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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. you are in our prayers Wade. Always liked that guy.
  2. 198, however I was actually in Vietnam in December of 1969. Not a lot of fun.
  3. I love this quote: "Everyone's curious about what changes will be made, what's going to be different, and a time and place will come to talk about that. Right now, it's more of sit back, try to catch our breath, evaluate players, evaluate our scheme, and take a look and see where we can improve. It's really not that difficult. We've got a lot of room to improve. We have some good young players, we have some good veteran players" WHERE WE CAN IMPROVE?????? The patriots just scored 49 unanswered points against us!!! Where the HELL CAN'T WE IMPROVE????? We can't stop the run, can't stop the pass, can't rush the passer.....SIT BACK????? What the hell do you mean SIT FREAKING BACK???? The eleven guys you have on the field just can't win games, or won't win games, or don't care about winning games. Kick some butt, give some people walking papers, get into the draft and free agency and make something happen....SIT BACK???? Someone should tell davey HE has responsibility for the defensive mess and he had better right this ship without delay, because the clock has been ticking since he got here and no one is impressed.
  4. doug flutie..its the curse that will haunt us for fifty years. We need to do the following: Put Doug on the Wall Fire Gailey and Nix AND Wanny Get some coaches and gms who know talent and know what to do with it (not cut it or trade it for a fourth round draft choice.) Draft players who can actually fill critical positions of need. Use free agency to bring in people committed to winning. I thought they made a mistake when they hired nix and gailey, and argued that it would take nine wins for them to keep their jobs. They didn't come close, although I held back and rooted for them through the season its time to pay the piper. Getting their replacements through existing administrators or coaches on staff will not work. Clean house and make a realistic effort to build a playoff team. It isn't that hard.
  5. This team is a mess. Not a lot of talent and even less character. Not one person made the probowl, and a slew of the players we dumped are pro bowl contenders and important parts of playoff teams. We were outcoached through the second half of the season. There is no discipline on the team. I said before preseason we should expect nine wins or gailey and nix should be gone. I supported gailey throughout the season but now its over and we aren't close to a winning season. The Dick Jauron years are starting to look like the good old days. The remedy is a top flight gm and top flight coach with a top flight coaching staff. Moving a has been like Wannstedt into the defensive co-ordinator role does nothing. Nix retiring with another tired old line administrator isn't going to do it either. We can waste yet another year or start making changes at the top. It isn't rocket science, its football.
  6. If Mathieu declares (and I guess so far there is no indication he will) go for him. If one of the top three qb's is available, go for them. If we are tenth, the mock draft looks pretty realistic and a first rate OT is a good pick for us in a necessary area. If we are looking at our MAJOR area of weakness a stud linebacker or franchise d back is the way to go. i think the first five picks should be setting the trenches as a first priority.
  7. crazy not to go to a 4-3. You have two DT's and one good DE for that scheme already. The existing structure with existing personnel is not working.
  8. I don't think we'll be quite low enough to get one of the two really hot qb prospects. We will be about 7th and have an outside chance of getting Tyrann Mathieu, who would be a major improvement on our defense.
  9. We've got to re-sign johnson, and have to find another quality receiver for the number 2 slot. More than anything else we need a quality offensive line which means a left tackle, and two interior linemen. Maybe we need a quarterback and if we lose the next two games (and I can't see us winning either one) we may get a shot at a real franchise quarterback which may not be a bad idea.
  10. Running back..hmm..look at Seattle with Marshawn Lynch. Look at Marshawn Lynch and Willis McGahee, both 1000 yard runners with two winning teams. We have a habit of lettig our quality players go.
  11. you build great teams from the trenches back. Until we commit to building an outstanding offensive and defensive line (in a 3-4 include the linebackers) we will not be going anywhere. I agree with Bill that Fitz is not showing much of anything and if we are picking in the top three or four we should hope to get one of the two great qb's available. If not I think Tyrann Mathieu may be the best football player overall in the draft. The Bills have a real loser attitude. I hate to say that, but I think they came back from the break thinking they were entitled, and when the cowboys trounced them they just went into a fetal position. Memo to Bills...grow a set of gonads and go after Denver and New England...go into the offseason with at least some semblance of dignity.
