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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. a Friend just came into my office and talked about a fellow here in Tenn who used to be an AFL ref (Hunter Something) and pointed out that he thought the greatest player in the old AFL was Joe Namath. Can't disagree with that. However he just sent me this link to the AFL hall of fame which has some neat football card pictures of some of the old AFL stars. AFL Hall of fame.
  2. Draconator, Nice choice on Jason Allen. I had him in my sights and am convinced he will be the steal of the draft. He was injured last year or would have been a top ten pick.
  3. OJ was the best RB in Bills history and may have been the best RB in football history. However there is a lot to be said for the TEAM he ran for in his hey day. Few remember that his first two years here were busts as the coach (Rauch?) wanted him to play flankerback and run back punts. He was considering retiring until Saban came in and focused COMPLETELY on building an offensive line and running game. A recent interview with JD Hill (a very good receiver) quoted Hill as Saban telling him he didn't care if he could catch passes he wanted to Hill to know that all receivers had to BLOCK more than anything else because he was going to run the ball. When OJ was OJ everyone on the team was focused on making OJ OJ. And the Juice knew that. You couldn't interview him without him talking about the line and the folks who blocked for him. Willis has certainly never had that, and if ML does fix the O-line we might be talking about Willis
  4. Ditto. I've been thinking 8-8 is the most likely scenario...Frankly I think 8-8 would be a good sign of improvement. What the hell...I'm going to go for the over because of my love for the bills and my like for Marv.
  5. Sounds like right wing loony PPP logic to me...transfer this baby to la-la-land!
  6. A tight end who can't block? Gee we can line him up with our OT who can't block and near our G who can't block. He'll be an all pro based on his not blocking. Maybe the DE's will get windburn rushing by him to knock the qb on his ass. Ohh...waid a minute...we already have that position covered. Seriously there are a whole passel of very good tight ends in this draft and that is where I would be looking after we get us a DT and a couple of very good offensive linemen.
  7. I've seen goaltenders do that on ice with pads and gloves and a stick and with people firing hockey pucks at their heads. Still...all in all....I like the way she does it better.
  8. Isn't the GM the one who generally calls the shots in the absence of a very powerful (Parcells, Belichik) coach? That being the case the job falls to Marv, and Marv is the guy I would want calling the shots given RW, TM or DJ as the alternatives.
  9. I'm sure they wouldn't. I'm just hoping to see them get the bid for the A-Sun Conference and maybe sneak up on somebody big in round one. The Cincinnatti game was a heartstopper.
  10. For me its a matter of deciding where our real and urgent problems are (offensive and defensive lines) and allocating limited resources to that end. That leaves you with two choices unless you want to allocate significant resources to getting another quarterback. Losman or Holcomb. Losman is the best bet until he proves he can't do it. If not...than Losman..If not Losman....solve the problem after next season. You can't do everything in one season.
  11. I'm following my place of employment school. ETSU leads the nation in scoring and Tim Smith (who goes over two thousand points tomorrow) is leading the nation in steals...at 5'8" the most exciting player in America.
  12. All those years in Canadian hockey rinks make me partial to the Canadian National Anthem. Much easier to sing.
  13. hhmmmm...naming a new coach doesn't change the odds? That is interesting. I think they show a lot of respect given that we have an at best unproven quarterback a proven offensive line (Proven very bad) and a well-established inability to stop the run. Even the much-hyped Willis is not a sure thing. We have no place to go but up, though, assuming DJ and Marv get on the stick and take care of the offensive and defensive line problems post haste.
  14. Do you really think the NFL is going to "apologize"? I kind of doubt that it would do any good and I suspect they would have to apologize for bad calls in almost every game. Calls are calls. Some are bad, some are good...some favor your team, some favor your opponent. Part of the game. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it.
  15. What bull sh--. I remember when Jim Kelly came to Buffalo. I'm an ex-cop and the story was that Jim Kelly was drunk and hitting on some guy's girlfriend at the Pierce Arrow (a club in West Seneca) and what an obnoxious pos this Kelly guy was. What goes around comes around. Ask any Buffalo Police Officer and he'll tell you a handful of stories about Bills and ex-Bills behaving like a-holes after being liquored up. Some of them might even be true.
  16. Have worked out at the Delaware and Amherst BAC. I didn't get the impression either were all that kid friendly and the equipment was good. Location from your apartment should be a major consideration if you are getting into a program. I work at a university so I have a center for physical activity five minutes from my office with great equipment and lots of pilates, yoga, spinning and other classes. Students tend to be somewhat easier on the eyes that old fat wrinkly naked men. Take it from me. I'm old and fat and wrinkly.
  17. Nope Cookie wore 34. I know that because I wore number 34 in high school. Believe me the talent sure didn't come with the number.
  18. There are some very sad stories of early players (E.J. Holub, Jim Otto and others not receiving much in compensation for crippling injuries that they suffered while playing. In their cases, they really weren't paid the salaries of today and have no way of covering medical costs. I haven't looked but I had hoped the NFL or Players Association would have addressed their needs. I hope they have.
  19. I've seen them all. I am considering a bit of length of service here in naming the top ten. OJ Thurman Cookie Carlton Cribbs Burnett Roland Hooks KD Braxton Henry
  20. Those of you who have seen this movie, I'd like your opinion. Some friends say they think Voight played Rupp as a racist in the film, that Rupp was NOT a racist, and that it wasn't fair. I don't know anything about Rupp, but I saw the movie, thought the Rupp/Voight character was a hard-nosed guy who would be hard to get along with, but didn't see him as overtly racist. He played an all white team in a racist SEC, but I didn't see him as a particular advocate of the "black guy can't play basketball" (can you believe people actually SAID that?) school of thought. Anyone who saw the movie, what conclusion did you draw?
  21. Get the same effect from a six pack of Bud.
  22. In researching on bobby burnett I ran across another VERY unappreciated running back Wray Carlton who ran with Cookie, Bobby and others enjoying a healthy 4.2 average over seven years in the bills heyday. I remember an article in Sports Illustrated the year we won the AFL Championship that cited Gilchrist and Carlton's pass blocking and calling Kemp the most protected quarterback in the history of football. Came one game from going to Super Bowl 1 and many say they would have given the Packers a much better game and maybe won it.
  23. 1966 pro-bowler in his rookie year...never did much after that, but he was very impressive that year. bobby burnett
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