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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Nothing like a buffet line on a cruise for food poisoning or getting the revenge. People handling the food, food not staying at the right temperature, food left out to long. You want to get sick...go to the buffet.
  2. Sounds like a good time for a career change, John. You aren't going to fix the professor, and it doesn't sound like things are going to get better there. You're still pretty darn young and there are whole worlds to conquer. Go for it!
  3. Loser mentality. Blame someone (anyone) else for the teams failings. Kind of like the offensive line coach saying JP looked lost at the line of scrimmage. (Hey coach...give the poor guy a line of scrimmage to be lost in before you begin bellyaching, whining and blaming.)
  4. More than 25 years ago, but I do believe Wray Carlton, who paired with Cookie Gilchrist and then had an outstanding running career on his own in the glory years was very underrated. Great blocker (as was Gilchrist) overshadowed by one of football's real characters.
  5. They soured on losing, okay...but Losman didn't have all that much to do with it. The offense line coach saying that Losman appeared lost at the line of scrimmage (I use the term line of scrimmage loosely as the line didn't do much scrimmaging.) leads me to wonder about where we are going with a guy like that on staff. Bad game day coaching, no offense line, pedestrian running game, and a defense that was mediocre at best is what it was all about. Time to see what Losman can do. I don't think Losman was ever as bad as the old coaching staff made out...and I don't think McGahee was ever as good. Let's see what happens now.
  6. I'd expect him to keep his mouth shut, take responsibility for his own failings and improve the offensive line through coaching, good recruiting and advocacy in the draft. But...maybe I'm wrong and whining and bellyaching and blaming the qb is the best way to go.
  7. Exactly. And for McNally to throw the quarterback under the bus says a lot about the guy.
  8. I agree that we will be bottom ten. I have some crazy dream of us being 8-8 (conceivable.) If (and I mean if...I'm hoping this will not be the case) JP turns into a bust, I can see us being in the bottom two or three, maybe bad enough for the first pick. If JP is a bust, then the Quinn pick looks pretty good as of this moment.
  9. Given the Line of Scrimmage we had to play with last year, I think Joe Montana, Jim Kelly or Dan Marino would have been lost at the line of scrimmage. THE TRENCHES. We haven't addressed the O'line yet, so I think this will be another rebuilding year, but I think McNally would be on an extremely short leash this year.
  10. I was at South Park. We played against Riverside. Ehrman was a monster. In Basketball we had to play Bennet H.S. with Bob Lanier.
  11. I believe Shane Conlan was injured in our first SuperBowl. His strength was a run stopper and I am sure he would have stopped those god-awful time killing drives of the Giants and if he had played we would have had our offense on the field for more than 19 minutes, the Giants would have been forced to change their game plan and we would have won. That being said... I like Frank Lewis, Travis Henry and pretty much all of the players mentioned. I probably would also mention a few linebacker/linemen who were special teams studs over the years as well, such as Mark Pike. This is too interesting a topic as the Bills success over the years was as much the contributions of the under-rated players as it was the efforts of the obvious hall of fame candidates.
  12. I'll go with the "I'll tell you in 20 weeks" concept. If he's good or great, Marv looks like a genius. If he isn't, Marv doesn't look all that good. Pressed for a prediction, I'd say Marv has a pretty good nose for talent. Remember he was the one who brought Tasker here, and the drafts that got us to the Superbowl were put together in part by ML (although many will give Polian most of the credit.)
  13. I think the job is Losman's to lose. He is too highly paid to have sitting around and if he doesn't start showing some real improvement real soon, he's outta here. They have to give him a minimum of six or seven regular season games in a row (maybe more) and if they don't start getting payback he's out and Nall is in. Kelly may or not be the "best" quarterback, but I don't see us turning to him until we are sure that neither Losman nor Nall is the answer. Now if Nall has an extremely good preseason and Losman falters, the Bills might go with Nall for the six or seven game regular season bid, but that's a bit of a long shot. Needless to say this plan does not bode for a great season this year ...but it is what they are going to have to do to rebuild.
