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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. 10 ookie Gilchrist 9 Darryl Talley, Linebacker 8 Andre Reed WR 7 Jack Kemp QB 6 Billy Shaw Gaurd 5 Joe Delamellier Gaurd 4 Thurman Thomas 3 OJ Simpson 2 Jim Kelly 1 Bruce Smith Painfully leaving out Kent Hull, Elbert Dubenion, Joe Ferguson, Tom Sestak, Butch Bird, Mike Stratton, Steve Christie, Keith Moody, Marlin Briscoe and a whole bunch of ther guys. One through six were hall of fame players, so they definitely belong there...although one might argue with the order. Marv Levy and Ralph Wilson(who really should be here as all of the other Hall of Famers are in..but weren't players)
  2. I really liked the guy, but it was clear we were getting into a numbers problem at cornerback. Wish him well.
  3. No way we can doubt we have improved tremendously on the defensive line and probably in the defensive backfield. Remains to be seen which Fitz we are going to see (I am optimistic)..how the offensive line has improved (not so optimistic) and whether a Number 2 receiver has stepped up.I would be very reluctant to say we have improved over all comers, but we shall see in the course of the next year.
  4. Read the article...the guys were from Miami.
  5. Ever see Deliverance? I think strippers and herpes might be a safer bet.
  6. Ahhh...the rockpile...I remember getting billy clubbed while trying to sneak in, and my friends getting caught and escorted out, but by the time I'd kicked my way over the fence they and security had exited so I got in to watch the Bills play the Houston Oilers. The game was worth being billy clubbed...can't say that about many of the recent seasons.
  7. Well..I guess I have to add 2 favorite bills, Elbert Dubenion gave my brother and me a ride out to the lake when we were hitchhiking once. Nice guy and had a neat convertible. And either Jacobs or Tracey (linebackers for the bills along with Stratton) helped me change a tire once when I was leaving my job at the Courier Express at 2 or 3 in the morning. Never had a Bill be rude to me so I guess I don't have any personal least favorite.
  8. whoa....memo to AFC East Receivers...new sheriff in town.
  9. What I'm saying actually is it should have been Lynch and Jackson. And the best player available in retrospect surely wasn't Spiller- I could see Rob Gronkowski, Maurice Pouncy, Anthony Davis or any of a slew of people picked after him helping us a lot more...and I think we'd have had a better running game with Lynch and Jackson. Looking at our team last season I'm still not at all sure trading Evans was wise, as we didn't have much in the way of a second receiver. That being said I can see the argument that Evans was at the end of his career, although I'd like to see whether he has anything left this season.
  10. Right now? We are tied for first place, along with everyone else. Let's wait for a few games to be played before we assess our chances. That being said, it looks as if we have made more than a few very big moves to improve ourselves, especially on defense, that Fitz will be healthy and in charge, that we have two very good running backs and one very good receiver. Lots of reasons to be optimistic
  11. I tend to agree. Look at what happened in the aftermath of those trades...using a number one pick on a running back and now a number two pick on a second wide receiver after a 6 win season. Not to mention the obvious that Lynch is a very good starting running back for Seattle. Evans? who knows whether he will bounce back from his injury or not.
  12. marshawn Lynch looks to be pretty productive in Seattle. Did we trade him because he could not be managed or because WE could not manage him? And then we spent our first round pick on a running back.Evans was injured a good part of last year, but may still contribute. On the other hand I didn't see any great wide receiver stand up and take his place on the Bills and we were looking for a wide receiver in the draft. Maybe warranted trades, maybe not...but they were certainly not acts of genius.
  13. We will never see his like again....Of all the people who have walked this earth...he certainly was one of them.
  14. I saw Cookie play and he was the greatest running back I've ever seen. Few remember that he was perhaps the best pass blocking back in the game in addition to being one magnificent runner. I didn't put him on my list because of attitude and his being traded before the second championship (for Billy Joe?). Others from that team are the defensive line (Day, Sestak, Dunaway and McDole) the linebackers (Jacobs, Tracey and Stratton) and Butch Byrd and George Saimes on Defense, and Warlick, Dubenion, Bass, and Gilchrist and Wray Carlton...Not to mention the greatest field goal kicker we ever had---Pete Gogolak. Actually the punter, Paul McGuire, wsn't bad at all and he always insisted he could actually be used as a linebacker as well. Credit to Saban for never actually trying that out.
  15. 1. Jack Kemp...took us to the AFL championship. 2. Jim Kelly...Bad choice because Bruce Smith, Thurman Thomas and Andre Reed should also be here...leaving not much room for anyone else. 3. Robert James...Great D-back 4. Billy Shaw 5. Kent Hull This is interesting as it is very subjective. I suspect I couldn't "win" an argument if anyone put any of thirty or forty bills in this category. Least favorite Bill....Probably Billy Joe Hobert or whatever his name was who hadn't looked at the playbook before getting his head handed to him....and then ADMITTING it.
  16. Whoa...that's sounding a little gay....not that there's anything wrong with that.
  17. Ah for the days when a pot bellied Sonny Jurgenson played....I think there have been anumber of players who have achieved despite not being the paragons of rigorous training and spartan life style....Max Mcgee and Paul Hornung, Joe Namath, and others come to mind.
  18. I agree...I was very high on Graham, talent wise, speed-wise and character wise. Now that I hear Mularkey might have liked him I'm wondering whether it was a good pick.
  19. Thanks to all who have opened up on a very serious topic. We have lost posters on this board to suicide, and I work at a large university where we seem to deal with this tragic issue fairly regularly. Hopefully the fact that we are discussing it and recognizing it as a preventable situation and recognize mental illness as the disease that it is, we can continue to work to lessen these tragic situations.
  20. my goodness...that lady made my day!!!!
  21. It is Kelsay's number. No need to give it up, and I'd wonder about a guy who gave up his number. Maybe if Williams offered some significant (minimum one million) dollar donation to his favorite charity it might be worth working a deal out. Seems like you are making someone your "bitxh" in a very public way.
  22. "Best team in years" when you are talking about the Bills is not a major achievement.
  23. Look..its all a power thing. I'm better than you so give me your number. Kelsay was right to say no and right to say "hell no..go F yourself." Then come out to camp/preseason/and regular season and back up not only that you should keep your number but also keep your place on the team and in the starting rotation. Good for him. I always figured that guys who give up their number give up on themselves.
  24. The legal doctrine of "findeers keepers/losers weepers."
  25. If they have text messages and photos, and if there was a pattern of harassment, I would not want to be defebdant. assuming Favredoesn't want to the pictures of his pecker going to through the internet again, and the Jets want to put this behind them, I suspect there will be a very good settlement prior to a trial.
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