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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. The most likable teams? The four superbowl team I guess. The second most likable team? the AFL champion teams. Winning makes a team likable in my book.
  2. I gotta throw Shaw and Fitzpatrick into the mix to get rid of Edwards and Losman. I would rank Kemp number two. I'm glad to see Reich and LaMonica on the list as they were pretty remarkable guys even though in a limited role.
  3. Good for her. Hope someone hires her. Maybe the Bills could use a little straight talk.
  4. Interesting comment from a Vikings board of a fan looking to Friday's game. Everyone else seems to know the Bills Achilles heel has been, is, and apparently will continue to be the offensive line. " "I was in Buffalo for the Redskins-Bills game, and as long as we can shut down the passing game, we should be fine. Their O-line is very average, and I'm being really generous about that. Their starters didn't attempt a run at all, and it's not like CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson are good enough to overcome their O-line's shortcomings, and our line is good enough to either bottle them up or chase them down if they can slip through the line. " I was in Buffalo for the Redskins-Bills game, and as long as we can shut down the passing game, we should be fine. Their O-line is very average, and I'm being really generous about that. Their starters didn't attempt a run at all, and it's not like CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson are good enough to overcome their O-line's shortcomings, and our line is good enough to either bottle them up or chase them down if they can slip through the line.
  5. he had better produce a winning season, or even better a playoff berth THIS year. He has had more than enough time to turn this team around. Right now on the coaching line for buffalo he is above Vern Bullogh and below Dick Jauron. And I don't hold Dick Jauron to be very high on the list.
  6. Well..they took a flyer on Jasper, and its too bad he didn't pan out. They gave him a year and if they aren't seeing potential cutting was the right thing to do. He might catch on with another team, and I wish him well, but Gailey and Nix were given their jobs for a reason, and deciding who to cut is what they are paid for.
  7. fitz should not be judged on a few series in the first pre-season game. The Bills are trying to upload a very difficult offense, the no-huddle, as a part of their offensive package, and they need some reps to do that, with all of the sloppiness and mistakes that they kind of project entails. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. There were apparently some things to be optimistic about in our offense such as the apparently good play of Cordy Glenn (huge area of need). Lets be a little patient and see how the pre-season plays out before we panic.
  8. Thanks for the analysis. Sounds like we may have a fellow who can plug a major gap. I love that he is getting as much playing time as he is during this pre-season.
  9. We just may have the best defensive line in football. yeah yeah..they haven't played a game yet, butWilliams and Williams have both been all-pro and Dareus has a ton of talent, and Anderson has proven to be a very good rusher. The linebackers seem to be the key. If they perform we could be ready for the playoffs.
  10. well, if that was the case then getting rid of those who aren't buying into the program is all for the best. You gotta get everyone reading on the same page.
  11. he is 32 and has a lot of very hard miles on him, physically. I don't see any real upside to bringing him in.
  12. Lynch got a dui...that's what he does. Seattle knew what they were getting. In return they have a guy who gets yards and made the probowl roster. Role model? hell no. Good running back...hell yes. I note that there was another former running back on the roster in Willis McGahee.
  13. Smith's strength is versatility as has been mentioned. Few are old enough to remember the role Ed Rutkowskit (and Tom Matte for Baltimore) played as emergency qb, running back, receiver and special teams contributor. Is Smith a shoo-in to make the team...? I don't think so...but if he shows he can be effective as a versatile utility man, there may continue to be a spot for him.
  14. WEll...she did say she was sorry. And, face it...she's almost an orphan...
  15. Marriage is a wonderful institution. Actually I would rather not be in an institution Congrats and best wishes!
  16. McCarthy is a pretty common name in south buffalo. I lived on Weyand off Seneca and went to St. Teresa. Went away to high school but came back and graduated from South Park. knew a bunch of McCarthy's though.
  17. he was a great guy, and an exceptional old fashioned doc. I remember him actually making house calls. You can be very proud of him.
  18. Gee, I was born in Mercy Hospital and my doc had an office on Abbott Rd. (McCarthy was his name). I lived in St. Teresa's parish off seneca, and used to play football at red jacket park and sledded on Strickler's hill. My little brother lived off indian church and was a police lieutenant in precinct 9
  19. I gotta go with Jack Kemp as one of the four. I watched the early bills and loved all of them, but Kemp was clearly the guy who took them to and won league championships. From Wikipedia: "Kemp led Buffalo to four straight years in the AFL playoffs, three consecutive Eastern Division titles and two straight AFL Championships.[9] He led the league in career passes attempted, completions, and yards gained passing.[33] He played in five of the AFL's 10 Championship Games, and holds the same career records (passing attempts, completions, and yardage) for championships. He is second in many other championship game categories, including career and single-game passer rating.[33] A Sporting News All-League selection at quarterback in 1960 and 1965, and the AFL MVP in 1965. He was the only AFL quarterback to be listed as a starter all 10 years of the league's existence and one of only 20 players to serve all 10 of those years. His number 15 was retired by the Bills in 1984".[6
  20. I know the area well. My mom and dad used to talk about the "lake" there and that folks canoed. Me I remember walking to Caz in the summer going from the "baby pool" to the 3 foot section of the big pool, where I learned to swim to (horrors!) summoning the nerve to jump off the twelve foot boards. Necking down by the creek and playing hockey on the ice before the tosh collins center rink (outdoor that is) was built.
  21. How on earth would the bullets have not been analyzed? If there were a second gunman, we would assume he or she was in cahoots with Sirhan, and we haven't heard any such allegations from him. There's the "girl in the polka dot dress" the "CIA connection" and all that. I'm not buying a conspiracy on either RFK or JFK.
  22. Jack Kemp Jim Kelly Bruce Smith This really pains me..but OJ Simpson.
  23. 1. Vietnam...getting the distinguished flying cross 2. Ukraine on a Fulbright during a revolution and a Russian winter
  24. At this stage of the game Trent is ready to be a starter or not. No one is thinking of him as a starter. At this stage of his career, he should be in a desperate battle with Kafka for the back up role. He isn't At this stage of his career he should not be under consideration for the "project" rookie or second year spot on the team....he isn't. In other words..dead man walking.
  25. I'm pulling for Jasper to make it as I like underdogs,and he sure looks like a big guy who moves well. He's into a second year, so I suspect he'll make his move in the preseason for a spot on the final roster.
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