  14. What's it mean when a woman is standing over the bed and you're lying there out of breath and sweating profusely and saying her name over and over? She hadn't held the pillow over your face long enough!
  15. Absolutely! And probably Moorman and a few others. I think Willis may be the most overrated Buffalo Bill in the last decade.
  16. Go for the wine tasting. You might want to make dinner reservations at some of the wineries, as they have the best dinners in town. Queens landing used to have a great buffet. I'm assuming you aren't a Shaw fan, or I'd recommend the theater if at all available, but I imagine all is sold out by now. The Oban Inn for dinner is also a pretty darn good bet. Great city.
  17. Wow...I think I'm being a little optimistic when I even hope for 8-8. However, if I had my druthers, I'd sure like your scenario!
  18. I am pretty comfortable with ML as GM. I was not at all impressed with DJ as a coach, but I'd like to see what he is bringing to the table. His "cover 2" idea is not my idea of the way to go, and I'm hoping we don't see teams running into the middle of our defensive line, collapsing the secondary and then burning us long every game (the traditional way to beat cover two). On the other hand they drafted with that in mind, and I for one am going to wait and see (and hope) that they can make it work. Like BadOl, I think Art Shell would have been the better choice, but I'm more optimistic with DJ than I was with either of our last two coaches, both of whom had considerable talent and couldn't do much with it. Let's see what ML and DJ can do starting pretty much from ground zero.
  19. I'm in...we have a trial starting soon and I'm leaving for Tajikstan, Krygystan and Kazakhstan on Friday for two weeks. I get a lot done without everyone calling in and dropping by.
  20. Wow. Talk about low expectations. I think we might have the worst offense in the NFL, but very good special teams and the possibility that ML/DJ's defensive plans might pan out earlier than expected should move us up a bit. The possible emergence of one of the qb's is a wild card that might get us up to an 8 win season.
  21. Types of players are pretty obvious. DEFENSIVE PLAYERS. Light and fast. Cover 2. I wasn't a fan of the idea, but they drafted consistent with a cover 2 strategy and left the offense hanging. No halfway measures here. If you remember I pushed hard for Ngata and think the cover 2 requires personnel that we didn't have. The Defensive tackle choices are constent (emphasis on speed over size) and the Safety position is critical. I am impressed that they have a plan and are moving consistent with it. Its the opposite of trading for Drew Bledsoe and not drafting a NUMBER of high quality offensive linemen and a tight end like Jason Witten (or better yet...Jason Witten). Things will be different on the defensive side of the ball. Better? I don't know, but I wouldn't sell them out yet. Offensive side doesn't look very good this year. Bad receivers, bad linemen, questionable quarterbacks and the questionable McGahee (without a high quality backup.) However, there may be some quality players here who can make a difference. I feel bad that we are "aspiring" to a .500 season, but I for one think the defense might actually be good this year and that the offense might not be as bad as the critics are making out. Couple that with continued success on special teams and who knows what might happen?
  22. One good things about the low expectations coming from all corners as to the Bills these days (from 25th to 30th in almost all categories) may be that we are grossly underestimated. Now I don't think we are playoff caliber, but I do think ML and DJ have a plan and seem committed to carrying it out based on the draft and the types of players they have signed in free agency. I suspect with one major break, the development of a quality quarterback ( I know...huge expectation) we might be the surprise team of the season. It would be nice to have the last laugh at ESPN, the Sirius guys, and SI. Anything over .500 would put them to real shame!
  23. While we are obviously not enamored of the world cup, I've been getting emails and photos of celebrations in Ukraine where their success (at least until this afternoon!) has united the country. I was in Istanbul sitting with a large group of Turks in a shop last June when Ukraine eliminated Turkey from the competition, and it was a little uncomfortable in that my daughter and I were the only people rooting for Ukraine. (Kind of being in Miami and rooting for the Bills, I guess). I'll be pulling for Ukraine to beat Italy for another long shot victory this afternoon. world cup..ukraine vs. Italy
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