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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I'm a little nervous about the "smaller, quicker-penetrating defensive linemen". Sounds nice in a passing game...but they are going to have to be extremely quick to get in there before the quarterback hands off to a amaller, even quicker penetrating running back. Run stoppers who are near the line of scrimmage are a good thing.
  2. I figure a decade or so of genocide. Stalin killed nearly 8 million Ukrainians in the 20's and 30's let alone what he did during and after WWII. Pol Pot, Idi Amin and some other modern folk come close. Hitler was a rather well known bad actor as well. I don't think Sloby or Saddam...(or Bush for that matter, at least so far) are in that class.
  3. Pol Pot probably makes sloby look like a piker.
  4. Forget Neal..pats resigned him last week.
  5. A lot of them seem to contract that fatal gunshot wound thing.
  6. I like Steven Neal of New England. Let's go get him for a start.
  7. Remember all brain masses aren't tumors and all tumors aren't malignant. Keep up prayers and hope!
  8. Loss of Consciousness? Tell me about it.
  9. Early in the game. I suspect we will address the trench problem with a few signings and a big first two days of the draft (can you spell Ngata?)
  10. quote=kegtapr,Mar 13 2006, 08:35 AM] Exhibit A 626551[/snapback] If a man and a woman get a divorce in Tennessee....are they still brother and sister?
  11. hey..where were you in February when I was there? Told you I was at the Sand Key. Ate at Frenchy's the Columbia (great meal) and a few other good places. You're grouper sat and sat...finally a pretty blonde ate it. She said thanks.
  12. As long as it keeps you out of tennessee it sure is!! We already have our quota of inbred morons!
  13. Nice girl that Sandra...long neck though This year its up to Albany New York to change the grandkids diapers for a few days. Maybe we'll do a long weekend in late May.
  14. Spend lots of time in Savannah Paul. The last five years I've rented a big house on Tybee Island, have nephews who compete in the Rugby tournament there and spent a lot of time in the Irish pub with new york city cops and firefighters. What a great city for a party. Great restaurants. Mrs. Wilkes is closed now, or so I hear.
  15. Actually was referring to another person's comment about the last young vixen that Joe put up for us. One guy criticized her neck and another alleged she had extra avoirdupois around her middle. Frankly I found the young lady perfect on all accounts. I'll take a long necked woman...I'll take a short-necked woman...hell I remember the tequila soaked weekend with in Nuevo Laredo where we went out with NO necked women!
  16. Leave JSP alone. He certainly has shown remarkably good taste in his postings...long necked or not!
  17. Whoops ...Chinese restaurant...thing with a Chinese Woman is another movie...
  18. He'd better be able to take them down. Assuming we don't deal with the defensive tackle situation that's what he'll be doing ten to fifteen yards down from the line of scrimmage every single play.
  19. Yeah but drinking pretty much anything in a Chinese woman with an oriental woman might be a little pedestrian. How about drinking ouzo in a Chinese restaurant with a Lithuanian dwarf woman?
  20. Not only nice work by the guy behind the camera, God just went up a notch in my book for creating something THAT beautiful. Nice job, God.
  21. Narcotics cops spend a lot of time looking at electric bills for little houses like that. Those operations tend to use a lot of energy.
  22. hmmm..short neck...she'll be fine!
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