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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Why am I not surprised? The naked quote is grossly out of context as well. But hey, It's Republicans.
  2. Grandchildren in College? Wow...they let you keep your laptop in the nursing home huh? That's reassuring as I'll probably be there fairly soon myself!
  3. The problem is...NEWS FLASH!...The offensive line!!!!!!! That's the two tackles, the guards and the Center. Probably could include the tight end in the mix as well. OFFENSIVE LINE. Notice that when we draft next year. Notice that in free agency. OFFENSIVE LINE. Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Otto Graham and Johnny UNnitas couldn't do anything with our line. Does Bledsoe suck? Probably. However don't for one second think that any other quarterback won't suck at least as bad with this line.
  4. Mularkey's problem isn't the press. Its the the pressure.
  5. My grandson was born last night at 8. His mother went into the hospital on Sunday morning and the kid started making moves to be born at the beginning of the Bills Oakland game. As the game progressed he changed his mind. He hung in there most of the day yesterday until it was explained to him that a bye week was coming up and there wasn't any particular omen that the bills would perform well even if he should hold on til the next game. 8 pounds 14 ounces. Just sent momma flowers.
  6. Ah the right wing Pollyanna brigade at work with their "outrage". Message for the whackos--war is hell. You should have thought about that before you went in. Marines into fallujah...marines out of fallujah. Marines into Najef...whoops, marines out of najef. 1000 soldiers die..no sweat. 7000 wounded. no sweat. Contractor beheaded...OUTRAGE! Wet our pants with concern. You guys kill me.
  7. Gee. I said that before we went in. Said it when we botched up being there. Say it now when we have no plan to get out. Too bad so many dead and wounded will have to suffer for Bush's incompetence.
  8. The DEMOCRATS nominated a moron? Guess they must have wanted to start even with Bush!
  9. Ever occur to these "leaders" that they might just shut up and play football? Where were the O-Line "leaders?" How bout a coach "leader?" These guys play "smashmouth" football allright...more mouth than smash.
  10. A lot more than you, my dimwitted friend.
  11. I believe unions oppose these because the countries (Malaysia, Thailand, etc.) can produce because of unrealistic standards of payment (and living) for workers. In the long run however, the standards should even out (the standards and wages and benefits of American workers decrease, while the standards of third world workers increase.) In theory it isn't unfair. On the other hand, those who manufacture and benefit from the "unfair" imports (China, etc) will be getting into the ownership class and that will probably even out as well. We will no longer have a third world (of a first world...too bad for us!) but will probably have a more equitable and fair world. We will suffer in the short term, but we will be on a more equal footing with the rest of the world in the end. That assumes that others will allow free trade. Oil rich countries, or countries that own the basis of production (perhaps even the cheap labor force) may see nothing in it in having free trade with "twentieth century countries" (Russia, USA and others) and form their own trade conglomerates (European Union, GUAAM, OPEC) and cut us out. That wouldn't be nice. However not very nice things have happened in the past.
  12. Why would they be going there? Isn't the war over? Aren't all the troops home and happy and aren't we not suffering any more casualties there?
  13. Edwards has a lot of trial lawyer experience. That means thinking on your feet and responding well, limiting issues to the essence and driving your point home. It should be interesting. I wouldn't take bets on that one.
  14. Well it IS richio. What did you expect?
  15. Amusing bit of wisdom from the so-called President. making a higher pie.
  16. I had the fortune to meet with a few of the 64-65 Bills. Nice fellas. Ralph didn't say much except how he remembered the game. The Stratton hit was the major topic of discussion. For the most part they have aged quite well. Guess they played in the era before cocaine and steroids became the rage (70-s and 80-s). I
  17. War in Iraq?..The way that's been handled I'd have to go back to the Dan Darragh regime to find a comparable Buffalo Bills team! There is nothing wrong with the team we have in Iraq, but the coaching, management and present ownership suck. Hope we change that in November.
  18. They did play pretty well on sunday. Let's see how they do in the next few weeks. Top 5 sounds a little too optimistic based on one week, but I did like what I saw.
  19. I'm a vietnam vet, and served in combat with a crew, so I was interested in the swifboat issue (the docs, pencil pushers and other weasels such as O'neil making a buck off of someone's service) from a personal point of view. As the election gets closer, I'm thinking more and more of substantial issues (hence spending less time on the board! ). No news. I think the kid wants to see how the Oakland game turns out.
  20. Not familiar with it, nor do I care much about it. I'm focused on registering voters and an upcoming debate on the campaign that focuses on the mess that Bush has made on foreign policy, the war on terrorism, Iraq (unrelated to the war on terrorism, by the way) the deficit, health care and employment. I get a kick out of watching you righties go whacko over this type of thing though!
  21. I'm hoping you are right and I'm wrong and we kick some Oakland butt!
  22. yeah..like Laura Bush would have shown up there at all.
  23. Just back from Buffalo. Son got me seats in the M&T club which was really nice and got to meet a number of the Bills from the 1964 team there. Son was also going to give me my first grandchild, but the kid was so ashamed about the bills play that he or she decided to wait until the Oakland game before coming into the world. Good choice. I couldn't find the Hammer parking area or lot and was looking forward to a Singha with KRC and meeting some of the folk. (specially Boomer and the right wing whackos!). Anyway. We sucked. The coaching was lackluster and incoherent, the passing game didn't have much going for it, we missed critical field goals, Willis won't be talking so much about getting traded, and we didn't run when we should have (near the end zone) and ran exclusively when we might have kept a drive going with an occassional pass. We have a lot of getting better to do before Oakland. It isn't the end of the world. We have a very good defense (albeit some bad moments) and I for one think the offense has the POTENTIAL to be better than average. Time for that potential to show itself.
  24. Bledsoe, Mularkey, The holding call, Nate Clements on the long pass...there is a LOT of blame to go around. McGahee wasn't all that impressive either. However, its the first game. The key is what they do about it next week. They should have won...
  25. my 1982 Mazda RX-7...with the Wankel Rotary Engine. Loved that car.
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