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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. way too early to tell. I think Marv is intentionally under the radar on free agency and expect us to have some interesting low-key signings of up and coming players before it is over. The draft is a big element. I am not happy with the Moulds situation, especially if Houston is giving a fifth. I say keep him and let him play this year at his contract price. The JP situation is interesting, and I think he is sending a pretty clear message that the QB situation is wide open, and that is a plus. Ask again at the opening of pre-season.
  2. I'd chop block her ass and stomp on her. Conrad Dobler would too. Actually Conrad would spit on her as he walked back to the huddle.
  3. Looking at our argument over the offensive line (that at least some of the linemen in addition to Peters are pretty good.) just underlines our problem at DT. We have ONE free agent to fill two positions. Whoever we draft at DT WILL definitely be starting on our defensive line in a critical spot. Strong argument for Ngata at 8.
  4. I hate to be the one to break this stuckin...but the orientals aren't all that big about being in line with you!
  5. High character has been mentioned a lot on the board. I'm thinking of us looking to draft Bryant McKinney or the character guy, Mike Williams. I never thought of Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, Conrad Dobler, or OJ as real character guys. I think ofJimmy Carter, Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa as "character guys" . I respect them..but don't think any of the three could plug up the defensive line. I think character is nice...but a strong dose of nasty might go a little longer toward taking us to the playoffs.
  6. How bout posts on who our starting quarterback will be?
  7. Reaching out for MM is a puzzlement, but I'm willing to consider he might be a good offensive co-ordinator. His stay at Buffalo didn't do anything to give me any confidence that he was a good offensive co-ordinator...but maybe Nick sees something I don't.
  8. In my prayers. Hope all is well. Hope you and the wife slept well the last few weeks...those little rugrats know how to keep their mom and dad awake.
  9. Ahh...watching all of these moves in Miami makes me think how everyone pooh-poohed my suggestion that we might want to go to the college ranks to sign Nick Saban instead of Mularkey. Oh well. Maybe in a couple of years I'll be saying something about Mike Leech as he takes an NFL team to the superbowl.
  10. Unfortunately...you are right! The offensive line does need help and I like the idea of a trade down to get Winston Justice or another first rate offensive lineman and get an extra second or even third draft choice. In such a case we would be able to get a fair to middling second tier defensive tackle (Mahelona sounds like one who might fit into the so called "cover two" (or "let the other team run right into your fast but weak middle of the defensive line" defense. I think Ngata is the way to go, but wouldn't even complain too much if we drafted Davis at tight end at eight. I could see us getting Leonard Pope (a much better blocker and excellent, EXCELLENT pass receiver) in the second. Lots of good choices out there.
  11. You need a starting Defensive Tackle more than you need anything else. The best defensive tackle will be available at 8 (almost certainly). Pick the best defensive tackle. This isn't brain surgery.
  12. Dhowing up is the the important thing, and your presence is what they appreciate. For goodness sake be sure you sign the book they have at the wake. I'm so sorry for your loss is about the shortest and nicest thing I can think of to say. It is important to be there.
  13. They certainly have sent a message to Losman that he is NOT the golden boy as far as the Bills are concerned and if he wants a job here he isn't going to get unlimited chances to earn it. I suspect the Bills really have expectations that he will show he is the starter and that he is worth what we are paying or we won't see him after this season. Its a hard world out there JP...welcome to it!
  14. Willis McGahee reminds me of the story of how an admissions counselor makes love. He sits on the side of the bed and tells you how wonderful its going to be. Call me when Willis makes the pro-bowl
  15. Steve has taken some horrendous hits and has been a great quarterback. I can't see the Titans shelling out megabucks to keep him another year. Time to let this him go. He really was a great quarterback and led the team through some difficult times. I think the comment of his being Drew Bledsoe without the arm is, unfortunately, pretty accurate.
  16. I'm a big Jason Allen fan. He will be very tempting in the second round, and may be a better player than Huff. The other Tennessee player I'm hoping hangs around until the early third is defensive tackle Jesse Mahelona.
  17. certainly a position where we need someone. 8 seems a little high, though.
  18. Ngata is the best Defensive Tackle available. Our biggest hole is defensive tackle. In fact, if we don't fill that hole, either through free agency (and so far we haven't) or through the draft we will have a top five choice in next year's draft. He can play NOW in whichever defense the powers that be are pushing (hell he could plug the middle in a 3-4 if we ever deemed it important to go that way). Talent at the position will go down in the second (two or three DT's taken) the third (five or six taken) or the fourth (bottom of the barrel.) I like Huff, I like Davis...hell...I even like Young. However I think we should go with the best player in the draft at the position we need most. Ngata.
  19. diseases and plagues happen. We have a crowded planet and I'm sure there will be pandemics as there always have been and always will be. Kind of arrogant to assume someone will "plan" one. Pandemics and wars are nature's way of taking care of overpopulation.
  20. huff will be a great addition. He can be on the field most of the time stopping all the runners that will pour through our defensive line and insure that the opposing offenses use up a lot of clock time on the way to the end zone. Maybe we can get a back up punter in the second.
  21. Silly question. Of course we are. We let a number of people go and we haven't brought a lot of people in. However we now have load of money and in interesting draft. What we are at this moment is meaningless. Let's see where we are at the beginning of preseason.
  22. Gee I was waiting for some of the clowns from a previous posts encourage them to buy lottery tickets!
  23. Looks like we've done pretty good in the fourth, especially recently. A pro bowl player, a special teams ace and three back-ups. Hell...I'm not sure our FIRST round picks of late are that much better. Parrish, Losman, McGahee, Williams
  24. The Bills are crazy to let him go. If we had made some aggressive moves in free agency, or had a realistic chance of drafting Ferguson, we might have some leverage. Right now we pretty much have to sign him. Mediocre lineman, but for the bills right now mediocre is very good.
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