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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Samuel L. Jackson's Bible lecture before blowing the guy away in Pulp Fiction. Frances McDormand in Fargo "Bet that's your friend you got in that wood chipper." Dirty Harry..."You feeling lucky, punk" used twice in the same flick.
  2. Hey..I was waiting for you and BIB there in February with a couple of gorgeous blondes to boot. Come to think of it...the gorgeous blondes were probably better company than you guys, and they probably ate less!
  3. I'm just hoping against all reason that he lasts until 8.
  4. Try running a complex law office without an administrative assistant who knows what she is doing, and I'll gaurantee failure. Real estate practice, civil litigation practice, immigration practice you can't survive without first rate administrators. I sent a dozen roses and a gift card for dinner for her and her husband at the best restaurant in town. How do you think I manage to survive and spend so much time on TBD?
  5. Good rule of thumb. When you have a choice between a top tier guy and a second tier guy...you should probably go with the top tier guy. Especially if it fills a position of critical need. Like ....say....Defensive Tackle?
  6. Why would a guy from North Carolina be interested in a memorial in another state altogether. Geez.. how many hundreds of millions for their pointless and counterproductive war in Iraq versus 10 million to honor people who actually did something to attempt to stop terrorists?
  7. 10 to 15 would insure a very high quality pick and if we could get a second (or possibly even a third) I'd go for it. Ngata/Bunkley/ Justice or some very good players should be available here. After 15 its a kind of crap shoot.
  8. McCargo, Mangold Winston or Colledge would be great second round choices, but I think you are right that they may not be around for us in the second. I like Jason Allen of Tennessee (no surprise!) but I think he has moved up. Seriously I think McCargo is getting a lot of late notice and might show up in the late first. He's the "sleeper" but I think he is kind of skyrocketing this week.
  9. McCargo, Wroten, Colledge (second tier DT's should be targeted late first (Dallas comes to mind) and early second. Second tier is not what we should be looking at and a Bunkley/Ngata at 8 and a Wroten, Colledge or McCargo (whoever is left) in the second would not be a bad selection, although I would probably be more inclined to find a first rate offensive lineman in the second.
  10. 14-20? That sounds like a big trade down. I'd have to wonder who would be the best players available there. I suspect Winston Justice MIGHT be there as MIGHT Bunkley or maybe Ngata but all three are really iffy. I was seeing us trade down to somewhere between 10 and 15. Boy that would be a risky trade down.
  11. McCargo is a late first round pick. Very little chance of him or Wroten being there in the second. And there is a difference between him and Ngata/Bunkley. mcCargo
  12. News flash...rounds one through eight are not fungible. Ngata/Bunkley is not Jesse Mahelona. You can get a DT at round two or even at reound 7...hell you can get one in free agency...or as is suggested you can miracle coach our existing DT's. But I think you better get the best one you can...and that's the one that is available at 8.
  13. Oh..and which of our defensive tackles are going to get better with better coaching? I hope we draft Huff...it will sure give me something to post about every monday next season.
  14. Hell chef, I thought you considered Brian Boitano good looking!
  15. Now THAT would be one hell of a #8 pick. Not insignificantly a quality pick at a position of pressing need. Better than Huff or Davis for us by a long shot.
  16. Yeah...the defensive line will probably get better all by itself. I still think we ought to draft a back-up punter.
  17. Isn't Katie Couric going to be an anchor soon?
  18. The conventional wisdom is that you beat the cover 2 by running right at it. The question for the Bills is what is the center of their defensive line going to look like? I suspect it will have to be big enough and dedicated to stopping the run. The conventional wisdom in Cover 2 is that the safeties and linebackers will back up a defensive line running one gap. Once that happens the defense becomes very susceptible to cetain passing routes. I'm from the "every ship on its own bottom" rule. Defensive tackles stop the run first and help the defensive ends sack the qb second.
  19. Are we talking "small" versus "big" or cover 2? The lines you describe sound pretty darn big to me.
  20. When my brother did the Jayson Williams trial she was all over him for supposedly not knowing what he was doing. Much to her chagrin the jury acquitted the guy based on my brother's cross of the prosecution "expert" witness and Henry Lee the forensics guy. He was amused at her scorn and pointed out that the only people he wanted to impress were the folks on the jury. Barry Schect had the same problem in the OJ trial. Everyone but the jury hated him.
  21. Clean it OFF my computer? I was thinking of making my porn a special bequest!
  22. Sure go ahead. Save a couple of hundred bucks. What's the worse that can happen? Screw up your legacy, tax issues, living will, health care proxy, power of attorneyissues, possible custody education planning issues. What could go wrong?
  23. Vince Young is definitely the way to go in this draft. I am so looking forward to seeing him laying on his back looking at the sky wondering how the other team could get into the pocket so fast and knock him on his ass so hard...He'll be saying "Gee..it doesn't make sense. The other team is scoring at will on our high motor high character two hundred and sixty pound defensive tackles!"
  24. This year? I'd say seven and I'd be happy with ML and DJ. That's a minimum. I'd expect them to make the playoffs next year.
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