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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think we can solve the huge problems on the offensive line this year with a draft committed to getting a minimum of a left offensive tackle, a quality gaurd, and the defensive line can be greatly improved (from bad to mediocre) with a good nose tackle. We should upgrade the tight end...but that's about as much as we'll be able to do this year. We just don't know the upside of Losman, and the jury is still out (although there are not insignificant negative opinions coming from the board) on McGahee. We should do what we can to keep Moulds. IF we keep Moulds and improve the lines and address the tight end (a pretty darn good draft and some good moves in free agency) we could be an okay team with a chance of significant improvement. Playoff team? I wish that could happen, but I'm not all that optimistic.
  2. bobby April has done a remarkable job with special teams, and has been a defensive line and defensive secondary coach. The guy has a good track record, the respect of the team and organization, and knows what the heck he is doing out there. Didn't Marv have an entree as a special teams coach?
  3. Mularkey has had lots of time to learn...as a player, co-ordinator and coach. I suspect that what he needs can't be taught. But, if we are stuck with him I can always hope he changes greatly in the next year.
  4. I think there might be some good pass rushing DT's in the third and fourth round that could spell Adams or Ngata. Mahelona of Tennessee may slip down there and might be a good addition.
  5. I see him as a transition GM/coach for the next six months. Get through the draft, hire a coach and orient him, turn over the reins at GM to Modrak (if that is the decision) and ride off into the sunset.
  6. Hmmm.. I don't think our situation on the defensive line had anything to do with injuries. I think it had to do with letting Pat Williams go. Period. I think Mort is right that we let go a quarterback who could give us a 9-7 season-for a quarterback (2 actually) who gave us a 4-12 season. He cleaned up the salary mess by taking a playoff team and turning it into a 4-12 team over 5 years. That is not great work. He appointed two rather disastrous head coaches. He gave us Mike Williams and some pretty anemic drafts.
  7. The article didn't say what further care she actually required. It may be that leaving the bullet in was the best course of action. Not having health insurance today means you are simply not going to get the best health care. I could easily have retired some years ago, but a good reason I keep working is terrific health insurance and all premiums paid by my employer. This is the system, and It doesn't like it is going to change any time soon. I suspect that a US citizen without health insurance might face the same situation.
  8. I like Marv, and I think he will be of great help in the draft...assuming Mularkey and Donahoe are gone. He will also be of great help in bringing in a new coach and orienting him (particularly if he comes from the college ranks.). I don't see anything changing, however, if we keep Mularkey.
  9. His team went to the superbowl four times.
  10. The last thing we need is another defensive end. DEFENSIVE TACKLE. We probably should draft one in the first and another in the third. Our two needs are defensive tackle and offensive line. Without addressing those we go nowhere next year.
  11. Look, Mularkey had a team that had won 9 games and should have contended for the division title. He mishandled the quarterback situation from the get go. The team he coached lost to some of the weakest teams in the league, but then won a couple that would indicate that the team was not as bad as it was playing. His coaching in the Miami game, for instance, was worse than bizarre. There is a bottom line...and our record this year does not warrant keeping him.
  12. <ax Jean-Gilles from Georgia instead of the center at 3a. and Jesse Maholona of Tennessee (Def. Tackle) if he makes it to 3b. I couldn't agree more on the first pick, and I think Ngata will be available at 8. We could have a great draft this year. There are some mighty fine tight end prospects that should be available in later rounds as well.
  13. Its nice that they would go through a wall for him. If they would only play football for him with a little bit of consistency we'd be in good shape.
  14. You make the playoffs or get the Super Bowl ring, a "better than you" attitude is understandable, if not laudable. However, I think this team is in no position to criticize anyone. The coach should have ended this crap before it started. What a mess.
  15. Not in the first round, but if he hangs around he might be good looking in the second or third. I'm starting to like that defensive tackle out of Oregon for the first, as there is no way Ferguson will be available at 8.
  16. aybe this age thing has real legs. We might have Marv as head coach, Dick Clark as GM and Doug Flutie brought back to quarterback...throwing to Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion. Actually...Ernie Warlick was a good tight end.
  17. I'm the father of a goal tender from pee-wee through high school, through juniors through college....Shootouts have sure given ME gray hairs!
  18. Being a texas baby I'm surprised he didn't say he just had his first bowel movement!
  19. Whoa...I think that train left the station after the first game. Isn't it funny how we are going to "keep" him because of the three years left on his contract? Wilson knows that no one in their right mind is going to hire him.
  20. Hmm...leave a program like Ohio State to come to the Buffalo Bills, with no quarterback, no offense and an anemic defense? Let's be realistic. We would be one of the LEAST attractive organizations for any head coach to come. I know there are any number of good coaches out there, but I think we may be victims of the "having been a head coach in the NFL" syndrom. I think firing TD and MM (keeping him and sucking for 3 more years because of his salary? ...come on.) and appointing Levy temporary GM and Head Coach for the next six months to appoint and orient a new head coach would be the way to go. Gives us a lot of opportunities to find coaches who can really do the job here, and Levy might even stay on as GM for a year or two.
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