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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I'd really be concerned about the ranking of our pass catchers if I had confidence in our pass throwers, and our hit-the defensive-linemen-before-they-knock-our pass-thrower-on-his-assers. We could have Andre Reed, Jerry Rice and Jason Witten out there, but if we can't get the ball to them it wouldn't make a dam bit of difference.
  2. An exception is made for sex with persons up to five years older or younger? If a fourteen year old wants to have sex with a nine year old, it is okay?
  3. Buffalo? Laughlin's Mulligan's on Elmwood Mr. Goodbar Dante's Inferno Southside Bar on Seneca (circa 1966...can't vouch for any of them these days.) Other places? Kevin Barry's Savannah Red Headed Piano Bar, Chicago Walter Payton's America Bar, Chicago Rosie O'Grady's New York Kim Kelly's (Tu Do Street, Saigon) O'Brians Pub, Kiev, Ukraine The Duke Pub, Dublin, Ireland. The most interesting one's were in Nakom Phanom Thailand, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and other places where the times were so good I've blocked out the name of the joints.
  4. One other thought. It is clear (or at least pretty clear) that the ML/DJ defense scheme (at least) is being shaped very differently than anything the Bills used under TD's reign. It is clear that neither the GW/TD strategy nor the MM/TD strategies were in any way effective. In three years the play will almost certainly be ML/DJ play. There is more to the GM than finding talent, there is also building a coaching staff and insuring that the talent is best utilized. The failure to build a "Drew Bledsoe" offense when you have Drew Bledsoe and the failure to use an effective running game with both Henry and McGahee are TD legacies as much as GW and MM. This draft is a great example. Argue about talent all you want, ML/DJ made it very clear where they are going and what they want (on defense at least) by their draft. Different than what I and most were arguing for, and the first pick was a shocker for many...but they know where they are going and are drafting talent consistent with their plans. If it is successful (and I for one would consider winning a superbowl in three years very acceptable indeed) I'd have to give almost all (if not all) the credit to ML/DJ. Wait and see.
  5. Loved Hull and think he is probably the best center the Bills ever had. He gets credit for a lot of the success of the Bills and ranks with Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith in the credit area. However Kelly was a great quarterback at Miami, as a Houston Gambler and probably would have been great even without Hull.
  6. 3years? that's three full drafts for the ML/DJ combination plus whatever trades they make. I think if we win the superbowl with pro bowl playing of Losman, McGahee and Spikes (Fletcher and other TD acquisitions will be gone by then) I'd give TD a little bit of credit. More likely we would win it with the ML/DJ team. Its nice to think about who we would give credit to for winning the superbowl rather than who to blame for a 4 win season.
  7. At this stage of the game I suspect I'd be looking for a good gaurd or tackle. The offensive line is the biggest need area left. ML and DJ have addressed a number of weak areas on defense but I still believe you gotta have some top flight trench guys to do anything. Furthermore I suspect that there will be some second level or veteran (older) first level players on the block even at this game. I wouldn't look for a blockbuster trade at this point but I think really thorough analysis and evaluation might come up with a player or two to improve the offensive line.
  8. The Broadway and Standard channel might be worth a look LA...I am very happy with Sirius.
  9. The AFC East is not the best division for running backs, that's for sure. Brown, Dillon, Martin and McGahee are about equal at this stage (Dillon and Martin of course were much better at the high points of their career and Brown may prove better than McGahee this year.) It is a stretch to call McGahee the best of the four backs, but he isn's much better or worse than any of them based only on last years showing. He is like Losman as far as I'm concerned...still has to prove himself. And, like Losman, I'm hoping he does it this year. I'll be the first one to cheer if at the end of the season we can unanimously agree he is best running back in the AFC, at least.
  10. Geez...give the poor Antichrist a break! He isn't all that bad!
  11. It was a pretty good draft, particularly in that ML and DJ did what they wanted to do, Strengthen the defense. I think they left the offense out on a limb, but then again, it was going to be out on a limb no matter what. Barring a quantum leap from the offensive line, Willis and Losman(or whoever the qb will be) it will be another year before we are really competitive.
  12. He has to become a starter. I can't see us paying the money we are paying to him to have him holding a clipboard. To become "our guy?" I'd say get into the playoffs or at least produce a .500 season.
