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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Doesn't much matter what you do the rest of the season. We might as well ride out on the horse we rode in on. There isn't another coach on the team qualified to be an improvement over Chan. There isn't a better quarterback on the roster, or he'd be starting already. Fire Chan after the last regular season game and move on...albeit three years late.
  2. He didn't inherit a mess. He inherited a team with a mediocre record, but with players who were pro bowl material (Marshawn Lynch, Jabari Greer, Lee Evans, He failed to recognize his biggest areas of weakness (offensive and defensive line) and failed to make good draft choices. His on field game calling (especially this year) is just pathetic. He took a team two games away from a playoff birth and made it one of the worst teams in the league. The shame is that this team has the actual talent to be an eight or nine win team with the right leadership. Well, at least a 7 win team anyway.
  3. We are very lucky to have two quality running backs and should keep (and use) both of them as our primary offensive weapons. Our passing game is not going to get us to the playoffs, and a good running game ups our offensive time of possession keeping our defense off the field and rested. Further, running backs get hurt (as we know) at various times in the season and having two (or best yet...three) running backs ready is where its at.
  4. We are what we are, and 3-3 is better than a losing record and worse than a winning record. We suffered two HUMILIATING defeats to two divisional teams, which is not a good thing by any means. We have the talent to win nine games and I would expect us to do that, and if lucky to either get into the playoffs with the 9 or with a little luck get a tenth win. We have a lot to prove in the next few games. We would play a lot better if we stayed out of sports bars in Virginia, though.
  5. Could it possibly mean we're in deep doo-doo and don't have any other alternative?
  6. yeah...good teams win close football games. Great teams don't have all that many close football games.
  7. Not awfully impressed. I'm seeing really really dumb calls game after game and when we win we win in spite of them. I see a defense that has a lot of talent but has a tendency to give up when facing adversity. I see a sporadic passing game. On the plus side we have a very good running game which is a huge asset, and the defense has a lot of talent which should gel under competent coaching. Nine wins Chan..nine wins. It is certainly possible.
  8. just measured, From my house off Seneca St. to South park high school, 1.25 miles back and forth every day. I don't know if they still walk it, but it was no big deal. Others walked to Timon or Mount Mercy. I suspect that they still do that.
  9. found 17 grams of meth...a pipe....two pounds of marijuana....a half pound of swiss cheese...a six pack of genny light...and a puppy....other stuff was in there but our light wouldn't go any further.
  10. hey hey...the actually won the AFL championship twice at the rockpile, and i remember some very good football being played there. As to what is buried at the corner, no one knows...cough cough..jimmyhoffa
  11. Its nice that Choice is calling them out. However I would think if the team is grossly underperforming I would expect THE FREAKING COACH would call them out. Would Vince Lombardi, Bill Parcells, Tom Coughlin or Belichick wander around like a drunken hobo while a team scores 45 unanswered points? I kind of doubt it. I can only imagine if the team followed it up with a game like San Francisco. This is team with no one guiding it.
  12. yeah..and we are stuck with the curse of Doug Flutie ever since......
  13. nah...the curse started with the benching of Doug Flutie. It will not be lifted until we a. Draft our starting quarterback from Boston College b. Make Flutie Flakes the Official Buffalo Food (sorry Buffalo Wings.) c. Burn Rob Johnson in effigy d. Run Replays of the Music City Miracle on the Jumbotron throughout the preseason.
  14. Not true...at least one person was interested and would have been a better choice. Perry Fewell. He would be interested now as would any number of co-ordinators hungry for a head coaching job. Look at the record. Jauron was clearly a better head coach.
  15. Oh...what makes it different than any other buffalo bills draft day?
  16. He fits right in with the rest of our defense. The others took YEARS to get this bad...he gets it naturally.
  17. Why the limit to two? How do we even BEGIN to pick the top two? I guess I'll have to go with the defense number one and the offense number two. the coaching, management, ownership, are on the wait list for openings.
  18. Why don't we put him in for all three williams defensive players? We aren't getting much out of any of them. Oh...wait a minute...other than punt returns we haven't been getting all that much out of McKelvin. Well we always have Jabari Greer and Jim Leonhard.
  19. They might win the next two games. We don't know what we are going to see from week to week. I could see us going through the season with a very bad team, but this is much worse. The players for the most part are pretty good, but they lack any consistency in play and they fold when the going gets tough. This group is painful and embarassing to watch, win or lose.
  20. I cannot believe that Chan believes fitz is a good qb or will take the Bills to the playoffs. It may be that he just has less confidence in TJ and being out of options he has to put on a game face and go with Fitz. Its not like we have all the pieces or would be going anyplace if Fitz actually did perform this year. Play out the year, Chan...and then go gently into that good night.
  21. I thought that today as I watched the replay of the Houston/Jets game. They performed with limited resources and didn't give up. The secret? They are coached by Ryan and we are coached by Gailey.
  22. http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/08/sport/woods-testicle-warrington-rugby/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Wait a minute..I'm not sure the clowns we have have testicles to lose.
  23. The way this team is playing, it seems we're wasting roster spots on dam near every position.
  24. Bill, I hate to this, but you are too kind to the Bills. They were even worse than that. The thing is, I think we have talented players, talented enough to contend for a playoff spot. Its coaching and character that this team lacks.
  25. Phillips day has passed. He is a good defensive co-ordinator and I'd love to see him in that position, but head coaching is not his strong suit. I like him, liked his dad, wish him well, but not as a Buffalo head coach.
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