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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. And to top it all off...a defense lawyer is going to make a shitload of money, a civil attorney will make a bundle getting the old guys assets, an entertainment lawyer will get his percentage on the TV movie....Isn't life great?
  2. The guy will do a few years in prison as he should. The family will sue the guy and get all of his property and assets. The kid who was a wise ass is dead. See...everyone wins!
  3. There's a story told of a town that was being bothered by a nasty biker gang in the mid sixties. A cop (who shall remain nameless.) put a shot in the back of one of the biker's heads. He said it was a warning shot. Another cop said.."how could you call that a warning?"...the shooter said..."It wasn't him I was warning!" Somehow the biker gang stopped coming to the town after that.
  4. Laugh my ass! I spent the last four days in Albany and ate much more than I should. I have to get my fat greasy fingers and my fat ass over to the gym in about a half an hour and do an appropriate amount of exercise. Given what I ate, I expect that would be 10 to twelve hours on the treadmill!
  5. I suspect its pretty much all about the Benjamins. However depending on the position a player could be offered a chance to start when he hasn't gotten the opportunity elsewhere. If I were selling the bills I'd say look how free agents have prospered here, from Paup on to Adams, Fletcher and Spikes (unfortunate injury) If I'm Levy I point out that I got to the Superbowl a lot more than almost anyone they are dealing with. Its a hard sell, but we have some negotiating points. And then there is always the Benjamins.
  6. Actually the You is the entire group of right wing loonies at the board, not any one in particular. I have fat greasy fingers...but from wonderful chicken barbecue of Tennessee! Not Kentucky fried...tsk tsk. Condoleeza Rice for Commissioner....geez, we'll have Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld as our next GM and Coach if we let you guys have your way!!!
  7. Right...you clowns ban everyone who disagrees with you (I see Mickey is now banned) and then talk about how moronic the conversation on PPP is. It is so bad you clowns put these things on the other boards! I remember being roundly chastised because I said I doubted there would be wmd's in Iraq (there weren't). Ridiculed when I said the war might cost 100 billion (450 billion and counting.) and banned when I said the death toll might go over 3000 (a very very real possibility) I was wrong about predicting a civil war after we left though...seems to be going on with us there~
  8. Right....the war in Iraq is enough for me. Thanks but no thanks.
  9. waaahhhhh waaaaaahhhh......something about doors not hitting you on the ass on the way out comes to mind. Don't panic. Big names, little names, high motor, character and all that are just phrases. Football players who can play and win are what we are looking for and hopefully that's what Marv will get.
  10. Ngata is moving up the list in pretty much everyone's book (except maybe here). I am beginning to think it is a real possibility he might not be there at 8. Our best option then is a trade down as no other offensive or defensive lineman is worthy of an 8. If we can't trade down Huff and Davis start looking tempting, but it will set us back tremendously for next season. At least we will have a top five pick in the draft next season!
  11. did you go to the Rendezvous for barbecue? Best in the nation.
  12. we got rid of TD and most of all, Mularkey. By definition we are better. We have lost a number of players who haven't (yet) been replaced. Williams, Adams, and a few others...but they will be replaced. We have a coach who has a losing record, but people I respect have confidence in him. All in all I think we are a little worse than last year but will be a little better than last year after free agency and the draft. I guess we will be a 9 win team.
  13. yeah...impressed with all those yes votes...terrorists must be everywhere!
  14. I was about to do something else and in a hurry, so I watched the first minute of the boardroom. Brent went on a tear, the team jumped on him, and I turned it off, knowing how it would turn out. Boy Brent really did himself in. On the other hand I never saw him do anything but cause trouble. I didn't see much of Lenny in this one.
  15. pickett is in green bay? Guess we might as well keep Moulds!
  16. Good point. They are on the lowest part of the foodchain in most prisons. "short eyes" tend to have very very unpleasant experiences.
  17. Bingo...I wonder about that injury. Serious surgery and a long recovery. I'm not sure he will be much help next year at all.
  18. I expect at least one more offensive line acquisition through free agency together with the number 2 and possibly another o lineman in the draft.
  19. I can't think of anything bad enough. Burning in hell for all eternity might be a nice start.
  20. If we are looking for a great pass rusher we might go Ngata at eight in the first and then Mahelona of Tennessee in the fourth round. He is a good pass rusher who improved in his two years at Tennessee. Jason Allen may be available in the second and in my opinion may be as good as Huff.
  21. Ngata or trade down. I think we can get a low first, low second depend on who is available after 5. We may become very attractive at that point.
  22. wonder if he will go to some other team. Still don't know for sure whether he can play in the NFL.
  23. Haloti Ngata DT 6’5 338 Oregon Jr. By: Robert Davis Haloti Ngata has always been one of the most imposing figures you’ll see on a football field. He was widely regarded as one of the top five players in the entire country coming out of high school. He gave glimpses of his talent as a freshman, but missed the entire following year due to a knee injury. Ngata didn’t regain his previous form until halfway through last year at Oregon. As a junior this past season, Ngata notched 61 tackles, nine for loss, and three sacks, despite constant double and triple teams. You cannot dream up a more physically gifted defensive tackle. Ngata is absolutely massive and is immovable from the interior line. He combines his bulk with amazing physical strength. Along with his great size and strength, he has impressive athleticism and agility. Moving up the field, he shows the ability to change direction well and has the closing speed to finish off plays. Oregon even drops him into coverage from his tackle spot. That is unheard of for a 340lber. He must be accounted for at all times. Teams routinely double and triple team him to neutralize his impact. ngata Ngata has gotten a ton of hype because of his physical gifts, but he still needs some more consistency on the field. At times, he thinks his raw strength is enough to dominate, and that will not work at the next level. He injured his knee in 2003, and even though he appears to be back at full strength, it will be something that is looked into. On his talent alone, Ngata is going to be a high draft pick. Teams will drool over his physical ability in workouts. He is one of the elite defensive players in this draft, and could go in the Top eight of this years draft. it has been awhile since his injury and he seems to have recovered. There is something about a 340 lb guy who can drop back into coverage that puts the fear of God into me...
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