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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Halliburton "being there" is kind of a given.  the $150.00/hour Blackwater security gaurds from Iraq are getting for doing jobs that $12.00 security gaurds could do better.


    You're right Paul...I must admit my error. They are getting $150 an hour for doing a job that a $12.00 an hour security gaurd could do AS WELL. Although my contacts in New Orleans maintain that they are more trouble than they are worth.

  2. We arent' going to the playoffs. EM is not playing for us next year. We don't want to fire MM until the end of the season. Sounds like suspension gives us more of a chance to evaluate or develop existing talent for next year, and we can keep the coach we probably need to end this travesty of a season. Suspension for the season is the easy way out. If Moulds pulled himself (Cookie Gilcrhist got suspended for that once...and the team got Saban to change his mind letting him back to win our first AFL championship.) suspension for the rest of the season might be a good idea.

  3. And so is Halliburton. I know the project manager for the entire theater.



    Halliburton "being there" is kind of a given. the $150.00/hour Blackwater security gaurds from Iraq are getting for doing jobs that $12.00 security gaurds could do better.

  4. Clinton didn't declare war on Bosnia and we are still there.  Where is your outrage on that?



    I'm reacting to the analogy of Roosevelt's address to Congress...where, by the way he was asking for a declaration of war against a real enemy (where Bush never asked for a declaration of war, gave a statement of facts that justified the declaration of war...and didn't have a real enemy) :) ...to Bush's actions on Iraq. Bosnia isn't something I'm outraged about. I suspect part of it has to do with all of those coffins coming home from Iraq that didn't come home from Bosnia. But that's for another post.

  5. You brought up the fact that since Germany declared war on us, and Japan attacked us that it was okay to declare war on Germany.  Using your same logic, since Al Qaeda attcked us and Iraq had declared war on us, therefore we could declare war on them.  :)



    I don't think I said that. I think I said something like this:


    Fact is we declared war on Germany after Germany declared war on us. Fact is also that Germany had a treaty with Japan (the Real Axis of Evil), and I don't believe Al Qaeda had any kind of treaty with Saddam. Truth be told I don't believe they even liked each other all that much.


    I suspect if there had been a formal declaration of war against us, Colin Powell would have brought it up as a basis for our invasion and occupation of Iraq. Seems like a better justification than that little shaker of salt he was flashing around as a basis for invasion.

  6. He seems to always try to say nice things about this week's opponent. I think it gives them a false confidence. Inside his head, though, I suspect he's considering this week a pleasant breather and a chance to walk through a laugher. I hope that's what is going on inside his head, because if we get our act together we could give him a good game.

  7. You brought up the fact that since Germany declared war on us, and Japan attacked us that it was okay to declare war on Germany.  Using your same logic, since Al Qaeda attcked us and Iraq had declared war on us, therefore we could declare war on them.  :)



    Of course this begs the rather important point that Congress declares war as it did against Japan and Germany and it has not to this day declared war on Iraq. But why quibble?

  8. Actually, Germany didn't have to declare war based on Japan. The agreement called for mutual defense if attacked, and as Japan was the aggressor, it was moot.



    The issue isn't whether they had to...it was whether they did..I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me as to when there was a formal declaration of war on us by Iraq. Not saying it didn't happen, but I'd like some particulars.

  9. Last I heard Dallas was hot in the playoff hunt and Bledsoe still a pro-bowl contender. Let's see how the last few games play out. I think Bledsoe with a Bledsoe offense is a winning combo. TD never gave him a Bledsoe office. Now I admit I might be proven wrong in the remaining games of the season because I think Parcells HAS given him the Bledsoe offense (great tight end and very good offensive line coupled with quality wide receivers.)

  10. Va...the assertion was that we declared war on Germany after the Japanese attacked us.  We didn't.  Germany declared war against us.  That is an empirical fact.  Al Qaeda did not have a treaty with Iraq in which there was an agreeement that Iraq would declare war on us if a war should break out between us and Iraq.  I agree with you, my friend, that facts in general may suck.  Relevant facts can, however, be useful and sometimes dispositive.  :)


    Shouls read "if war should break out between us and AQ." I suspect if such a treaty had been made it would have also had an agreement as originally stated.

  11. And Iraq has had an ongoing declaration of war against us.  What the !@#$ is the difference?  And yes Al Qeada did have arrangments for training purposes in Iraq, just because of their common enemy.  Very similar to the Axis agreements.  Again facts suck.


