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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Factor in that we just let Sam Adams go and we would be looking at an unmitigated disaster next year if we do not upgrade the defensive line. We are four players away from a playoff team and through the draft and free agency we can get those four (2 DT's, an Offensive Tackle and Gaurd and perhaps a tight end.) It is still tending to the knitting and going for Ngata.
  2. Hey..I like girls...just picky about that long neck. Maybe if I had a little Wild Turkey. Come to think of it...I can't imagine being a position with someone like that unless SHE had had an awful lot of Wild Turkey.
  3. Is JoeSixPack going to post a picture of it in a swimming pool?
  4. BranPosition: WR Number: 06 School: Central Florida Height: 6'5 Status: Senior Weight: 210 This is a player at the wide receiver position that has all the physical attributes you want This is a former defensive back that shows the physical toughness needed from his former position and he uses on the field these days He has the size, speed, burst and nice pass catching skills you would hope for, I also like his aggressiveness and lack of hesitation to get upfield after the catch, but I would like to see more (YAC) yards after contact and make things happen with more creativity A few things that may hold this players development back, the instability at the quarterback position where there will be a player with few snaps under center, and the offense does not emphasize throwing to the receivers, he needs more touches to to display his array of skills don Marshall 3rd round pick.
  5. The strength of the draft for wide receivers will be in the second and third round. A fellow named Marshall from University of Central Florida. He is 6'4" and has great speed and was described no the NFL Access show this morning as a T.O. quality receiver (of course without the TO quality whackiness.) He may be a sleeper for the third round, as I haven't seen much about him. I suspect if he is doing so well at the combine he may be moving into everyone's radar soon.
  6. I was listening to the total football network on Sirius on the way in. The owners, especially Jerry Jones, sounded in a very accomodating mood. I suspect that there will lots of sound and fury and a new contract agreed to today.
  7. Put out a thousand fires...no one calls you a firestoppper Give CPR to a thousand men...no one calls you a heart starter Save a thousand cats from tree...no one calls you a cat saver But screw ONE sheep!!!!!
  8. okay okay...I'll apologize. I'm sorry you're a bipolar loser. Now could someone please hijack this post to PPP where the whackos can enjoy it?
  9. Interesting. I'm still going to Ngata at eight, but I loved your flyer quarterback, Omar Jacobs. He was my sleeper for a mid round pick (NOW YOU'VE BLOWN IT AND the DOLPHINS WILL READ THIS AND TAKE HIM!!!! ) I could live with your proposal if we could gaurantee how all the options played out. Unfortunately we can't...so I'm going to take care of either DT or OT in the first round.
  10. yeah its posts like his that make me wonder if being banned from PPP was a bad thing.
  11. I'm leaning that way, but have to admit it is a tough decision. Splains why Marv is getting lots of money and a nice car! I can't see us getting anyone as good, and would keep him, but as R. Rich pointed out in another post that cap money would be very nice given our needs and free agency. For today I would keep him, with all due respect to the other very valid point of view.
  12. Hey..put one over the plate like that and it's hard not to hit it.
  13. And in the eighth round of the 2025 draft the Buffalo Bills select---KAIDAN BLUECHIPPER DT from Notre Dame! congrats.
  14. I thought Stewart was pretty funny, but it was obvious the people present weren't overwhelmed. I thought the show moved pretty well, the speakers seemed somewhat less inclined to blather on, and frankly I am convinced the best film actually won. Crash was a really fine film.
  15. As I pointed out on PPP (sometime before the War in Iraq, and before I was banned therefrom) THEN would have been a good time to worry about national security before making up wmd stories and invading Iraq. National Security is always a good topic for concern. How about port security, since that seems to be a problem. Interesting how Dubai would not be at all interested in other countries taking over their major industries...but its okay for them to take ours. good for the goose?
  16. I agree with aussiew. Trust but verify. Make sure you are there to meet with the kids and the parents. It would be terrific if this could result in a happy ending, but I'm an old cynic. Daughters are too precious to take chances with so be sure to monitor the situation.
  17. Whew...you guys must be chugging that Bush kool-aid. Why this hasn't been relegated to your right wing PPP is beyond me, but here goes. Even your National Review recognized the ties between the UAE and terrorism uae As to the Saudis...dam right..they are up to their neck in it. Being Bush's buddy doesn't take the blood off their hands (ok..two guys from the UAE...where were most of the others from...OHHHHH...Saudi Arabia....) Lets see now who ISN'T tied to 9/11? Iraq?
  18. ferguson...no question in my mind. Boy it would be nice if that happened.
  19. Exactly. Marv has a tough decision there in trying to free up some dollars. I can't see us getting all that quality in free agency, though. I can't imaging 8 going to anything but Ngata or a trade down.
  20. Makes you think how precious life is. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may....
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