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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Todd, there may be disagreement on her objectivist philosophy...but there is pretty much consensus that we are not talking great literature here!
  2. Careful with the law firm expenses. Overhead can eat you up, and believe me the brokerage firms will expect an office and to be taken to lunch. The competition is pretty good. Are you in the brokerage business now or do you associate with attorneys in that business? What makes you the person they want to hire versus the company down the street with a record of litigation and name clients? I think the idea of your own firm is good, but remember that you will commit to a full time marketing, full time office management and full time law practice from the get go. That being said, some of my best and most successful lawyer friends did it from scratch in essentially the way you describe. Good luck!
  3. Longer, more mechanical and just about as tedious.
  4. someone sent me this...kind of interesting This is one of the many tricks to speed reading. > They teach you to look at the frsit & lsat letetr of a word > and your brain will fill in the rest. Pretty cool. > > If you can read this, you have a strange mind too > Can you raed tihs? Olny 98 plepoe can so far in this chain. > > i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The > phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a > rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the > ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat > ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you > can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos > not > raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh > and > I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs > forwrad it. > >
  5. I'm not sure that its safe to say they will, but that should be the strategy. That being said there is always that surprise safety available in the second or the tight end who surprisingly gets to the third. I understand that there might be some deviation, but I really think this is all about the trenches this weekend.
  6. He's not a character guy...always Tutan his own horn!!
  7. Charlize Theron for Dagney, The guy who played the lobbyist in Thank you for Smoking for John Galt. Allan Greenspan was a disciple of Ayn Rand. Wierd wierd lady.
  8. I think Ngata is the better choice at 8. Bunckley may be there if we trade down no further than 15 and is worth taking after Ngata. I'd think we did not make the best choice if we took Bunckley over Ngata, but not as bad as not taking any defensive lineman with our first pick. On the other hand, if we are willing to write off next season (foolish in my opinion) we might go for the best player available (Young, Lienart, M Huff or Hawk)
  9. Seriously I believe you build a great team from the line of scrimmage back on both sides of the ball. I see us doing that this year insofar as possible. I hope we get one of the two premier defensive tackles, an offensive lineman or two in the second, and perhaps one of the depth defensive tackles later on. Anything else we get will be gravy. We get the lines squared away we will be a mediocre to good team this year (huge assumption...one of the QB's steps up) Next year we can get us a qb if needed, and work on WR, TE, Linebackers, and DB.
  10. pretty strong argument for Ngata or Bunckley.
  11. Usually it takes one woman, a little boy, a jar of mayonnaise and a duck?
  12. I've always found those companies very hard to deal with but with appropriate investment of capital I always could count on a very strong finish.
  13. Linebacker is a real possibility in round three if we get the defensive lineman and offensive lineman and maybe a db in rounds one and two.
  14. It is a likely scenario that the likely scenario won't play out. Therefore there will probably be a surprise available for us at 8. If Ferguson (or MAYBE Davis or Williams) we should take the surprise. Anyone else (and Maybe even if Davis or Williams) we should be able to make a very valuable trade down. Interesting day on Saturday.
  15. 15 would be great Bunkley might still be available and certainly there will be a number of first rate offensive linemen available. If we could get a second rounder for the trade I'd jump at it. I might even be tempted with a third rounder for a trade that high.
  16. Greatest Western ever made..Magnificent Seven (actually the first American samurai film...a remake of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai) Village Boy 1: If you get killed, we take the rifle and avenge you. Village Boy 2: And we see to it there's always fresh flowers on your grave. O'Reilly: That's a mighty big comfort. Village Boy 2: I told you he'll appreciate that! O'Reilly: Well, now don't you kids be too disappointed if your plans don't work out. Village Boy 1: We won't. If you stay alive, we'll be just as happy. Village Boy 2: Maybe even happier. Village Boy 1: Maybe.
  17. Wow..Winston Justice as overrated and Marcus McNeil of Auburn underrated? Interesting. I agree with him that Brodie Croyle is very underrated, at least in the media's mind.
  18. I don't think its a good idea even in the late rounds. One ...there should be lots of talent in this draft in the late rounds for positions of critical need. Two...I don't think there are any qb's after the top three that would compete for a starting job and they would take very important time away from the three guys we have who are (at best) huge question marks. I think picking any quarterback this year would be counterproductive. Next year will be another story.
  19. Last I heard he had turned it down but there is negotiating going on.
  20. Write me off if you will...but I'll still buy you groupers next time I'm in clearwater! You'll have to come up with the blondes this time.
  21. Interesting choice. Should be able to get a GREAT deal on a trade down. On the other hand our existing quarterback clique hasn't inspired all that confidence. I think I'd probably take a deep breath, trade down, and hope to fill four or five major holes in the team with the picks. DT, OT, G, TE, S, and CB could all use lots of help.
  22. Nah..nice pay scale, great benefits (state) and she gets to work with a very nice and pleasant boss.
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