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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Extrapolating their 5-game stats over a full 16 games:


    Moulds: 99 rec, 1264 yds, 10 TD

    Evans: 32 rec, 794 yds, 3 TD

    Reed: 16 rec, 195 yds, 0 TD

    Aiken: 6 rec, 38 yds, 0 TD


    As everyone already figured, Moulds is having a monstrous season and is pretty much carrying the slack for everyone else.


    However, Evans is developing very well after only 5 career NFL games and could have a 2002 Price-like impact by the final quarter of the season. Aiken hasn't been given much playing time, but the coaches must have otherwise liked his development outside the games to promote him to #4 WR and cut Shaw.


    The lone sore spot, of course, in our WR corps is Mr. Josh Reed. He's actually regressed since his rookie season. If he doesn't get any better in the next few games, I say promote Aiken to #3, make Reed inactive for the second half of the season, and then cut him when it's over.


    Moulds is carrying the slack for everyone else?...I don't think so...we are 1-4.  There is plenty of slack to go around and I seem to remember a few going through his hands and a costly fumble in earlier games.  WE ARE 1-4 and only beat the worst team in football.  If anyone is having a MONSTER season on the Bills it is probably not MONSTER in a positive sense.  Things are looking up.  Everyone has a LOT of work to do.  I wouldn't be passing around a lot of Pro-Bowl bids at this stage of the season.  Let's see what happens in the next few weeks.


    Oh, and in case anyone still cares, Peerless Price's 6-game stats over a full 16 games:


    Price: 45 rec, 717 yds, 0 TD


  2. Let's see. Are we talking about the history of the Bills or the NFL?


    How about:


    Jim Marshall’s wrong-way run for a safety in 1964?


    Super Bowl  VII when Garo Ypremian fumbled while trying to throw the ball, and Mike Bass picked it out of the air and went 49 yards for the score.


    SB XXVII when Leon Lett having the ball stripped by Bebee


    The entire 1976 Tampa Bay season when their offense had 20 ints and fumbled the ball 30 times.



    Yeah..the Ronnie Harmon play and Music City Miracle are really pit plays. The Ronnie Harmon, bad as it was, was only ONE guy dropping a pass. The Music City Miracle qualifies because at least one and maybe more missed their assignment. Both of course were when a playoff berth, or playoff advancement were at stake. This play at New England was pure. Game on the line. Five or six people miss their assignments...just atrocious play by all concerned.

  3. Something posted yesterday has stuck with me. The description of that fourth down play against New England where apparrently EVERYONE on the offensive side of the ball missed their assignment was referred to as one of the worst plays in NFL history. All time bad plays! Humiliating. I guess I'd like to know if there has ever been another Bills play in its 45 year history that might compete with it. I've followed the Bills since 1960, have gone over some really awful years...and can't come up with one. Maybe there should be a plaque in Canton commemorating the play. It will rank with The Drive...Elway. The Catch...Willie Mays. The screw up...Buffalo Bills.

  4. I think Bayh is a possibility, but I suspect the 2008 candidates will take form around 2006, not now. The names I'm hearing here are people past their prime, Giuliani, Pataki, et al. Schwarzenneger isn't a natural born citizen, so he's out. I've seen some Republicans on the talking head shows who might emerge, but its way too early to tell.

  5. As a citizen I would WANT a critique of the past administration. An analysis by the incumbent, and a statement by the challenger. I think it might not have been fair to phrase it as "mistakes you made" as opposed to "mistakes made the administration". Bush answered it honestly. He doesn't think any mistakes were made and you should in fact vote for him if you believe that. Kerry thinks mistakes were (the war in Iraq, the war on terrorism and the economy) No big deal.

  6. Well, just look at RichInOhio, tennesseeboy, Captain America, and blzrul and you will see the morons that live for this stuff. I don't think that any of them have had a rational thought in years, if at all.



    WELCOME BACK~~ :):):huh:

  7. I ran for office on a couple of occassions and worked for candidates on and off since the early 70's. I know that politicians get lambasted (maybe rightly) for not doing much when they are in office, but I'll tell you Republican or Democrat, they work their asses off in getting elected. I will never say that candidates don't work on their elections, as it is one very stressful job to get elected.

