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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. BF has nothing left. Furthermore, we don't have anything much to offer him in the way of protection. Horrible idea.
  2. Remember that Bob Lanier played his high school ball at Bennet and Christian Laettner was no slouch at Nichols
  3. He would be an upgrade, and if available for a reasonable amount might be worth a bid. We have a whole other range of areas in need of improvement more than kicker. Offensive Line, Defensive Line, Tight End, maybe some D backs and even perhaps a wide receiver might come before I'd break the bank for a kicker.
  4. Funny, but the other night I was thinking that the two of them seemed kind of funny together and wondered if anyone had thought to pair them up in a David Spade-Chris Farley kind of movie. The Chubbsie guy has a kind of low key fat guy charm that might work even better than the Spade=Farley combination.
  5. The "veteran quarterback" thing is scary. Holcomb is about as good as you're going to get in the "veteran quarterback" market (maybe Dallas will let Drew go?) I suspect we have to find out whether JP Losman is a good quarterback or not which means getting a line (solving our problems with protection as Peyton might say) and putting him out there to produce or not. If he doesn't we will probably have to draft one in the 2007 draft. I hope we don't waste any draft choices on a "veteran quarterback."
  6. Football. Hate to say it...OJ Simpson (Jim Kelly, Brucke Smith runners up) Basketball. Bob Lanier (college) with Calvin Murphy, Randy Smith behind. Bob MacAdoo (Pro) Baseball....Warren Spahn, Johnny Bench, Luke Easter. College Football Gerry Philbin (UB) Hockey: Roger Crozier
  7. If they move, I suspect it will be pretty much like the other moves...Mayflower trucks...gone...and we'll be surprised. That would be a very difficult day for Buffalo.
  8. I don't think he's very well hidden. We should take very good care of this guy. I proposed his promotion to DC a while back and someone else was throwing around the Assistant Head Coach position, which sounds like a pretty good idea. HC? Maybe, but it would be a huge jump. In any event I think Ralph may want to open his wallet and lock this guy up.
  9. We've been through this before. Remember the discussions about the "token" candidates Marv. Lewis and Lovie Smith? Wish we had been a little more serious about interviewing minority candidates.
  10. That was my point..the three I mentioned were, and in PM's case are, pretty darn good quarterbacks who didn't win a superbowl. Its not only about quarterbacks.
  11. Geez...I sure would hate to see that. We'd have six hour press conferences, with Offensive linemen calling out the crummy play calling, the running of WM, WM calling out the linemen, Eric calling out JP, JP calling out the line and Kelly, Kelly calling out the coach, the linebackers calling out the defensive line, Mularkey calling out WM and SA and EM.....wait a minute...been there...done that.
  12. Manning may or may not be right. The blame is taken off the coaching staff, off the quarterback, off the defense, the kicker and placed on the offensive line. I wonder how that is going to play after the first huddle of the next season. Or when PM's interception loses a game. What goes around has a nasty habit of coming around. And if I were going to call anyone out I might have called out the field goal kicker rather than the 300 pounders who protect my ass every Sunday.
  13. Dan Marino...Jim Kelly ...Peyton Manning....might disagree.
  14. Wasn't House Ballard the tackle who was criticized by Jim Kelly and made all pro a few times? Gee....maybe Ralph can anchor the offensive line!
  15. Yup he was born and raised in WV and played split end for the Rainbows.
  16. You certainly found one imporant reason he couldn't be a head coach. A review of a few of the games this season would probably give you a bunch of others. I don't fault him for quitting, as it was very unlikely that many assistant coaches would want to play here under his tenuous leadership. If he asked for two year contracts, I think that would have been an uncharacteristically smart move on his part. Good bye Mike..its been pleasure knowing you...It will be a better pleasure not knowing you.
  17. With today's technology I don't see it as a problem. Further, I don't think the situation with Marv is anything but a stop-gap (and a good one) for the next six to eight months. Marv is the acting head coach as of the day Mularkey left and might handle the draft with Modrak, but by training camp we will have a new head coach and by the beginning of the season I suspect we will have a new general manager. I would almost gaurantee that ML will step down after a job well done at the end of the next season.
  18. Bill...look at the Miami game. It is a little late to worry about being the league laughing stock.
  19. I was a little disconcerted with ML's comment about "retaining" existing coaches. Sounds like the opposite of a vote of confidence for existing coaches. Given the way Miami is paying far above top dollar for assistant coaches it would not surprise me that if we do not act fairly quickly "retaining" April and Wyche will not be an option. I see April as stretch for head coach, but one that is probably worth the risk. He is a very high quality coach at special teams, and has all the tools to be a head coach, but it is a BIG jump. Further, I think being Head Coach in Buffalo may not be the position of dreams for many of the candidates. This is a delicate time and Marv had better watch the "retaining" language.
  20. With the offensive line and running we had this year we wouldn't be playing if we had Jim Kelly at his peak. And I am a HUGE Jim Kelly fan.
  21. I believe we are in negotiations with the former New York Jets podium and an Assistant podium from the New England Patriots.
  22. We seem to be focused only on retread (mostly unsuccessful) NFL head coaches and DC's and OC's . What about college coaches? I'd like to put Mike Leach up for consideration, but wonder if there are others who should be in the mix? new breed of football.
  23. Day late, dollar short Nick. We've been officially going under all season. As for TKO it looks as if his comment is more of an aside. I suspect his real feelings are not being expressed and if they were they would be a lot more damaging to MM
  24. I don't think there is any particular hurry. Those interviewing are going to hold out for someplace else, and we'll have to pick through what's left if we are going to look at all the usual suspects (NFL head coaches and DC and OC's). If we are loking at college coaches (Mike Leach of Texas Tech, for instance) it will take much longer.
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