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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. And WITH Teague we were super-bowl bound?
  2. The way we've been scoring, I wouldn't worry about the song. We hardly ever get the chance to sing it. Maybe "To Dream the Impossible Dream" might be more appropriate.
  3. What he meant was that anyone who wanted to know the truth about Halliburton could kiss his butt.
  4. Bush didn't have good intelligence before 9/11. That was partially his fault (I think mostly his fault, but others disagree). He has literally done nothing to fix the problem since, and that is TOTALLY his fault.
  5. As if VA would know what working for a living actually was!
  6. Agreed. Unless DB does a very quick about face the rest of this season should be to showcase tradebait, improve compensation for free agents, and workout future starters. Losman should start playing as soon as he is able unless we start winning games in a hurry.
  7. Apparently he was right about the foreign policy stuff.
  8. Kind of gets easier after the first 1000 body bags come home doesn't it? Just keeps on keepin on. The deaths going from being tragedies to being statistics. Welcome to the world of war. Might have been nice if the right wing whackos thought about this before we went in.
  9. my brothers wanted to be marines. Once the recruiter found out they were heterosexual they were sent to the air force.
  10. more troops, more casualties, fewer results. Welcome to the quagmire.
  11. Silence of Lambs when you realize that Jody Foster is going into the house of the murderer. Also the Hannibal escape. Wait Until Dark (1966?) when Alan Arkin jumps out and grabs Audrey Hepburn. Been done to death since that movie, but it was very effective.
  12. I've always wondered about the wisdom of anyone who would vote for Bush myself.
  13. I suspect that the parties would have rules to cover that eventuality. I don't think it would automatically go to the vice-presidential candidate (ironically the vice president would automatically become president but would not automatically become the Republican nominee?). Interesting question...hope someone reviews the rules and gets back to us!
  14. Given Bushies answer, it wouldn't have taken very complex handsignals.
  15. I don't think they give medals for serving a long time. They do give pensions for that kind of thing though!
  16. Wow...did he have a black pen?
  17. Your father is more like most vietnam vets. Many of my closest friends are combat nam vets, and I do volunteer work at the VA across the street, as well as being a nam vet myself. For the most part we have no use for the weasel "swiftboat vets" for the same reason as your father.
  18. Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice. Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.
  19. nah...hitler never looked that goofy.
  20. We can't change the line at this stage. The obvious change is QB. Anyone is more mobile than Drew and Matthews is the only game in town. That would be a possibility. We run block pretty well and we can get more touches for BOTH Henry and see if Willis has any potential. Use two tight ends more often. Put a blocking fullback in there on passing downs. If we are going to keep Drew in, we have to protect him. Blocking backs and two tight ends are probably the way to go, which means putting some good receivers on the bench. I suspect we'll lose a few more games and go with Losman.
  21. you forgot the missing link! RiO=Bizarro Tenny=Baghdad Bob =Alaska Dimwit!
  22. Richio...let's assume he had a black pen. What part of the "contract" would be in violation? The "black Pen clause?" Oh..you mean a tangible item, in that neither candidate was to bring a "tangible item" to the debate? I believe eyeglasses, or even GWB's tie pin would qualify as a "tangible item." Try harder richio. Your boy got a whuppin...got his hienie kicked. stevestojan the bed...And I'm trying sooooo hard to be "oblective" about it!
  23. Call it a tie? I'll call the new england bills game a tie as well! My God Kerry took GWB's lunch, beat up his little brother, killed his dog and kissed his sister! TIE? Wow...I'd call the Little Big Horn more of a tie!
  24. I suspect you are right. TD will be gone if the season plays out as you have described. Mularkey may be gone as well. I suspect it would be just as good to let McGahee and Losman play and perhaps sit Moulds to see what we have with the younger receivers. I can't imagine we will keep many of the players who can get out, and would hope we could get some good draft choices to start rebuilding and pick up some better players in free agency. ALTERNATIVELY, we could RUN the ball, cut down on the dumb penalties, play to Bledsoe's few remaining strengths, and compensate for a line that simply cannot pass block, and finish the season 8-8. We lose a number of players to free agency, cut Bledsoe, trade Moulds and Henry for what we can get for them and rebuild.
  25. wow...voter fraud? Somewhere other than Florida? How many Jeb Bush's and Kathryn Harrises are there?
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