff contention I would go for it, but right now we whould use the season to assess what we have in the way of offensive tackles and see how and if we have to address the need in the draft or free agency next year. You need to have two legitimate starters and two extremely proficient tackles as back up. I don't see Gaither being a starter next year, although one might argue for his serving as one of the backups. Isuspect Gaither is on his last legs though.
  8. Steve was a jerk and then blew it all by blowing the game and playoff chances for his team. He kind of shot himself in the foot with that game.
  9. We are pretty much out of playoff consideration, but there is enough room for improvement. We were in it with the Jets, and but for an inexplicably dropped pass by Stevie, it could have been ours (Don't I remember him dropping a pass for a sure win against Pittsburgh last year?). Frankly I think he blew his chance at the pro-bowl. Pro-bowl players come up big (0r at least don't regularly blow) big games. Spiller isn't looking much better as time goes on. Give him the rest of season to show whether he can make it on this team. Offensive line is the big problem area, followed by linebacker and defensive line (still). That being said the trick is to keep improving. Fitz looked good yesterday and we are suffering through a horrible rash of injuries.
  10. Why not start Incardona? OHHH...we let him go. Incognito...see how quickly we forget...
  11. It is what it is. The team had better pull things together or they are going to be humiliated and bytch-slapped by Rex Ryan to no end. I say its time to "dig deep" and circle the wagons. Gailey had better pull out every trick in the book and fight like hell to get first downs, fake punts, on-sides kicks and fake field goals, pass on 4th and short, and get things moving. You aren't going to win this game on talent.
  12. Not at all. Dareus is a great defensive lineman and fills one area of critical need. AJ Green is a truly outstanding receiver, but we were stocked with receivers at the time of the draft, Evans, Johnson, Parrish, Jones et. sl. It would have been like drafting Spiller (and we see how that turned out). Von Miller might have fit our needs a little more, but he wasn't available. There were two outstanding defensive players on the board, Miller and Dareus and we got one. Good choice.
  13. They haven't had an old fashioned circle jerk in the shower since the bye week.
  14. We are a young team without depth, but on the other hand we let Incognito go and certainly could have used him as a possible starter but certainly would have been using him now. We made no effort to keep him and he looked good and nasty playing for Miami The Lee Evans trade was understandable given that it looked like he would not necessarily start, but in retrospect it would have been wise to keep him for depth. Johnson was not physically able to play. He couldn't reach and couldn't bring down passes thrown to him. The ton of defensive help and Anthony Davis at OT look pretty good as we look at Spiller these days. Bad choice given the very good alternatives. Fitz is simply not to blame. Balls were bouncing off receivers, and there was no protection. Nine wins is now a stretch. I still hold that nine wins should be the criteria as to whether Chan and Buddy stay, although these injuries may justify a small allowance.
  15. I watched Sanchez last night and I'd say he might very well be the worst qb in the division. He has two all pro offensive linemen, Plaxico Burress, Santonio Holmes and Dustin Keller to throw to, and three years experience as a starter for that team and he's making throws that a rookie wouldn't even make, has no sense of game strategy. Fitz? an offensive line with NO legitimate probowlers and receivers who are not in the same league at any level as the Jets. Craziness to even consider him as the worst in the Division or the NFL. He is where he should be...the eleventh best quarterback in the game.
  16. I hadn't given it much thought, but I have always assumed that if either party to a private message wanted to disclose the message or conversation and there was no express request for and agreeement to, confidentiality, either party was free to disclose.
  17. this is silly. If we get nine wins this season we are well on the way to becoming a terrific team. I expect us to win this week, which will get us back on the track to the nine wins. If we win, and there are no givens in this game, the next game is the one that we must win if we want to go to the playoffs. Knock off the Jets in New York and they are for all intents and purposes out of the picture. If we lose the next two games I'd say we are screwed, but I for one think we can win both of the next two games.
  18. The last two weeks? Did the season start two weeks ago? Did they cancel the rest of the season. Are we 5-4 while after thursday the Jets will be 5-5? Does ESPN itself rate Fitz number 11, Sanchez 18? Can you go down far enough on the list to find the guy from Miami? How do you grade the guy on two games in the middle of the season? Are you grading on a poorly played game where the other team scores 44 points and the blocking sucked? I think Sanchez and he are in a close race for second place based on the season so far. I'll worry if we don't pull it together for the Miami game, but my worry will be about a number of other positions before I get to the quarterback.
  19. I think we are in the playoff picture, but certainly not favorites. We have to beat Miami and the Jets and maybe even the Patsies to do it though. I'd love to see this team get back on track and make a statement this year. I'm still holding to nine wins as the key to a satisfactory season. I'd be delighted with ten or even eleven wins.
  20. power running game for sure. A fullback to hold up the defensive ends and slip away for an occassional dump off or screen and two tight ends. For sure this is the best way to deal with Miami next week. We should hold the ball the way the Jets opened up their game with us. Reggie Bush gets no yardage when he is on the sideline.
  21. This is not going to be an easy game, but we are at nut cutting time. We either win this or say goodbye to our playoff hopes.
  22. I suggest for a read for those who can stomach it the book "Matterhorn" now in paperback. Best and most realistic war book since "All Quiet on the Western Front." I don't need Vietnam in HD. I get it in flashback on pretty regular basis.
  23. geez....what a devastating drug. Poor kid.
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