  12. you measure by winning and losing. we have gone downhill since Dick Jauron and he was a lousy coach. We have drafted some 20 players and had opportunities in free agency to get better. We didn't. Nine wins would have been an appropriate expectation on a rebuilding timetable starting with Jauron's departure. We aren't going to get that. Now if we win out, beating the Dolphins and Patriots in our division, and beating the Tebow led Broncos, that would be a very good ending and I'd make an exception to the nine win requirement and give chan and Buddy one more year. If not..I'd fire both of them.
  13. We may need to draft a qb, but we have so many other more compelling needs and we did just sign Fitz to a huge contract. If we have a top three pick I can see not passing up on Luck or Griffin, but if they go before we pick I think we have to go for one of our weak spots on defense with the first pick. We might kick back a few notches into the high teens and get someo ne like Case Keenumor some other second tier qb depending on how they do at the Senior Bowl or the bowl games...but even then I'm worried that the defense just has too many needs to go for a qb right now.
  14. No way. We need to create a legitimate defense with the best defensive player available and Tyrann Mathieu if available should be our first choice. After that we need OLB, LT and a DE. We could also look for guards and wide receivers to add depth. We cast our lot with Fitz, he has shown great potential and had better get his axx out of the slump before the end of the season. Next year's team is still going to be Fitz's as long as Chan is here. Now whether Chan and Buddy should be here is another issue. Nine wins.
  15. PLEASE STOP THIS POST> I know I started it, but it is sooooooo...depressing. I remember the darryl lamonica game as well. This is the underside of being a bills fan. PLEASE Bills...make this Miami game a decisive win and avoid competing for membership in the all time bad games crew.
  16. try rolling a frozen soda on the bottom of the feet and foot lifts standing on a chair. Running is NOT advisable as exercise and rest are the cure for the most part. I ran a 15k in Tampa (the Gasparilla) and it ended up being my last race as the condition only slowly improved. I'd have liked the shots mentioned earlier, but he podiatrist didn't bring them up at the time.
  17. yeah yeah..injuries happen, but coaches put together there team to deal with them. Keeping Marshawn Lynch (who seems to be contributing in Seattle)would have given us something to replace Jackson when he went down. We could have kept Incognito and could have had him when wood went down. The trade of Evans was puzzling as well. One can only wonder what made Maybin into an effective starter with the Jets and the role he might have played here. Cutting to the chase, Buddy and Chan are responsible for the full roster and you get to the playoffs with real quality people as starters AND as backups. Grade: D- Nine wins.
  18. gee...I'm sorry I started this post. There were some really awful games. I discounted superbowls because even if it was a blow out..you got tot to the superbowl. Some of those other games were qualifiers. I thought of the year we opened the season with a 32-0 blowout of the patsies and ended it with a 0-32 game against the patsies as a possible nominee.
  19. Exactly. The three four move we instituted has never been fully staffed and didn't work with our personnel. Williams and Dareus should be on the field at once, and we need another defensive end. If we end up low enough the draft we should draft Tyrann Mathieu in round one and a defensive end in round two.
  20. I have been a bills fan since the day they came to buffalo. It occurred to me this morning that we might lose to the last place in the division qb'd by JP Losman. I can't think of anything worse that has ever happened including our two win season. Can anyone think of a game that would be as humiliating as that in all of bills history?
  21. I don't see that we have much hope of moving up on the draft chart. We will be in the top ten for sure, and possibly picking 6th or 7th.
  22. We have regressed from the Dick Jauron years. How does THAT sound? We dumped some pretty good players (Evans, Incognito, Poz, Whitner. We drafted some pretty bad players, including Maybin and Spiller. We simply are a bad team getting worse. The shame is that there still remains enough talent for a nine win season, but we have not been playing to potential. I said it before the season, said it during the season and say it again..Nine wins or Buddy and Chan should be gone.
  23. he's interviewed for a few jobs, cleveland and denver to name two. I think its up to gailey and nix to have a nine win season to justify their returning, and that does not seem to be in the cards. I hope Fewell would be one of the applicants.
  24. Our problem is defense. The best available defensive player at pick 5,6 or 7 will be Tyran Mathieu, corner out of LSU. I can't imagine he won't declare for the draft this year. I have for years advocated getting the best offensive or defensive lineman early in the draft, but his guy has been described as a mating of Darrel Revis and Devin Hester.
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