  8. If we were the worst team in the NFL it wouldn't be as bad as this. I've been a fan when we clearly had the worst team in the NFL in the late sixties (Dan Darragh?). When the TEAM is that bad you can cheer for them to perform above their talent and be proud of them occassionally rising to the challenge. This team is a not-bad team talent wise playing like the worst team in the NFL. I'm not saying this to put a positive spin on things because I think there is nothing worse than a team that can win just not putting enough into it to win a game. That makes me sick.

  9. KD again, I belive you are off here.  They have been playing those ads in the DC area for months now.  They set the truth on a lot of misconceptions especially in light of the lies from F9-11. 


    Yes there are sects within SA such as the wahibi's  (sp??) who want to destroy us, but this is a minority.  The majority of the muslims whether overseas or here, either want to live their lives without considering the grand scope of things, or are our friends.



    Our "friends" should work on that little practical joke of flying airplanes into our skyscrapers. Almost all of them were Saudi. Did they mention that on their ad? Or where the money came from to launch 9/11? Hmmm...probably not. Bandar Bush should really talk about that a bit.

  10. Why on earth would Miami give up a draft choice that might be the Number one overall for DB and TH? Assuming TH is as bad as some say he is...and DB is as bad as he's appearing to be, I can't imagine anyone agreeing to the trade. I think it is a good idea if we can get it. Without DB or TH we will gaurantee that we will have the worst record in football and the number one overall draft pick. Maybe we could trade Takeo Spikes and Moorman as well?

  11. I am kind of confused. I haven't been following the election as closesly as I would like.  However, every single one of my friends and colleagues is a staunch Kerry supporter.  Most feel this way due to an utter hatred towards GW Bush.  Now I notice that on this board, I would say that Bush has the majority.  That said, I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me here.




    Please, no insults against Kerry's personalitiy or his flip flopping, etc... what I would love to hear are some deficiencies in Kerry's policy.  If you could point me to resources,  that would be great too.


    I'm just trying to educate myself here. Thanks very much!



    1. The war in Iraq. Bush shouldn't have gotten into it and he certainly can't get us out of it. Kerry/Edwards can.


    2. The deficit. Bush took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history. He can't get us out of it. Kerry/Edwards can


    3. Health care. Its broke. Bush didn't, couldn't or wouldn't fix it. Kerry Edwards have at least an idea for fixing it.


    Kerry has the financial advisors and planners (Bob Rubin et. al.) that gave us the Clinton economy...the best one we've ever had. Bush has more of the same.


    Kerry has the military leaders who know what it means to lead. Bush has yes men.


    Kerry knows who the terrorists are. Bush thinks Saddam and his Iraqi henchmen were the threat. We all know better now. Listen to your friends.

  12. Every election where there is an incumbent is, for the most part, a referendum on the incumbent's first four years. Hence a question about Bush's handling of his first term and mistakes made in that term is perfectly fair. Bush could have said there were mistakes but in his opinion they were offset by major accomplishments, or even could have said that there weren't any mistakes (both outrageously false statements, but better than whatever it was he said). Kerry maintains he was a very bad president and backed it up. Sounds fair to me. What mistakes were made in the previous administration and what are you going to do to avoid making them in the future. Bush says none and you are going to get more of the same. Kerry says plenty and I'll do my best to avoid them in my term.

  13. Nothing more than a panacea and CYA tool against people like Tenny who like to pretend that the government can be everywhere and know everything while still allowing us to be "free".



    Why Alaska Dimwit, I'm flattered that you think the Bushies would go to such an extent to cover their asses for failing to anticipate, address, prepare for, or deal with terrorism. The skittle colored "warning system" just doesn't cut it. When I was in high school we criticized a classmate (offensive line) for "look out" blocks. When a defensive lineman rushed by him he'd yell "look out." As bills fans might notice that kind of lineman isn't very offensive. The warning system is Bushie's "lookout block!" <_<

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