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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. girlfriend went to doc and he told she had acute angina....I said "Hell..her boobs aren't bad either!"
  2. If we get Williams I would probably like to see us go with Rieff..Let's get the offensive line into shape. There are still some pretty remarkable wide receivers available in free agency.
  3. no reason we shouldn't win 10 games this year. Some active and aggressive work in free agency and a good draft will insure this.
  4. And that's why we had a winning season and went to the playoffs?
  5. I'm an old timer and I have to agree with some of the posters that in our history some of our greatest players were free agents or wise trades. There is no reason that we could not get major assets in free agency with good leadership and plenty of money. We HAVE plenty of money...let's see what the leadership brings us.
  6. All well and good, but weren't folks supposed to be watching for the unexpected? Shouldn't there have been an abandon ship earlier? Shouldn't there have been more lifeboats? Shouldn't an SOS been sent earlier? Sounds like there is a lot of human error to account for the disaster. The moon may have put the bergs where they weren't supposed to be, but there should have been steps in place to locate them. I'm not certain but weren't there radio transmissions from other ships warning the Titanic of icebergs?
  7. niagara on the lake...try the Oban Inn or Prince William. Some of the wineries have outstanding dinner plans as well. If you have time take a look at the wineries. Some of the best ice wine you will find anywhere. Worth the drive.
  8. There are about five very good DE's available. I wouldn't trade up to get one and in fact might conceivably wait until the second round, depending on what other holes I fill in free agency. If I got Mario...now that would be a different story. Being aggressive in free agency will make the draft a lot more interesting.
  9. A huge acquisition and game changer for sure. On the other hand he would be the only one we sign given the contract he can demand. I think the better choice might be V. Jackson and one other starter in a position of need.
  10. Try D.O.A. the 1950 version or the 1988 remake with Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan.
  11. Vince Jackson would be a tremendous acquisition and allow us to concentrate on a much needed OT, DE or OLB with rounds one and two. If we don't I see us going for the best receiver in round one.
  12. no way we should be in this discussion given our commitment to Fitz and our need for a stud wide receiver and OL, OLB and DE needs. We need all of our picks and a good movement into free agency to get into the playoffs.
  13. The only bell franchise the bills should consider is Taco Bell.
  14. okay okay..so we gave up on a stud running back and used a first round draft choice to sign CJ...but look...we got a fourth round pick!!!!
  15. yeah yeah...get us into the freaking playoffs buddy...get us into the freakin playoffs.
  16. ok...for fun 7. Devon Wylie Fresno State 5'10" 178 WRS (Welker, cuts like Barry Sanders) Let's see...a wes welker kind of guy who cuts like Barry Sanders...how is he going to last til the seventh round? I would think a wes welker class receiver should probably go in round one.
  17. Reed is probably not going to get into the hall of fame. People remember the critical poor sportsmanship penalties that crippled the Bills on any number of occassions. As time goes on there are more and more players contending for the receiver slots available, and he already has at least Chris Carter ahead of him. His whining doesn't help much either.
  18. Actually we tried all white drafts for a good part of the last century. Resulted in a blot on our history and second rate football. I wonder why don't put an asterisk on any player put in the HOF before blacks were allowed into the NFL.
  19. We have not had a good offensive tackle since Peters left. The offense this year was crafted around a poor offensive line, and was rather effective for a while. The team has gotten progressively worse since Jauron left (I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM SAYING THIS) with a 3-4 concept that has been a mess, with the failure to keep quality players and bizarre drafting policy year after year. I think the offensiveness weakness is not so much quarterback as it is offensive line and receivers, quality and depth. Fitz is an average qb... the tackle positions are considerably less than average.
  20. If they can get two starter free agents (DE and CB) and draft a quality OLB and OT, they will be cooking with gas next year. It isn't that hard to do. Nix doesn't have the luxury of ignoring either free agency or of playing crazy hunches (Spiller/Maybin) in the draft. Draft what we need right now...sign for the positions we need right now...and get on with it.
  21. hey...game's over, last time together for many of them, what the heck, party on, dude.
  22. yep...the present incumbents are going to into their third season with little to show in the way of ability in getting outstanding players in the draft, almost no skills in the free agency game, no potential in improving the team through trades and have a crummy won-loss record. Other than that they are just fine.
  23. Nick Barnett...there was lots of interest from other teams and he seems quite a catch. http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/07/26/free-agency-2011-landing-spots-for-nick-barnett/
  24. The Music City Miracle, which brought about the never ending curse of Doug Flutie.
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