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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. The players could use a little Ukrainian coaching and commitment. death match
  2. Watch out..... I am a victim of the latest scam in Buffalo which is happening at the Galleria Mall. Two good looking 18 year old women come to your car as you are parking your car. One starts wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, the other comes to your window saying 'hi' while bending over with her breasts almost coming out of her blouse, impossible not to look, when you thank them and offer them a tip, they say No and beg you for a ride to the Eastern Hills Mall. You agree and tell them to sit in the back. On the way they start having sex in the back seat. Then one of them performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I was assaulted last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, but I couldn't find them Saturday or Sunday. Be careful!
  3. I don't know about the true throwback helmet. That buffalo looks like it is grazing. It was something to see Cookie Gilchrist and Billy Shaw and those tough as nails old time championship Bills ripping up the field with something on their heads looking so passive, timid and bucolic. Wait a minute. Might be appropriate for this year's Bills.
  4. Yeah..isn't it clear that Jauron and Capers are the most qualified head coach candidates!
  5. Soooo....we're not hiring black coaches for their own good? Actually if race is going to come into it, it would have come into it for the black coaches presently coaching. If it does...its something to be dealt with, not something to preclude their entry into the coaching ranks. I'm in agreement that buffalo fans can and almost always are hard on a coach who loses. The comments about Wade, Williams and Mularkey have not been very nice when we lose...and if a black coache were here and losing I suspect he (or she!!) would not be immune from sharp criticism
  6. i'm not sure we would do all that well with the fourth pick, unless perhaps we were able to get Ferguson. I don't see anything we could offer the Jets that would make them totally give up their first round pick without even a trade down to 8. McGahee isn't all that attractive at the moment (no offense meant and maybe WM will be great next year, but he wasn't pro-bowl material this year) Nate is coming off a mediocre year. I think we would do better staying where we are or trading down for an extra second rounder if the opportunity arises. I think a trade down, perhaps with Dallas so they can get Jay Cutler, might be the more likely scenario.
  7. Isn't it great that we have a civil litigation system that will sort out the truth in this situation, that an appropriate award will be given, that the lawyers involved will receive reasonable fees for their efforts an that justice will certainly be done???
  8. I think if you check Bellichek's record the year before he was hired by the Jets and Patriots in pretty much the same week, he had a rather successful coaching tenure under Bill Parcells which made him attractive as a head coach. Jauron doesn't have that experience to wipe out his record. Bellichek was 20-28 his three years at Cleveland, which isn't quite suck (although I don't think NE would have hired or interviewed him for HC immediately after he left Cleveland.)
  9. Actually, I think the NFL IS in fact making progress, but a lot of that progress is because of the pressure against the old boy network. The Rooney rule is one big part of that. Take James Lofton for instance. He is much more likely to get serious consideration for an OC position based on his success as a receivers coach and his visibility as an interviewee. I see it in business and education all the time. This guy takes care of a friend, recommends a friend's kid. The friend is in his club, and there aren't a lot of black guys in the club. This is life, but enough of it occurs to effectively shut out many deserving folks who aren't in the club. Affirmative action begins to address the inequity (institutional racism is a term that comes to mind, but I don't hink I'll use it as it gets a certain type of folk enraged.). I can't believe someone could seriously say that the idea of Art Shell with a winning record, playoff success and a hall of fame credential makes them laugh while we are interviewing Dom Capers.
  10. Yeah...I think the neat interview thing might have something to do with being white (and apparently OLD these days in Buffalo). Gregg W might have taught them a little something about falling in love in an interview. Yes they had head coaching experienced. They sucked at it.
  11. I've got to agree that Sherman is the best out there (certainly the best of the old boys we've been looking at!) and we had better lock him down pretty clearly. I'm optimistic with him. He has that number 7 quality (WINNING) and not a bunch of excuses over five years. This year, the one where he didn't win, does actually sound based on pretty good situations. At leas the excuses aren't excuses for a piss poor career record but for a one season aberration. I'm hoping serious negotiations are ongoing and the continued "negotiations" are leverage in bargaining.
  12. How can they realistically compete with candidates like Jauron and Capers? Capers had an 18-46 record in four years in Houston, but he never won more than seven games in a season. He was fired after posting a league-worst 2-14 mark this season. Remember this is a MERIT system and taking these candidates under the Rooney rule goes against MERIT that gives guys like Jauron and Capers the opportunities they so richly deserve?
  13. Capers had an 18-46 record in four years in Houston, but he never won more than seven games in a season. He was fired after posting a league-worst 2-14 mark this season. Makes Jauron look like an overachiever in the won-loss department as head coach. Makes Sherman look like a combination of Bill Parcells,Bear Bryant, and Vince Lombardi.
  14. I lost twenty-five pounds spending six months in Ukraine walking everywhere and keeping warm in a Russian Winter. I noticed that portions in restaurants were tiny compared to what we get in the states and found eating in American restaurants almost obscene after I got back. Now I have to work out in a gym four times a week to get the exercise I was getting walking. Gained ten in the last month and NOW I am going to get more serious about portion control, eating out less, and drinking more water. No snacking after 6 either. Never ending battle.
  15. I suspect Losman will be the one to save Losman's career. The new coach will have to fix the obvious gaps in the o-line, and after that JP either sinks or swims. I suspect he will swim and be a good quarterback next year. Time will tell.
  16. Mangina? is that really his name? Boy the Jets fans are in for some real fun.
  17. BE SURE you are confident in your surgeon. Find the very best in those kind of surgeries you can, and talk with former patients. I've dealt with a surprising number of people who are very upset with their shoulder surgeries.
  18. I think they had to find a head coach candidate with a head coaching win loss ratio worse than Jauron, and he was the only game in town. Kind of like girls who go hang out with a really ugly girl so that they might look prettier in comparison.
  19. He was a much more valuable asset to the Miami Dolphins when he was head coach of the Buffalo Bills. I think he interviews only so that Saban can show the second half of the Miami game and guffaw.
  20. Either that, or they know they can't 'sell' the idea of hiring a third consecutive novice HC.) I'm buying this logic.
  21. Because Everette has solved our problem at that position?
  22. For our sake we had better hope he is happy with his special teams coach.
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