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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think we should go for a second string punter. If Moorman gets hurt we might really need him or her. Come to think of it if we draft davis the Number 8 can sit on the bench with all those other tight ends that we've drafted and wonder why everyone is running through our porous defensive line.
  2. hey...get used to it. There'll be lots of sleep about fourteen years from now while you're waiting on the porch with your shotgun for they boyfriend to bring her home after curfew.
  3. Saw it this weekend. I know some lobbyists and I'd love to get their reaction to it. It takes on the liberal senators and do-gooders as well. The show is really hysterical.
  4. Whoaaa...number two and number 37. Don't see police officer on there anywhere but that would compete with my two jobs that made the list.
  5. Only if Vince Young is the question!
  6. There is the possibility of one of the conventional top seven falling to us at eight. Cutler, Young, Williams, Davis and now conceivably (only conceivably) Ferguson. I guess that is why all of our speculation has to be tempered by the realization that there may a big surprise on the table when we get to our pick. From an point of being interesting 8 is a very good place to be picking. Think of how dull it would be to be picking number 1!!! We would be stuck talking about who are starting quarterback would be.
  7. Outside the Common Cents store? Kid should have gone in and bought a quart of Common Sense.
  8. Best Athlete available? okay..let's draft Rusty Wallace or Tiger Woods.
  9. I agree. Let's concentrate on more interesting things. HEY...let's do a poll on who will be our starting quarterback or who we should draft at number 8!!!
  10. Walter Waldarczyk, third team RT, Northwestern Carolina State University. Fat, lazy, autistic, bi-polar with slow motor and picks his nose. Wears ladies underwear and flirts with other players in the locker room. If we draft him at number 8 I'll be pissed.
  11. Neck looks a little long to me. Actually cut the kid a break. Having a baby and mommying can be a pretty difficult thing for anyone. Give her a month or two in the gym and dancing and she'll be fine. Another possibility is that some on the board are going to have to find new twelve year old girls! T
  12. Hmmmm...now WHERE can he hide that gerbil so the landlord can't find it? Any suggestions?
  13. Ngata first, Bunkley second, Justice third, Huff fourth, Davis fifth, trade down sixth, Hawk. DEFENSIVE TACKLE must be filled with the best defensive tackle available in the draft. I would make an exception for Reggie Bush, Ferguson and possibly Williams, but no one else in the draft is worth bypassing the opportunity to fill the hole we have in the middle of the defensive line.
  14. I could curl your hair with Aerosvit and Aeroflot stories. Local flights the stews looked like Nikita Khrushev in drag. International flights they all look like Anna Kournikova!
  15. I had dinner last night with a guy who just returned from a Fulbright to Mongolia and his wife who was stationed at the embassy there. Sounds like a very interesting place. I'm going to be around Mongolia in September so I hope I get a chance to visit.
  16. Hell..At the beginning of this process Jason Allen was my "stealth" pick in the third round because of his injury. Last week or two it looked like we would have to spend a second round pick on him. Now the son of a gun has worked his way into the first round. So much for sneaking one in.
  17. Sounds like Buffalo has enough basic problems with employment and finance and restructuring. The Mayor is simply pointing out that the (GASP!!) the Buffalo Bills aren't all that big a problem in the greater scope of things. Sounds like a sharp guy to me. I love the Bills...but it isn't a charity. If they can't pull in the revenue in Buffalo they will move somewhere else. All the whining in the world won't change that.
  18. My money is on the cold redhead who was project manager last night from Synergy. She is controlling and doesn't make mistakes. Interesting in that one team is so much stronger than the other.
  19. wow...I wouldn't pencil in anyone other than Evans as a starter. Let them fight it out and earn the job.
  20. We are very weak in a number of places. We are desperately weak in one...defensive tackle. Trade down if necessary but we need a defensive tackle who can start and that means Ngata or Bunkley. After that you are really rolling the dice. I don't see much choice at 8 or at our first trade down pick.
  21. I can't think of anything positive coming from a Bills move.
  22. so far the dumbest move in Bills history was drafting Walt Patulski (a defensive lineman of all things out of Notre Dame.) as the number one pick of the entire draft. He was a bust. That pick rivals ALL picks by ALL teams in ALL drafts as the dumbest...so far.
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