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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I like Imus in the Morning, but when I leave my office I catch a few snippets of some guy named Sean Hannity. Believe me VA..you Republicans aren't thinkers!
  2. I think we will pick five or six and the best o lineman out there is: D'Brickashaw Ferguson OT from Virginia. I like the tight end from Georgia (pope, I think) for the second round if he decides to come in the draft. Look at Defensive Tackle Jess Mahalona who should make it to the third round.
  3. D'Brickashaw Ferguson, Offensive Tackle, University of Virginia.
  4. Nothing against Scott Norwood, who had a great career here except for one missed kick (not an easy one either). BUT...psychologically I'm not ready for another Norwood.
  5. There is something to be said for this. I just wonder what coaches with head coaching experience are going to available and want to come to Buffalo with the number of head coaching positions that will be open at the end of the season.
  6. I don't think this is going to help you in your plea bargain, Scooter.
  7. I think this is a road I had better not walk down unless I want to go to the gulag again!!
  8. Wow..you apparently don't like rich people all that much. Don't know what we would do in higher ed. without them.
  9. Trade down...get a DT. DEFENSIVE TACKLE. Offensive Gaurd. Offensive Tackle. Tight End. We don't need another rookie quarterback. Reference Joey Harrison, David Carr, and early Chris Palmer. We have an NFL linebacking corps. We have a Sisters of Perpetual misery offensive and defensive line.
  10. Actually that's three programs...I guess the repeal of the estate tax will be the fourth.
  11. That's not fair. Republicans have established two of the largest feel good spending programs in history in the last few years. The Homeland Security pork barrel polka, the War in Iraq bash, and the New Orleans Hearty Party. However, none of the feel good went to poor people. I would mention a word that begins with H here, but certain folks will get their panties in a wad.
  12. I suspect it will be so many openings for so few coaches in the NFL this year. We'll be seeing some VERY new and unexpected coaches come next season.
  13. Cookie...for a mean smash mouth fullback. I mean really smash mouth..not the Mularkey kind.
  14. Sounds like a pretty good a priori assumption. I haven't seen countries standing in line at the United States Department of Allowing Nuclear Arms Development. Fact is that countries (and not just Iran) are developing and will develop nuclear arms. We shouldn't talk about Disallowing any country from doing anything until we figure out what we are going to do if they tell us to poop in our hat.
  15. Moorman. His punts are the high point of the game. I can't wait for the offensive to get their three plays in so he can perform.
  16. As I said earlier today...I think it should be Marv to coach the next three games as well as GM...and he can run the search for head coach, mastermind the draft and FA maze and GM for a year or two.
  17. Mularkey will NOT be here next season, and you can take that to the bank. TD and MM will be leaving in the same week, if not on the same day. If there were a few more weeks left in the season, I'd bet they'd be fired immediately.
  18. Do we have the power or capacity to "disallow" Iran to acquire nuclear weapons? or Korea? No...and our braying that we do only further trumpets the fact that we don't. Countries that are our "enemy" that are neutral and that are our friends (which is not a permanent status by any means) are going to acquire nuclear weapons. The question is what we are going to do about it...not whether we will "allow" them to acquire them. An Iran with nuclear weapons may serve to stabilize the middle east assuming it is countered by an Israel with nuclear weapons. The stakes become so high there is incentive to avoid a certain level of conflict. To draw an analogy to a concurrent post it is less likely that Israel or Iran would encourage conventional military actions that might lead to playing the nuclear option. Neither Israelis, Iranians, Americans nor Arabs would seek to run into the Middle Eastern Fulda Gap and all might begin to see the need to deal with outlaw entities such as Al Qaeda who are dedicated to rush into it.
  19. Whether JP (or Kelly Holcomb, for that matter) is good or bad is not relevant. This team needs to build its offensive and defensive lines as a start. Drafting another qb would be a waste. He would be the next David Carr or Joey H. and we would continue to be the next Houston or Detroit (Houston and Detroit will start moaning about being compared to Buffalo next.) The rebuilding job starts at the line of scrimmage.
  20. I was just reading about Wade Phillips and he did have a .580 winning percentage as a head coach. I wouldn't think of him as a head coach for us right now...but I don't think I would bad mouth him as a head coach.
  21. Of course they will "go nuclear" and we will not be able to stop it. Invasion talk is a nice way to beg the question, but the issue is whether they will use it against us (unlikely in the short term because of delivery problems) or against what we consider an essential ally (more likely) or against their own legitimate and immediate enemy (most likely). We have to build a l body that will have the authority to establish legitimate and effective means of dispute resolution as an alternative to nuclear war. The first nuclear war won't be between us and Iran...it will be Pakistan and India or some other countries as a result of a particular incident...their 9/11 as it were. I would be willing to bet that the first nuclear weapons actually used against us in the continental US will have been manufactured in Eastern Europe and bootlegged by terrorists.
  22. I think they ought to consider firing both TD and MM right now, appointing Marv general manager and interim head coach, and have Marv stay on as General Manager and conduct the search for head coach after the season ends. No point in prolonging the agony for TD and MM (and US!) and gives Marv time to evaluate and get ready for the draft and free agency.
  23. Okkay...let's bring something to the table. I've been hearing about the Iraq "problem", the Iran "problem", and other middle eastern problems for some years. Before we in the US try to "solve" these on a problem by problem basis, wouldn't be better off trying to analyze what the problems actually are, and whether they are generally the same problems? Is the Iran problem a nuclear problem? Not taking away from the fact that nuclear proliferation ratchets up the possible consequences of not solving the underlying problems, is it possible that focusing on that particular aspect masks the real problems? Second...is it our "problem" to solve? What legitimacy do we have with these countries that would give us a moral, legal or, for that matter, practical authority to "solve" the problem. I'd spend a lot more time defining what the problem was (I suspect it is more of Middle East problem than an Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, or Saudi Arabia "problem") assess who the stakeholders are and enlist the participation of all to attempt to arrest them. Sounds like a better plan than an invasion. But that's just me.
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