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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. sh--, twenty minutes with Dr. Phil should straighten his ass out.
  2. I'll have to remember that when you're pulling your rickshaw down Main St!
  3. keep Moulds. I think if we address the line problem we can be a playoff contender with him.
  4. Send a bottle of that Tequila to RW, ML and DJ. The lines are the basis of a successful football team.
  5. Gets back to the usefulness of international affairs education though stuck, doesn't it? If that is where the playing field is we had best get into shape to play on it.
  6. OFFENSIVE LINE....DEFENSIVE TACKLE....TIGHT END...then maybe defensive end, safety, outside linebacker...then...a field goal kicker....then...(maybe) a quarterback.
  7. Stuck, I'm not saying I LIKE the way things are turning out but there are a number of factors that have taken hold in the last decade that have set us onto this path which will in fact have the same result. The "entitlement" era will end (look at the State of the Union Address, for example) and the difference between the Thai, Filipino, Mexican and American workers will be slim and none soon enough. The intelligence worker and the worker who can anticipate the situation and roll with the punches will survive and in many cases prosper. I've been working with many of them in the recent past. You are right that it will be a world of incredible haves (few) and a amalgamam of have nots. I think education that is global in scope and initiative will be the difference. I have a daughter who has traveled through Europe and Asia and will study abroad and spend a year of law school overseas. I think she'll probably be ready for what's coming. I don't think the Phys Ed major from Medina will be.
  8. One of the best of the Buffalo Bills. I saw most of them play and liked Butch Byrd and others, but I think James probably is the best we have ever had.
  9. The masses do pretty well, stuckin. However the "masses" include not only the high school grad in Buffalo but also the Mexican, Thai and Chinese workers. As the situation falls out they will have a common standard of living. For the Chinese, the Mexican and the Thai...it will be better. For the Buffalonian...much worse. The intelligent people will understand international affairs. I have a friend who had a very successful tool and die operation in Western New york. His son is now managing his plant in Shanghai and he is building two more elsewhere in China. Another friend here in Tenn. has a very successful Malaysian medical products company and another is active in farming in South America. This is what is happening and education is what will separate the successful international businessman from the Masses. Three kinds of people in this world stuck..those who make things happen, those who have things happen to them and those who wonder "what happened?" Where do you want to be?
  10. Geez Newman...take her to Hooters and tell the dollies its her birthday.
  11. Nah...I'm from Tennessee Buford. If a movie ain't got Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason and fast cars, it ain't sh--.
  12. you know I was just thinking that it would be best if everyone read all the posts before responding. What do you all think?...I bet enforcement might be a bit of a problem though.
  13. Yeah...that would be neat. My luck she wouldn't even be wearing any underwear and I wouldn't have any fun at all!
  14. I don't think there is ever a BAD time to draft linemen. However I think we are going to use up this draft pretty much addressing our crying needs and I suspect that our safeties don't have all that much gas left in their tanks and we should be looking for replacements, Fletcher is leaving spring-chickendom and I don't know how Spikes is going to recover so I think there might be some real needs in those areas. However, give me a big ol' fat defensive tackle or offensive center with a Nasty disposition, and I could be persuaded.
  15. seems like a valid point but out of curiosity do you think it will be easily enforced?
  16. Wouldn't want any of them. JP will either do it or he won't. If not we will find a good coach in the 2007 draft or trade away a few draft picks for someone else. I hope JP performs well and we can use our picks on 2007 needs which will probably be at the safety, linebacker and defensive end positions. We have to waste a lot of effort at finding a qb we will not be in the playoffs until 2009.
  17. I like Holcomb as a back up more than I like Harrington as a back up. I see Losman as the starter for next year at which time he will be good or he will be gone at the end of the season and we'll be looking for a new qb. Right now the lines are our problem.
  18. Exactly. The ship is leaving the harbor. Either get on it or starve on the island. This is a flattened world (Tom Friedman's recent book "The World is Flat" makes the point pretty clearly.) If I were a college student international affairs (international business and law) would be the place to go. I work with Chinese Russian, South American and other students here every day and I see they are comfortable dealing in a world wide and global economy than most of our students who avoid studying languages, do not travel, and think they will always live in a cocoon.
  19. Actually in a global economy they are marketable. I taught lawyers and economists in Ukraine and they were required to be fluent in FIVE languages, Ukrainian Russian, two western (usually English was one) and one Eastern. These are not facilitators stuck....they are the folks who are getting American businesses to outsource and acquiring many industries in the states.
  20. HEY...THAT'S ENOUGH OF THIS HOMOPHOBIC STUFF!!! The film will go down in the anals of history as rousing suckcess!
  21. proof is in the pudding. Let's see how they perform before we go ga-ga over the selection. It is not like these guys are coming in with an impeccable track record.
  22. Bills/Lions? Gives new meaning to the term Turkey Bowl.
  23. Many work with the State department in embassies throughout the world, some in other fed agencies (CIA, Defense, NSA, USAID etc.) There is a huge NGO (Non Governmental Agency) community overseas as well. With the global economy there is a strong demand in banking and commerce, energy and architecture.
  24. I wouldn't worry too much. I heard of a guy who had the same thing happen to him, and he was carted off, had treatment and came back and had a great laugh with his co-workers...before he opened up with an AK-47.
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