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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Chalked it up to experience. I don't know if your old enough to remember the blizzard of 77, but we got almost NO warning of that and apparently ended up with a bunch of folk stranded. In Buffalo (where my brother was cop in Precinct 3 downtown) he was pulling folk off the skyway all night and I had the journey from hell taking three days to get from Albany to Buffalo. I know I went for a beer, but I'm not sure what the Pres. did.
  2. I remember my first job at SUNY Brockport in 1979 and we had a report of a monster storm coming in. Sent everyone home at 10:00 am and at 11:30 I went into the President's office and he was standing there looking out on a sunny day and no one in sight on the campus and he turned to me and said..."Guess we look pretty stupid, huh?" Damned if you do...damned if you don't!
  3. I was listening to the morning guy on NFL Sirius on my way into work and he talked about Commissioner Tag possibly retiring with his contract allowing him a role as senior consultant to train his "predecessor". Wonder why on earth he would be training his predecessor? I'd just as soon he worked with his successor.
  4. It's Not All Ngata, Ngata, Ngata, you know.
  5. good point...opryland hotel is a kick even to just visit. I wouldn't bother staying there as it is grossly overpriced. Downtown (printers alley in particular) is where the great music is.
  6. Why is she talking about places that are hot, like Mexico and Florida? I would think a weather person like that would be better reporting on cold fronts in Massena. Instead we get old guys in mukluks!
  7. Well...so much for going to the hospital if your erection lasts more than four hours. I'll bet the guy scheduled to be his cellmate is going to sleep a lot better knowing this guy got a reprieve.
  8. Haven't followed Syracuse this year, but if they beat UConn they are very capable of making a lot of noise later in March. Go Big Orange. Maybe I'll be seeing my two favorite Orange teams if the Tennessee Vols get into the dance and perform well. They've been a bit of a pleasant surprise for us this year.
  9. He's worth getting and would improve the line. I'm all for signing him. Go after the higher priced Offensive Tackle and Defensive Tackles and maybe a throw a little into the tight end or safety pot.
  10. The lynchburg tour is pretty good, and a great place to learn about whiskey making. Ironically Jack is made in a dry county so they have a special license to sell the stuff on site. I enjoyed the tour quite a bit. Your talking the music capital of the south here, so you can find some great music spots downtown. Start at Tootsie's (Kris Kristofferson started out waiting tables here and about every star has done a turn there.) there is a Wild Horse Saloon that is a kick for dancing and chasing the pretty girls. Visit the Rhyman Aud. and the Grand Ol Opry show in Opryland (near the airport) is usually very good. Printer's alley is the hub of all the entertainment buzz. The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's place) is worth a visit as well. Have a great time!
  11. yeah...so are the terrorists. Tired of mutual circle jerking by the fascisti on PPP?
  12. With the Bushistas in power what other company would have a chance? Better to have a company that wants to steal us blind running the ports than one that wants to kill us.
  13. There will be some very good safety candidates in the second round. Jason Allen might even go to three and if he does we would be foolish not to take him (having drafted TWO three hundred pounders in the first two rounds!) Some interesting tight end slections might even be available at three (I'm kind of hoping for Pope of Georgia to hang out til round three)
  14. If there had been no contract the Bills would have had more money than most for the purpose of signing free agents? With the new structure there is a lot more money in the pool for the same number of free agents increasing our competition for free agents. Ralph's no vote might have in part recognized that at least as far as signing free agents, the status quo was the best situation for the Buffalo Bills? Don't know enough about the situation but that is the conclusion I'm beginning to draw from reading the posts. If this is the case I can see why Ralph would vote no on the theory that an agreement could be reached in a couple of months (regardless of deadlines) at which time we would have signed two or three much needed free agents.
  15. Recently got Sirius and have been moving between the NFL station (obvious choice given by devotion to the Bills) and Standards. Tony Bennet, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald were before my time...but certainly timeless.
  16. Actually it sounds like an escalation of the "does this skirt make me look fat?" bit.
  17. How about Ngata? If we draft him we can blame every loss on not drafting Davis. And of course...ifwe draft Davis, we can jump on him every time a running back tears through our defensive line!
  18. Would claiming off waivers be the same as free agency? I suspect the category is different but Jack Kemp from San Diego has to be the best $100 transaction the bills ever made.
  19. ...Honey, how could I consider such an offer, when I have everything I ever wanted right here? If I have the finest steak here at home, do you think I would go out for a hamburger? I'm devastated that you could even ask me such a question!
  20. I don't know. Their necks look a little long.
  21. This isn't a revolution. We didn't change the size of the field, didn't change the number of guys on it at any one time, didn't make it one point for a field goal. We just negotiated a new CBA! Owners will make more money. Some will make a little more than others. Players will probably make more money. Better players will make a considerable amount more. We will swallow hard and pay more for tickets, and TV will pay more for the rights to show games, and commercials will be a little more expensive. Ho hum.
  22. Geez...the guy was terrific in all those neat movies with Mel Gibson. Little long in the tooth for football though, isn't he?
  23. Subject: Medical Students First year students at medical school were >>receiving their first anatomy class with a real dead human body. They all >>gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white >>sheet. The professor started the class by telling them, "In medicine, it >>is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor. The first is >>that you not be disgusted by anything involving the human body." "For >>example", the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the >>butt of the corpse, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Go >>ahead and do the same thing," he told his students. The students freaked >>out, hesitated for several minutes but eventually took turns sticking a >>finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it. When everyone had >>finished, the Professor looked at them and said, "The second most >>important quality is observation. I stuck my middle finger in and sucked >>on my index finger. Now, learn to pay attention!" >
  24. I agree with Mr. Rich on the above. If we get those four positions we can be a playoff team with ONE caveat. JP Losman has to work out. I think he will. If I had a fifth position that could be addressed I would actually go for a tight end. You can't plan a playoff team for three yers down the road. You have free agencies, many injuries, unexpected retirements, and people just plain getting too old to be effective. Play the season in front of you, and getting help at your four weakest positions is the way to go.
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