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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. The bills, if true to form, will trade him or in some other way screw this up. If there is a new sheriff in town he can prove he means business (and not business as usual) by signing the guy. Wait and see.
  2. Buddy's drafts? Okay given his drafts has our won-loss record improved? Given his drafts, has he been able to keep the quality players over time? Given his drafts is there evidence that this is a better team than the one he took over? (This is not to say that the one he took over was all that good). Given his draft is anyone talking about us being a threat in the AFC East? We seem to picking through the dung pile for some little trinket. Nix was supposed to improve the team. He didn't.
  3. 1. bpamaybe Milner or best receiver available from Tennessee, or a linebacker 2. qb. Smith, Nassib or Barkely 3.lb Mathieu if we don't have a db yet. Linebacker if we got Milner
  4. He is long in the tooth and would be chewing up a spot that could be held by a rookie with a future (can you spell Merriman?). Pass on him.
  5. I remember there were some questions about Jim Kelly's shoulder injury and he had a camp workout to show he had recovered. Of course he was in maybe the greatest class for rookie quarterbacks of all time. Kelly had everything it takes to be a real team leader and the physical and mental attributes to be a truly great qb. I too wonder why Marino wasn't on the list? He would have gone with or even (possibly) before Kelly except for rumored drug use.
  6. Well...need a little time in the bathroom and some really hot magazines and.......oh.......MEDITATE........never mind.
  7. 1. You'll learn a lot more listening than you will talking. 2. Give other people credit whenever possible. Tattoo this on your chest..."Thank you, but it was really a team effort" 3. Know the territory...what does the company reward. Listen...not what the company SAYS they reward...what does the company reward. 4. Be straight and rigourously honest with those who report to you. 5. Everyone is watching...follow the rules.
  8. Not much to offer at qb in this year's draft. There are those on this board who would like us to take a 2d or third round choice at number 8 and "wish" him into a franchise qb. I don't see that happening. I think we might go qb at round 2 or even round 3 and go with the guy we just traded for for at least this year.
  9. Tebow should really go to a place like Jacksonville where he would be a huge draw even for limited action as a qb. He didn't get much chance to show anything in New York. Buffalo? I think the Bills have enough problems and I suspect he would be more of a distraction than a help. I hope he finds his niche and has a good career, but I don't think we are the team to take a chance on him.
  10. kolb? i cvan't see a new coach betting the farm on this guy. I suspect he's coming in to hold the franchise in light of a Gino Smith signing and give the Bills some breathing room in case Smith needs time. If Kolb were going to be something special he would have shown it by now.
  11. After Jauron left and for the first year or two of Gailey we were often rfecognized as on the verge of a breakthrough...a darkhorse to do something in the playoffs. We have grossly deteriorated since those days to the point where we actually pick number 8 but are recognized as one of the five weakest rosters. How the mediocre have fallen...
  12. Let's consider this...A Robert Griffin III or Andrew Luck quality player who is openly gay is in this year's draft and because of his coming up actually makes it to round 8. I'm talking flaming, lisping, listening to Broadway show tunes gay...but he throws like Dan Marino, runs around like Michael Vick, and has the football mind of Jim Kelly, Johnny Unitas and Peyton Manning rolled up in one....do you draft him? Draft Him?....I'd friggin draft him, adopt him and serve as a ringbearer at his wedding!!
  13. Does anyone think there are NO gay players in the NFL? Hey its not like this is still much of an issue.
  14. Well, it should be noted that the first player ever drafted by the Buffalo Bills, qb Richie Lucas from Penn State set the tone for busts. He failed at three or four positions.
  15. Given our present situation (passed on Alex Smith and cut Ryan Fitz.) I think we have to draft a quality qb in round 1 or round 2. There are the four quality qb's mentioned, and it is probable that Manuel and/or Smith will be there at 8. If we wait until the 4r1st pick, it is possible that NONE of the four will be available. I think we have gone out on a limb at this point and have no choice but to go for the best qb available in round 1.
  16. Wildcard playoff game? What is that? How could Fitz be an improvement over a qb who actually got his team to the playoffs?
  17. 1. Everything is fine with the Bills just the way it is. 2, most of the valuable free agents were people we actually let go and got snapped up early. 3. We are saving money to buy back Fitz. 4. We are busy studying the possible undrafted free agent market after our lackluster draft 5. WE are like a duck...under the water we are swimming hard- furiosly trying to attract free agents, but we can't get them drunk enough to consider us
  18. The best player available at 8 might be a receiver...even better a receiver from Tennessee. I'd rather have us go with a stud offensive lineman or linebacker given the quality of talent available...but I could live with a top receiver.
  19. I'm not sure Gino is worth an 8 pick straight up. Trading up to get him is insane.
  20. It isn't what the bills do..its what they don't do. They should have known that Fitz wasn't in their plan and that there was no viable backup. That being the case they should clearly have been more aggressive with the possibilty of Alex Smith. The have a ton of weak spots to fill prior to opening day and could address two or three of them in the draft, but free agency is also the place to make moves. The Lawson move is one good move, but we seem to be a little (a lot) slow on the uptake here. At the moment we have no quarterback, a disastrously weakened offensive line, a suspect run and pass defense and no cavalry in sight. I'm not panicing, but I'm less than impressed with the lack of a sense of urgency on the part of the Bills.
  21. Exactly...and so far I'm not hearing anything that warrants him going at 8. There will be a bundle of qb's some of which are as good a bet as Gino that will be available in round 2.
  22. tough to beat the Dan Darragh, Gary Marangi years of the late sixties. After we traded LaMonica Kemp got hurt and we went into a slump and never came up for air until OJ Simpson was drafted. I think that was the worst. Don't give up hope though..if we keep this up we will put together the worst situation we ever had.
  23. That's terrific. God knows we need help in the linebacking corps. This could be a good solid improvement if he works out.
  24. wow...a Jesuit...now that's a scary thought.. Actually he sounds like a pretty good guy with some humility. 76 seems a little long in the tooth, but hey we didn't expect a youth movement this time around. Francis is a good saint to name a pope after. I'm optimistic...except for the Jesuit thing..
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