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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Be careful if you do. I tried one and it got caught in my throat. I had a stiff neck for a week.
  2. He started out at the University of Tennessee. He was a character problem from day one.
  3. Wait til the show when he tries to sell the knife he used to practically cut his wife head off and to kill Goldman...and next season when he tries to find a person who "fits" the famous "if the gloves don't fit you must acquit" gloves.
  4. Geez...when I do...I'll probably have myself committed. God-forsaken place. Actually I didn't think you all hugged your sisters from behind. I always heard you hugged your brothers from behind!
  5. Ottawa is pretty darn good, but I think we'll put them away. Might be a long series though.
  6. I'm still hoping to eat my words when WM makes all pro. What I'm saying right now is that he is not better than the guy he replaced and I can' think of a lot better ways we could have used that draft choice. He isn't as bad a pick as Mike Williams because he wasn't the 4th overall. However from a performance point of view he isn't much better than Mike Williams.
  7. Actually the interesting thing about this debate for me is we gave up a first round pick to get a guy who is not much better than the halfback we already had playing. Willis has a lot to show us in the near future to make that a worthwhile decision. I sincerely hope he does.
  8. SECOND VERSE: I'm not surprised that you don't follow hockey Cuz its in California that you be. And folks in California are all pussies, So Hockey's something you don't want to see!
  9. A back who was really first rate and was a man who really contributed to our AFL championship seasons was Wray Carlton. I think you'd have had to see him play but he was definitely in the top ten of our running backs.
  10. I'd be happy with four yards a carry, or 3.8 as he had with Tennessee. The guy had a four week suspension (like Bruce Smith and others). I'm not looking for a guy to date my sister...I think we'd be better off looking for a half back who can run the frigging ball. Henry did it better. Jury's still out on the other guy.
  11. I've always believed we made a mistake getting rid of Henry. His numbers would have been much more impressive (as would our won-loss record) if only that Moron Gregg Williams would have run him more. While I believe we made a mistake getting rid of Henry, I think McGahee is in the Losman category...yet to prove he's any good.
  12. and then give the friggin ball to him again!!!!
  13. After a lot of time for reflection I have to say it was a pretty darn good draft. That given the fact that our first pick was not a lineman, but a "stretch" safety. The guy sounds like just what we need at the safety position and I think time will probably show he will be a very strong asset. The rest of the draft looks darn good. I say a B plus with a potential A after a grade appeal after the upcoming season!
  14. oh yeah? in our school you drank your own urine or salt water, and then went crazy and died a horrible death, so take your diet pepsi and f-yourself with it!
  15. Yeah..but the Bucs are still displeased with him. Anyone know where he actually signed?
  16. Hell..I've been making fun of that cretin since he got into office. Why shouldn't he join in?
  17. We shoulda drafted Tom Brady. We shoulda drafted Ben R. We shoulda drafted Willie Parker... There's always been and always will be a lot of shoulda's...
  18. Nothing wrong with Clements and we ain't got anyone who can play his position. Sign him and play him.
  19. The bunkers are nice but sand trap is dry and scratchy...I think he would be better off playing in the rough.
  20. The Bills did address defensive line needs, and I'm not sure there were all that many great offensive linemen available. I think they decided to fix the defensive side of the ball and are playing patchwork for this year with the offense. You only have so many picks and I appreciate the strategy. Me..I'd have gone all big linemen on both sides of the trenches, but I see the logic in what was done and I'll be supporting it.
  21. Geez, I'll never forget that miracle pass reception from Bradshaw. How he did all that and ruled Spain all those years boggles the mind.
  22. Solenoid? Those things hurt like hell. Try some preparation H and sit in a warm bath.
  23. friggin morons. In this day and age the company should know better. Well..at least they can serve as a bad example.
  24. 1. ML and DJ apparently are not very good poker players. That they didn't get better for Moulds made me wary. They telegraphed their intent not to play him, and ended up giving him away. 2. The first round draft choice may be very good. I just don't know. I do know tih Leinart and Cutler and Bunkley and Ngata available they should have been able to trade down. Even if they lost the guy there were some outstanding safety prospects on the board. That they managed to take a number 8 choice and turn it into at least a number 16 to 20 choice is telling. 3. I predicted McCargo to go late in the first round...most predicted him into the second. I think he's terrific, but I don't know that I would have traded to go up for him. He's in the second tier of defensive tackles and there were others if we didn't get him who have just as much promise. 4. All in all its DJ and ML's pick. I suspect they got the guys they wanted for the game they want to play. I think they could have gotten more by better negotiation, but I have a hunch they know what's what and we'll be pleasantly surprised in the fall.
  25. How on earth do you compare Ngata to Hansen? Hansen was a different type player at a different position. Ngata is more comparable to Adams, Washington or Williams, whom he will probably be better than. He has as much potential as anyone else after the magic four..Bush, Lienart, Williams and Ferguson. No one else is really a contender. So we have six or seven good players (not jim kellys...hell...not even Reggie Bushes, Super Marios or Matt Leinarts) and one of them fills a critical need. Go for the one who fills the need. Ngata (or..some argue..Bunkley.)
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