  13. Its time to put on the big boy pants and take care of business. The Sabres will have to show what they are made of tonite. Go Sabres...and remember it is ONE GAME at time.
  14. I think we could have done better with Bledsoe if we created a Bledsoe oriented offense. That meant 1 getting a great tight end (Witten would have been available and nice, and 2 getting a good pass-blocking offensive line. We never had that and DB didn't get to play his game. He really doesn't seem to fit in the Bills scheme at all, even now. I wish him well in Dallas, but I don't think he is (or was) at the top of his game in Buffalo and his physical skills are diminishing. The decision to let him go was a pretty good one, and the assumption was that JP was ready and we'd acquire a good back-up just in case. Didn't work out the way it was planned, but it made sense at the time.
  15. I agree. I saw the Flight 93 movie and was very impressed once again by the efforts of the passengers. I think we need to be reminded of the day and the heroes (especially the police and firefighters). The only guy I know of to improperly characterize and use the day for wrong purposes is someone who got us into a war with Iraq pretending Iraq had anything to do with it.
  16. One might go for one of the veteran quarterbacks that will get the axe (McNair comes to mind) but I think it would be wise to go with the three we have. The reason for this is that another Bledsoe type move would just delay our finding the quarterback who is going to lead the team for a few years. I suspect DJ and ML are going to go with the three (now four, with Wade) quarterbacks to pick a starter and bringing in an older high priced veteran might help the team this season, but it would just put off our finding a long term solution to the qb problem.
  17. I hold it true, Whate'r befall I feel it when I sorrow most Better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all Tennyson God bless, Paul.
  18. 1) A likely disasterous 3-way QB rotation that will be unsettled all year. No way. I would predict that we have a starting QB by the first game of the season and that DJ and ML will stick with him. Both of these guys have been around long enough to know that a quarterback rotation (or a quarterback squabble) is something to be avoided. I suspect Nalls has the lead right now followed by Kelly and then Holcomb. That being said I see Holcomb as the number two and us cutting either Losman or Nalls. 2) A miserable O-line that wasn't really addressed this offseason. I wouldn't use the term miserable. It is a very weak offensive line. DJ and ML will have to react to that in the season, and I'm hoping their offensive scheme takes that into account. Lots of two tight end situations. 3) An unmotivated and likely disenchanted Willis McGahee Its all about the Benjamins here. McGahee is going to renegotiate and/or play somewhere else. His value is not very high right now and he has something to prove. 3) The loss of Eric Moulds leaving the team with no proven #1 WR and a true lack of size at the position Given. Thats another reason the two tight end set might be a major part of our game. 4) A retread, losing head coach that features offenses that make Mike Ditka's offenses of yesteryear look innovative. OK. I said pretty much the same thing when we hired him. I think working with ML they will be ready to work with what they have. This is where we could go wrong more than any other reason, but I'm betting on them to step up. I don't see DJ getting into any power play drama with players. 5) A draft that consisted of very little immediate help, with two huge blunders in the first round. I predict that both the first AND second round picks will provide immediate help. How he figured we were going to man the safety position without a free agent or top defensive back is beyond me. The guy MIGHT have been a stretch, but he certainly is going to help us in the coming season. Defensive line is a very weak area and Defensive Tackle the weakest of the weak areas. I predicted that the defensive line will be as good as or better than last year's defensive line. 6) A schedule that looks tough on paper and could lead to a history making 0-16 season. He said the Bills likely will NOT be favored in any game this year! All of Salisbury's points are legit, and I would probably come up with an assessment a little better than he makes out. I think we will win between 6 and 0 games this year.
  19. I'll just wait and see how good the Bills are. I'm getting a little less pessimistic about Jauron and think he and Levy have a sound plan for improving the team. The draft seems to be consitent with their plan (Defense First). I think the plan should have been to revamp both lines and build from the trenches out. We will certainly win more than 6 games next year.
  20. Wh9oops..he has "some" NHL experience. Probably stopped for a cup of coffee in Philadelphia.
  21. I wouldn't be awfully worried what some minor league player who probably will never play for an NHL team thinks of Buffalo. Western New York is a pretty darn good place.
  22. Give that man a cigar! Willis and Jp can eat snickers and drink pepsi all summer for all I care, as long as they finally start producing in September.
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