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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I can't for the life of me imagine why we would want a small quick defensive tackle. I'll go for a big quick tackle any time. A young Sam Adams doesn't sound all that bad either.
  2. The decision to move the campus to Amherst instead of the waterfront was the stupidest decision ever made in Buffalo. Well...maybe the LaMonica trade. The existence of a large university of nearly 18,000 or more students living and shopping in downtown Buffalo, the addition of thousands of faculty and staff with a built in incentive to live downtown would have been a major revitalization factor. They University is, I believe, one of the top ten Western New York employers and having it located downtown would have had downtown bustling every day of the year. The stadium? eight sundays? No...vision was needed in the 1960's.
  3. Actually the priests put that thing about not eating meat into the liturgy so that the poor altar boys could have a month's respite.
  4. In my younger days it seems every time I hunted with Wild Turkey I ended up wrestling with a wild pig!
  5. You gotta play next season. Keep Vincent, Milloy, Fletcher and Posey, fix the lines and cut Vincent, Milloy and Posey next season. The three of them are very average in their positions and we don't have anyone to fill in for the year. Fletcher, I've always considered somewhere between good and very good and it would not make ANY sense to cut him. I don't think we need all that much to be contenders. I don't understand the Adams move, but I'll give ML the benefit of the doubt and assume he knows more about Adams ability than I do. Lat week I said we were one DT and two offensive linemen away from being in contention for a playoff berth, and this week we are TWO DT's and two OL's away, but with a cartload of money freed up. Let's see how this plays out.
  6. Only animal I ever hunted was the wild pig in Turkey. Now those mothers would cut you to ribbons if you missed. A little different than shooting pen-raised quail on the Armstrong plantation.
  7. The impression I'm getting is that they are trying to put together the biggest pool of money they can to be major players in free agency. Sam Adams is not someone I would have cut, but I'll give ML the benefit of the doubt.
  8. Well...Marv will be jumping into free agency with both feet. Interesting few weeks ahead of us.
  9. Kind of a no-brainer for the top 7. I imagine almost everyone on TBD would have picked those 7 with a few changes in place based on favorites. The interesting picks are the next ten.
  10. I was hoping he would last til the third myself. Unfortunately for us and fortunately for him, I think he is going to earn himself a place in the early to middle second round. He would have been the number one safety last year and would have been a very high first rounder if not for his injury. If he makes it to three I'd make an exception about each of the first five picks being in the 300 lb range.
  11. I believe that there will still be a few good offensive linemen and couple of tight ends we might find worthy of a fourth round pick. We need them more than we need another unproven quarterback.
  12. My familiarity is with eastern europe in Ukraine and Belarus, but there are a few things that would be good pretty much anywhere. Try and use the little bit of Russian you might have with customs, as it goes a long way. The customs people can make your life EXTRAORDINARILY miserable. Ease ven Ist ye...is Russian for excuse me, and to get attention. Of course Da is yes and Nyet is no. Do not wear a university shirt or us flag on your shirt or hat. Most people actually like Americans in my experience, but they expect us to be a little pushy. Best to act the opposite of their expectations. I go out of my way to praise whatever they have and point out things that I admire. Look at the state department warnings. In Ukraine the ATM's were not bad although you had to be very careful to chose bank atms and watch for fraud. I had Ukrainian hosts and friends and developed a group of American expatriate friends who tended to steer me right. Mongolia sounds like an interesting place. Make sure you get out and meet the people. Many of my best experiences were in the homes of Ukrainian friends, and they showed me a lot of the country that most never see.
  13. I agree..Eagles would be a good fit for him and I think they would be ready to pay for him. I think he would improve that team greatly and that move would be his best option to get to the Super Bowl.
  14. Keep following my posts, grasshopper and you will find salvation! Just think three years ago you would have invaded, spent 300 billion dollars, and left the situation worse than it was when it started. See what creative thinking can do to address a problem?
  15. Sorry to hear about the situation John. I've had to deal with that and, having a University School under my jurisdiction, I'm afraid to say its a pretty common situation. First and first I would deal with the school in writing. Send a letter to the principal after every meeting summarizing what was discussed and what you expect to happen. This puts them in a position where there is an ongoing record of the situation from your point of view. If the school fails to react call and write to the school board itself. Finally, if the matter is not resolved, pull your child from school and put her into a parochial or private school for at least a year. I ended up doing that with one of mine and it turned out a lot better to have the child in a Catholic school where I worried about academic stuff than a public school where the matter might or might not get resolved. Wasn't going to let me kid hang while the school figured out what it was going to do.
  16. We need a good tight end. However we need a defensive tackle and a few offensive linemen more. Once addressed, I'll be the first in line for a good tight end selection, but I think we have to use our first draft pick on Ngata if available (or ferguson...but I don't imagine that is going to happen.) If we can't get Ngata, if we trade down and have a couple of second round picks, I think there are very good tight ends available. (I'm kind of touting Leonard Pope of Georgia tech...remember I pushed for Jason Witten for the bills a while back.) You have a good point in that we can address SOME of our needs in free agency, but I think between free agency and the first couple of picks in the draft we can build a playoff caliber team by shoring up the lines where we are very weak.
  17. Whoa...how would you like to the be the next guy to come in there and put a hot dog in THAT microwave?
  18. I dunno. One of them hatchies!
  19. Bobbie Gentry...Ode to Billy Joe. billie joe macAllister jumped of the Chatahoochie Bridge.
  20. He'll upgrade the lines, which is not something that will attract a lot of flash. I like that Marv got rid of Williams.. dislike his coaching selection but am hoping to be proven wrong.
  21. congrats...believe it or not they will be the joy of your life. Remember that as you are wiping asses and not sleeping the next few years!!!
  22. no...we need offensive line and defensive tackle. REPEAT offensive line and defensive tackle. We go nowhere...nowhere...nowhere...until we solve those problems. JP does nothing...willis is mediocre...we miss the playoffs. offensive line...defensive tackle.
  23. I would be reluctant to trade up. I think we will get a good solid player at 8 or maybe even trade down. This draft has a whole bunch of exceptional players and I can see us addressing a number of needs in rounds two and three. The Brick is a top five pick...but we ain't in the top five.. Ngata is still looking good to me at 8.
  24. I'm not giving up on Losman or Willis. I think Willis has proved himself to be an okay running back. I think Losman might yet prove himself a good quarterback. I am hoping Willis moves into Pro Bowl consideration next year.
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