    Va...the assertion was that we declared war on Germany after the Japanese attacked us. We didn't. Germany declared war against us. That is an empirical fact. Al Qaeda did not have a treaty with Iraq in which there was an agreeement that Iraq would declare war on us if a war should break out between us and Iraq. I agree with you, my friend, that facts in general may suck. Relevant facts can, however, be useful and sometimes dispositive. :)

  12. No Tenny it was more like declaring war on Germany after the Japanese attacked us.  But don't let facts get in your way again.


    Fact is we declared war on Germany after Germany declared war on us. Fact is also that Germany had a treaty with Japan (the Real Axis of Evil), and I don't believe Al Qaeda had any kind of treaty with Saddam. Truth be told I don't believe they even liked each other all that much. :)

  13. :)

    There you go again Tenny, swimming in the sewer.


    Yeah..next thing I do wil be lie about wmd's and needlessly kill more than 3,000 GI's and 20 some thousand casualties before we bug out of some middle eastern country. Now THAT would be swimming in a sewer. ;)

  14. Wow!!! But does the wall like them? They need the Wall more than the Wall needs them.

    On a side note about this past weeks game Jim Kelly said the Bills should have ran the ball to eat the clock ...

    Right Jim just like the first superbowl....


    In the first superbowl we still had the K-gun offense and managed 19 points in 19 minutes on the field. What we needed was someone to stop the Giants from running the ball. I think Shane Conlan was injured and we had that single weakness that Parcells took advantage of with a vengeance.

  15. Yes. So many brave young men.


    And Roosevelt's words have contemporary application...



    Yeah I see the contemporary application:



    As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Instead of invading Japan, I'm directing an immediate invasion of Mexico, which had nothing to do with the attack, but there are bad people there who would develop weapons to use against us somewhere down the line.

  16. Were you in Moscow ? I made 2 trips to Moscow in the past year. Went around town and saw all the sites. Red Square is fantastic.  Also spent time 4 hours north, up in Yaroslavl.


    I couldn't get over how many beautiful women I saw. Just incredible.



    Not Moscow, but was in Belarus. I was in Kiev, Lviv, Yalta, Odessa and Khmelnetsky in Ukraine. I'm going back to do some work in May and June and will do Moldava and probably do some things in St. Petersburg (not Erynthered's St. Pete.) and Moscow. Looking forward to it. The women are as gorgeous as the women in East Tennessee.

  17. You're a slow pay just like the rest of your lazy ass liberal girlfriends. I WANT INTEREST!!!

    ( Maybe an extra beer or two would work. :D )


    I'm ready...will be at Frenchy's anytime on Feb 18 through 22. I'm staying at Sheraton Sand Key..work on Ghost of Bib and see if KRC can make it. My treat and I'll try and find some Sing Hai.

  18. Oy vey.  Anyone want to point out the logical fallacy of this statement?  :D



    No fallacy, internal or external. The Act supported internal IRAQI groups that sought to change the existing government of Saddam (a pretty radical change from earlier administrations that left the Kurds to die after egging them on to revolt.) The Act did not purport to send American troops to die on Iraqi soil to force change in that country and to unite those groups we had hoped to support in their own efforts to change the government to a common goal of eliminating an invader who was (opening the envelope) .....uh.....US!! :D

  19. So Clinton's 1998 Iraqi Freedom Act was wrong???


    Please advise..


    Of course not. In 1998 it was a good act. Since then we declared war (unnecessarily) on Iraq and created a middle eastern powder keg that is a breeding ground for terrorists (and wasn't before) and will soon be an islamic fascist state run by Shiites. Under those circumstances we will back the Sunnis or Kurds (Kurds carry too much baggage from Turkey and elsewhere) so we will back the Sunnis...the Sunnis know they need a vicious mother to survive so we will support or (more likely) find a vicious mother just like the Saddam so loved by Rummy in the Reagan administration. Iraqi Freedom Act went up in smoke when we decided we would do the job ourselves.

  20. If there is a world class stud Defensive Tackle or Offensive Tackle...go for him in the higher round. I mean Bruce Smith or Warren Sapp or Peppers type of franchise player. If not trade down for better picks and go for the best Offensive linemen and Defensive Tackles available. I would not be averse to a great tight end prospect but don't think about anything but the trenches. We're not going anywhere without that being taken care of.

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