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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. From Arkansas... After Gilchrist and probably close to the Mini-max era. He played for us and was a wonder, had a very serious leg injury and then ended up in Denver, I think.
  2. jp will probably start because we have too many holes to fill to get another quarterback this year. Holcomb will fill in if necessary, but I don't see us doing a lot with Holcomb. For this year anyway I think JP is the only game in town.
  3. You ever get a good look at the girls stukin sticks? $50.00 is extremely generous.
  4. how about Bobby Burnett? I believe he was the AFL Rookie of the Year before he was injured. Short but very brilliant career at RB
  5. I followed Cookie through his career, but he was never in the same class as OJ. He went to the Browns out of high school and made the final cut (the Browns kept the rookie Jim Brown) and he played a number of years in Canada as a linebacker and fullback. A number of coaches approached him to play offensive line as he was a great blocker (when so inclined.) Interesting guy, great runner, probably the toughest sob ever to put on a bills uniform...but no OJ.. Top runners: OJ Thurman Cookie Gilchrist everyone else.
  6. "looking very close"
  7. Ngata at 8 Mahalona in the second OT Levi from South Carolina in the third Jason Allen Safety from Tennessee in the fourth. Heavy duty free agent signing for the offensive line in this scenario
  8. Glad you liked the Dubliner. There are some neat little stores across the street in Union Station, and a nifty little food court as well.
  9. OJ is up there with Jim Brown, Gale Sayers, Payton. There has never been anyone even close before or since. Awful human being but he is one of the top five running backs ever to play the game.
  10. Actually Ben is not the scrambler JP is. He'd have been on his ass even more than JP and it would have been EVEN MORE OBVIOUS that we don't have an offensive line. If we had Friggin SAMMY BAUGH or JOE NAMATH or JOE MONTANA it would have made ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE We need to address our offensive line problem. We don't know whether JP is any good or not and won't until we do that.
  11. I agree that the superior man is liberal!
  12. I don't think either of them did anything unethical. Terry and Joe, I want you to lend your services to a commercial endeavor which will result in major economic benefit to me, the NFL, and to a number of other participants. It involves using you as a spokesperson for abrief entertainment stint. Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Mick Jagger and a whole bunch of people are being paid to also lend their services. The Steelers and Seahawks are being paid to lend their services. Commerical advertisers are oaying millions for 30 second spots. You will be on camera for something less than a 30 second spot. Joe...I want you to come from California, stay in Detroit for a day or two in the middle of winter, dress up and participate in a commercial event by parading out on national tv...and I'm not going to pay you for it...because you OWE us.
  13. As opposed to the rest of the year when you have to pay $50.00 and hope the cops don't knock on the car window?
  14. That is a huge expectation. Too many variables to make any real kind of prognostication. I expect the Bills to be pretty good next year and at the very highest part of my hopes and expectations to slip into the playoffs. Superbowl? If everything goes right and with EXCELLENT coaching and managing...three more years.
  15. Wasn't a great night for SuperBowl music. The motown tribute was lackluster (Stevie Wonder was good) and the performers were nowhere near on a level with the original performers. Mick wasn't up to the original Mick (and the killer is that he actually IS the original Mick) and the National Anthem sounded like the one written by Francis Off Key.
  16. Mick...you gotta know to hold'em, know when to fold'em, know when to walk away..know when to run. Love you...love the band...but maybe its time to fold'em.
  17. That was some pretty awful officiating. I'm still reeling from it, and I was rooting for Pittsburgh! I can only imagine how Seattle fans must feel. In all my years of watching football I can never remember a time when I actually felt sorry for a bad call against an opponent. If the Bills benefited from the call, it was just fine. This is the first time I actually was outraged by calls against the team I was rooting against.
  18. It is a business. I don't think they "owe" anyone an appearance and considering the money being made on the SB the fee doesn't sound out of line at all.
  19. Try the Dubliner, kitty corner from the train station. Great hangout for ex Buffalonians of the Irish variety, great Irish music, lots of legal and news folk. I've been going there for over twenty years and never fail to find some hospitable ex Buffalonians. Irish food, Irish music and lots of craic.
  20. Actually I left three possible picks with 2004 as I knew I would probably not be on the puter over the weekend, and he gave me my third (the only one that was left and one I'm quite satisfied with Mahelona of Tennessee.)
  21. Actually, I think they were keeping an eye on sheep. Hmmmmm.....
  22. I say keep him. If Spikes recovers and we get a good solid defensive tackle I'm very very optimistic about our defense. I think next year we will be looking at replacing some old timers but I have a lot of confidence in the talent we will be able to put on the field on the defensive side of the line.
  23. Other members of the cheerleading squad and others involved who do not have restrictions have letters to the editor in the local paper today. Johnson City Press. I don't think they put the letters on their website though.
  24. yeah..but the Office of Civil Rights just might.
  25. When my daughter was about five she was a very good swimmer. One afternoon she led a cotillion of about eight neighborhood kids through the house and out back to the pool. I was curious and followed as she had all of them, ranging from ages 3 to about 7 lined up at the deep end of the swimming pool. I panicked and asked what she was doing and she advised me that she was going to teach them all how to swim. As far as I knew not a one of the kids knew how to swim. Got them out of the house as soon as possible (after lemonade and cookies around for the guests) and went upstairs to count the myriad gray hairs that had just appeared in my head.
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