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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Ngata is pretty much a no-brainer for us assuming he's available.
  2. geez stuck...better wait for the wife. I'd be a little nervous if Dean were trying to get MY wife at a little country in for the night.
  3. Reed is a hard one to figure. I think I'd try to keep him if we can. Very good rookie season and has had some really good moments (and any number of bad ones!) since. I still think he's worth keeping, but I can't quite say why.
  4. I can see it now. TO sitting his x million dollar ass on the bench as the Dolphins tear through our non-existent defensive line for clock killing first down after clock killing first down. TO with his hands on his hips watching (name any quarterback) on his ass with two defensive ends dancing on his forehead. Yeah...a great way to spend a ton of money when you have Lee Evans and Eric Moulds to begin with. T O's ability to hold a team together through adversity will be well used...cuz we aren't going to have anything BUT adversity if we sign this clown.
  5. Sounds about right for us. Marv is saying he's looking for character guys...and TO sure is a character.
  6. Didn't Neal re-sign with the Pats? If not I'd go after him.
  7. number one option...Ngata (ferguson will not get to 8) number two option....trade down number three option...Davis number four option....Huff
  8. Right...we can operate just fine without an offensive line. Maybe the defensive ends will be so put off by the lack of resistance they will blow by JP, Holcomb, McCown or whoever. Maybe...but I kind of f-ing doubt it.
  9. not unless he's wiling to put on 100 lbs and play defensive tackle or take a spot on the offensive line.
  10. Great quote...Is this Thomas Aquinas guy a high motor or a run-stuffer?
  11. Nonsense. No one knows what Culpepper's knee is going to do. Is Miami going to be better? Yup..but not all THAT intimidating. We get the offensive and defensive lines straightened out (no small task) and we are definitely in the hunt. The 300 pound elephant in our division is and has been New England, and I'm not sure they are all that improved. I think we have a qb who is learning the system, but needs help and a tight end, and WM is ready to earn his check. We'll be closer to the playoffs this year than last. The biggest liability we had last year, Mularkey, is gone and Jauron will be an improvement. The threat is still New England, the jets aren't going anywhere, and we have to see what we have come the regular season.
  12. Very attractive option and there are some fine players sure to be available. I could see us getting a very good offensive lineman at 17. Bill Polian was on NFL station raving about depth at tight end in this draft which will last well into the third and perhaps fourth round. I could see us getting an OT, gaurd and DT and walkind out with a good safety (Allen?) and tight end (Pope?) in that scenario. I like Ngata at 8 but if he isn't available, your proposal sounds great to me...E-mail it to Minnesotta!!!
  13. Next time in Cincinnatti partner we'll eat some of that famous Cincinnatti chili and watch our Bills. I'll even forgive Huggins or whatever his name is from UNiversity of Cincinnatti for that last second shot that kept ETSU from advancing two Marches ago.
  14. nah...i'm a salaried state employee...no contingency fees, no cost plus contracts, no in with a hopeless hunter vice president. More like Mother Teresa than the RNC.
  15. Lets open up the pocketbook for this guy. When Losman gets knocked on his ass, and when Holcomb gets knocked on his ass....then we can put McCown in there to get knocked on his ass! Better idea-GET SOME FREAKIN OFFENSIVE LINEMEN
  16. no no no grasshopper. The problems are endemic to all great enterprises. Persons are needed who resolve those problems and help achieve legitimate goals for the common good. I teach law students each year to understand that the good of the client is the paramount. I am a mere cog in a well run machine. Its not what the government or education does for me stuck, my boy, its what I do for the people. Who the heck do you think I am...Haliburton?
  17. Nonsense. The smartest thing Tennessee does is fund higher education so that we can improve the economic status of the Tennesseeans who attend our reasonably priced state university, improve the economy (Our Research Corporation which I was instrumental in founding, has already funded six highly profitable high tech businesses, and we have over 25 patents we are working on which result in improved employment and quality of life for East Tennesseeans) Provided needed professionals (physicians, physical therapists, now pharmacists in addition to MBA's MPA's and Nurses. As a product of a state university, and having dedicated ost of my professional life to working and advancing state universities, I know for a fact that their support is the wisest allocation of state dollars. Most Tennessee legislators agree with this.
  18. I'd say Moscow..the real deal. I was in Khmelnetsky and was walking down an icy street with a faculty member from the school where I was lecturing and an old woman (babushka) was coming down the street. I jokingly said to the faculty member that If I slipped and knocked the old woman she should tell her I was Russian. The faculty member said "Don't worry...if you knock down an old Ukrainian Babushka, I won't have to say anything...They'll KNOW you're a Russian." I spent some time in Minsk, the population there is pretty cowed by the Lukashenko regime.
  19. Good thing you noticed them last night...We won't be seeing them again any time soon. I used the Apprentice DVD from season one with the English Club at the Kiev National Linguistic Univeristy in Ukraine. The students wanted to practice business English and liked the American culture. They've been writing me to send them the next series. Lenny is sure Russian. He's got the charm.
  20. Big risk. wonder how his shoulder is? I wish him the best as he seemed a great leader and a talented guy, but I wouldn't be willing to sink a lot of money into him.
  21. If we get an offensive line..he'll look good. If we don't...no quarterback will look good.
  22. pretty well, actually. New Pharmacy school opening up next year (grads going at $60,000 per if your kids are looking for high paying career). and two new buildings. Biggest employer in the area so we get along just fine with the legislators. Also lead the state after UT in private fundraising and have close relationships with the feds through the Teague-Cranston medical school and having the VA at Rocky Mount right across the street. All of which lead to complex legal issues, which provide job security for me. You forget that problems are like mother's milk to those in my line of work.
  23. Williams was a mediocre to good lineman getting outstanding to hall of fame money. No point in spending THAT kind of money for that kind of talent. He'll probably contribute to the Jags next year.
  24. What a nightmare...If Fergie and Ngata aren't there I'd be tempted to go with Davis or perhaps Huff before I would go with Hawk. Or better yet trade down.
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