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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Like WM. Like JP. Wouldn't spend a penny on either of them or renegotiate at this stage.
  2. not the tourist, expatriate, oligarch or businessmen's accounts. Quite a racket according to contacts at the embassy in Kiev.
  3. Young selected at 8. Ngata selected at 8. Huff selected at 8. Mr. Wilson...Mr. Wilson...I'm sorry sir, we only get one selection at number 8.
  4. I'm a little disappointed but I have to acknowledge that fourth rounder from Houston is about the same as a late third rounder. I'll live with it, but in my opinion we should have paid him and kept him. Let's see if there is a fourth round wide receiver as good as moulds.
  5. In Ukraine there were sophisticated machine "covers" that you could almost not detect on outside machines. The card and pin were stolen and within hours you were wiped out from some gang hq'd in Moscow. Very sophisticated. Used a special debit only for travel and only used that inside banks that were reputable.
  6. I liked him, thought we should have kept him, but not wall of fame material. Wide receivers alone I would put ahead of him? Andre Reed, James Lofton, Elbert Dubenion, Bobby Chandler, Glenn Bass. Frankly there were other receivers close to him on bad teams, Haven Moses and Marlin Brisco come to mind. JD Hill was an underated receiver as well. I can't see eric as Wall of fame material.
  7. Good luck Eric. Still believe when push comes to shove its all about the Benjamins. If your making more there than the Bills were willing to pay you...go for it.
  8. you're Ralph Wilson, picking number 8 in the draft. Do you go Huff, Davis, Ngata or Justice? Why? Final question....Should JP Losman start for the Bills in September?
  9. Oh..a joke! Had it been anyone but a marine, I would have assumed it was a joke! Only kidding. God you jarheads are as sensitive as girl scouts. Apologies to the girl scouts.
  10. Look, let's pretend I hire you and you work here for twenty years. Its your retirement party and I'm asked to say a few things about you and your work here and your relationships with friends. What are the five most important things you would want me to be able to say about you?
  11. Riddle me this. If LA were such a great site, why did two teams move out of it? What deal is California going to offer a potential team? I can't see them building a new stadium. Wouldn't San Diego be a better candidate in that it would stay in its own division, keep intact a good portion of its fan base and stay in the AFC West? I've been listening to NFL radio for about a month now and I NEVER hear Buffalo mentioned for a potential move to LA. Jacksonville and San Diego get thrown around a bit.
  12. Well...I'm not as bowled over by the off the field issues. I'd have taken Bryant McKinnie over Mike Williams, for instance. I'd rather have Mike date my sister. I'd rather have McKinnie protect my left side from on-rushing defensive linemen. Qinston will be very good and if we can trade down and get him we will be doing very well!! Not at 8 though.
  13. A second rounder and I will be willing to call it a terrific deal. I suspect it will more likely be a third. I'll be disappointed if it is a fourth.
  14. My nomination for post of the year. I think the kid deserves to stay and develop. However...the organization had better either quash the trade rumors or cut him. G
  15. I like Justice. Don't like him at 8 and think there are about five to ten better choices that are going to be available at 8. If that's what we want...trade down.
  16. ok. If he isn't in the plans...cut him. Your not getting anything for him, and all Marv is doing is prolonging the suspense and dissension. I have faith in Marv, but given his selection of Jauron, his inability to get high quality players in free agency, and what appears to be nimby namby posturing regarding Losman...I'm starting to wonder. I have a feeling whoever picks up Losman is going to benefit at our expense over time.
  17. I'm coming up to do some work at St. Bonaventure on the 19th through the 22. Always nice to see friends and family in Buffalo. I love the city. The football team has been trying my patience a little bit lately, though.
  18. On the one hand, I am hopeful that JP will be a very good quarterback and see some flashes of that. On the other he hasn't BEEN even a good quarterback and there seem to be some "leadership" (?) questions. Given an objective view of the situation, I don't see him as anything any NFL team would want to trade very much for. Many will pick him up if we drop him, I'm sure. If the Bills are "floating a rumor" it would appear to be ill advised. It is gauranteed not to get nibbles, and to further decrease Losman's credibility with the team and give the Bills nothing.
  19. Williams, Ferguson, Ngata, trade down. Huff, Davis
  20. hmm...a quarterback of unproven talent who "can't lead" and in whom the team has no confidence? Yup..there will be 31 teams lining up at our doors for the opportunity to get him. We might even get another number one draft choice! Let's get real. If they feel that way about him, let him go and do it now. I don't understand why they would feel that way, and can't really respect Marv or Dick if they are polling the players on whether the kid can "lead". Tell them to stop thinking about judging leadership and start thinking about their inability to pass block.
  21. nightmare. My brother was head Buffalo Police Department Narcotics and Vice before he retired and had "progress" pictures of women on meth over a period of a few years. What a horror show. Looks like Whitney is working on becoming another example of meth addiction. Never been anything like it for addiction and hopelessness. Rest in Peace, Whitney. And for your sake I hope its sooner rather than later. Believe it or not there are even worse circles of hell that drug is going to take you through if you live long enough.
  22. Bledsoe can still throw. He can't run. I have a feeling with the two wrs and an all pro tight end in Whitten, he is going to be in high clover next year. Assuming that the cowboys can learn to tolerate TO
  23. Better get a big safety...he's going to be busy trying to tackle those running backs eight or nine yards from the line of scrimmage given that we didn't draft a DT.
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