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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Buddy better start winning about the win-loss record in the next year. If he doesn't show a major improvement he and Nix should be gone. Knowing that he is under the gun to win, and that LT is the spot of need, I'm really truly impressed that he is confident he will find his LT somewhere in the lower rounds or free agency.... Wait and see.
  2. If we could get Reiff or Martin in the second round I would be delighted, but I think they will both be gone (Reiff might even be gone before 10). I think I'd reverse the process and get Reiff at 10 and go WR in the second round and OLB or CB in the third.
  3. best pick to win in 2012: Reiff...but he hasn't visited I've got to wonder if they want him Worst pick for tackle: Glenn....Mike Williams redux, possible gaurd candidate. Best player available: Brannon, but we don't need a safety Safe bet: Kirkpatrick or Kuechley and go with two or three OT's in later rounds and hope to get lucky.
  4. At 14 we should still get Reiff, Martin or Glenn. While I believe that Reiff is the guy we should have at 10, I guess the argument that Martin or Glenn is close to as good as Reiff might make it worth rolling the dice. Very interesting draft possibility. Very well thought out.
  5. Glenn had not all that many starts at LT and the news did a good analysis of him, projecting him as a guard in the NFL. I think Kalil is the real deal, but can't imagine how we should get him. We didn't (again) adress LT in free agency or trade. We simply cannot go anywhere with Hairston. We have to pick Reiff, Martin, or Glenn if we are going to win this year. I like Reiff as the safest bet. Martin needs strength and conditioning (which he may get) Glenn has laziness issues (read Mike Williams) and I think we should go with the guy who has played a full season successfully at left tackle. I can't imagine we can go another year under this administration with another less than Jauron like record. Hence
  6. well..I obviously made some errors this year. Usually I'm pretty much even but have a number of business interests that effect my taxes every year, usually to my benefit. I'll just think about this for a while and adjust accordingly. At least I can trust the government to spend the money wisely.
  7. A receiver who is subject to countless opportunities to be speared or concussed or hurt is going head hunting? I don't think so. The payback would be pretty immediate and awfully serious. I think Eric is just overplaying the whole thing. Did Johnson get fined or suspended for the hit?
  8. How can it not be Keuchly? Well...not having any left tackle to begin the season we might do the right thing and go ahead and fill a big gaping hole in our offense. That's one way. We might go for Floyd if available...that's another. We might go for a strong cornerback...that's yet another. Me...go with Reif and be done with it.
  9. I read that the girl was actually demanding $170. She must have realized it was the federal govt. and decided a $47 humpty hump was worth $170 to the federal govt.
  10. look when all is said and done we have a crisis on our hands. We can't even afford to pay $47.00 for a Colombian Hooker.
  11. Buddy may "hate" trading up, or whatever, but if he wants to keep his job finding a quality left tackle is what it takes. Kalil is about as close to a gaurantee to fill the job over the next decade as you can get. I can't see him passing up the opportunity to get him if the picks fall as described. I suspect Buddy hates being fired more than he hates tradint up. Right now he is on the same path as Jauron.
  12. It wouldn't be so bad that we are not only redundant and even repeating ourselves, but we are even saying the same thing over and over and over.
  13. Have used mine for many years on some very complex issues. Believe me, if I could find an honest accountant who could get the tax bill down more I'd go to him or her. I'm pretty sure my guy has done the best he can.
  14. nelson is on the jets roster and you are right about harris who was let go by jacksonville, I believe. I figure if the player is playing as a late rounder he is an okay choice. Maybin, although playing for the Jets, seems to be a bust as a first round pick...so far at least.
  15. nah....the greedy rich people didn't pay any taxes. I'm not all that upset about the hookers...at least they gave an honest days work and provided a service as opposed to most of the other government contractors.
  16. it would have been higher but for maybin. Levitre, Wood and Byrd were first rate choices and Nelson and Harris are holding their own for sure. I think C plus is about right but could have fairly comfortably moved to B-.
  17. I just wrote a large check to the IRS. Makes me wonder about my money going to pay Colombian hookers and GSA employees in Vegas. Not to mention what they are p--ing away in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  18. Wow..the Killing really drags and drags. Interesting Madmen episode though. Draper seems to finding his moral center at least as it relates to his relationship with his wife.
  19. I can't disagree, but I still think he was the best number 2 receiver we had at the time we got rid of him. He was the best of what seems to be a pedestrian lot.
  20. If we didn't have a glaring weakness at LT I might agree that DeCastro (or Floyd, or perhaps a cb or Kuechly) would be a good choice. We will get the second best tackle in the draft at 10 which will allow us to open the season with a chance to post a winning record. No one else on the board can do that imhop.
  21. Blackmon isn't going to be there by anyone's standards. It is like listing Kalil-Reif assuming Kalil is going to be there.
  22. We will see whether he is done or not in the upcoming season. He probably has lost a step and had a pretty bad injury. I wish him well.
  23. Now THAT is impressive. I take you actually did crap your pants once you got home, just to prove you could?
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